Ye Feng has now returned to the Department, Fei Wuliang see Ye Feng back, immediately called him to the office.

After waiting for Ye Feng to enter the office, Fei Wuliang asked Ye Feng, "how about it? Have you met me? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I've seen him, and I've asked him to talk a little!"

Fei Wuliang sighed, "can you see his face?" This means that Ye Feng should not have seen wushi'an.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I couldn't see him. I didn't let him in at the door, but he just came out and was hit by me!"

Fei Wuliang nodded and then asked Ye Feng, "he didn't say anything, did he?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "he doesn't recognize the shadow, but it doesn't matter whether he admits it or not. The important thing is to take my words with him."

Fei Wuliang thought about it for a long time.

Ye Feng asked Fei Wuliang, "how? Do you think there's a problem? "

Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "I'm afraid things are not so simple!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "he's just a puppet. Let him take a message. What's the difficulty?"

Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "if he's willing to give you a word, it's good. What I'm worried about is that after he says a word, the real opposition leader will make some moves! Maybe your confidant has nothing to do, but you should have gone to wushian, but it's not good for your friends! "

Ye Feng cold voice a way, "forgive them also don't have this courage!"

Fei Wuliang sneered, "if you think this, you will look down on the opposition!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at Fei Wuliang, "what do you mean?"

Fei Wuliang then sighed, "that's why I asked you not to go. You don't know the opposition very well!"

Ye Feng continued to frown, "isn't it equivalent to the opposition party's role in supervising the existing regime? Need to know more? "

Fei Wuliang then looked at Ye Feng for a long time, shook his head and said, "forget it, you've already been there, and I have nothing to say. I just hope your friends will be OK!"

Listen to Fei Wuliang say so, Ye Feng can't help staring at him for a long time, also didn't speak, stood up and turned to go.

Fei Wuliang was surprised and said, "where are you going?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "ever since I met Hu Dion with you, I found that you always talk to me in a secretive way. In this case, there is nothing more to say. I'll go to wushi'an myself!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Fei Wuliang immediately got up and grabbed Ye Feng, press him to sit down, this just toward Ye Feng way, "not I deliberately cover up, but I'm avoiding!"

"Taboo?" Ye Feng can't help looking at Fei Wuliang in surprise, "what to avoid? What's to be avoided? "

Fei Wuliang took out a cigarette at this time, handed it to Ye Feng and lit it for him with a lighter. Then he said, "since last time I met the boss with you, the boss has a lot of opinions about me coming too close to you..."

Hearing Fei Wuliang's words, Ye Feng suddenly said, "Oh! I see, so you are deliberately alienating me? "

Fei Wuliang nodded and said, "this is the necessary self-protection, and also your protection!"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, staring at Fei Wuliang for a moment, then nodded and said, "OK, I understand!"

Then he stood up to go, but he was held by Fei Wuliang again, "do you want to go when you understand?"

But Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "I understand. That's why I want to leave. I don't want to embarrass you or hurt you. I'm not angry this time!"

Fei Wuliang says to Ye Feng, "you can go, but don't go to wushian any more."

Ye Feng can't help frowning at Fei Wuliang and says, "why?"

Fei Wuliang then took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "now, I don't want to hide from you any more. Do you know who the real opposition leader is?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly looked at Fei Wuliang and said, "do you mean Houdion

Fei Wuliang immediately nodded and said, "of course it's him! If he doesn't control the opposition, how can he compete with Qiao Huiying? After all, he has already retired! How can you do without some contacts? And this personal relationship is not reliable only by old love. They may not be on the same line with him. Only the opposition is the most reliable, because they have a unified goal! "

Ye Feng this just suddenly, no wonder before Fei Wuliang told himself not to go to dance Shi an.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "it's better to know that it's Hu diong. I'll just go to him myself. Why do I have to go to this wushian?"

Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "if you go to find Hu Dion, it's like telling him that I told you!"

After hearing Fei Wuliang's words, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. Fei Wuliang was right. There were not many people who should know Hu diong's identity, otherwise he would not find Wu Shian to be a puppet.If I really go to houdion so rashly, it is tantamount to betraying Fei Wuliang. Besides him, who else will tell me?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng pondered for a while, and finally sat down again, smoking a cigarette and did not speak.

Fei Wuliang comforted Ye Feng and said, "your friend, I want to arrest her. There must be their reason!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "she was also the dead servant of the opposition, but she was separated from..."

Fei Wuliang suddenly said, "this is the organization. Once you join, you can leave it if you want. She has some important secrets on her back. That's why this happened!"

Listen to Fei Wuliang say so, Ye Feng suddenly a burst of silence, Fei Wuliang said is right, at the beginning of the shadow sleeve exit, he really didn't think about this problem.

Now, after listening to Fei Wuliang's comments, I suddenly understand that although moon shadow sleeveless joined at that time, it can be said that it was to break into the inner circle of the opposition, not to join sincerely.

But for the opposition, I don't think so. Once I join in, I will know many secret of the opposition. After all, these dead attendants can't be seen.

If you think about it like this, the whole thing will be clear. There must be something secret about the moon shadow sleeveless. This explains why you always feel that the moon shadow sleeveless is hiding something from you. Maybe it's also related to this.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately stood up and said to Fei Wuliang, "if so, she would be more dangerous!"

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