Ye Feng said immediately toward Fei Wuliang, "I ask for leave to go to the long arsenic Fort Hotel!" Then he turned and left.

Fei Wuliang originally wanted to stop Ye Feng, but he didn't export. He was worried that Jingge would go to find Hu Dion, but he would sell himself.

But if you think about it carefully, Ye Feng can do this in order to save the moon shadow. He should not do that kind of thing to betray his friends. Even if Hu Dion doubts himself, I believe Ye Feng can deal with it by himself.

And Ye Feng quickly left the Han Ding palace, took a bus to the long arsenic Fort Hotel, and went to the front desk to ring the bell again.

Soon, like Yefeng last time, a beautiful woman at the front desk took Yefeng to the elevator entrance to help him swipe his card and send him to the top floor.

To the top floor of the time, before that a pair of beauty is still there waiting for Ye Feng, Ye Feng into the room.

But I know Ye Feng doesn't have this hobby. This time, the two beauties just sat there with him, pouring tea and water for Ye Feng from time to time, and trimming his cigars.

Ye Feng just asked them, "when will Mr. Hu come?"

One of the blondes said to Ye Feng, "we have already called him. I believe he should arrive in half an hour. Please wait patiently."

After Ye Feng nodded, another blonde girl stared at Jing Ge for a long time and said, "handsome man, are you not interested in beauty at all? You can't be crooked, can you

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the blonde and says, "I'm very interested in beauties, but I'm not interested in beauties with interest disputes and money transactions!"

The blonde listen to Ye Feng said, face suddenly move, Ye Feng even from her eyes to see a trace of fierce light.

His words are implicit. In fact, he is not interested in J girl. It is reasonable for her to be angry.

However, the fierce light in the eyes of the blonde disappeared, and soon returned to its original state. She sat there and trimmed her cigar and handed it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took a breath, leaned his body against the back of the sofa and asked the blondes on both sides, "how long have you been in this line?"

Just now that blonde immediately cold hum a way, "I know we are not clean, into your eyes, you don't have to humiliate us again and again?"

Another blonde, with a look on her face, yelled at her companion and said, "how do you talk to the guests?"

Then he explained to Ye Feng, "don't blame her. She is just like this. She doesn't mean disrespectful to you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think she's my problem with the Committee. I mean, how long have you been a dead waiter?"

A listen to Ye Feng words, two blonde beauty face can't help but move, among them that temper teach bad ground just watch Ye Feng vigilantly.

The other one said with a smile to Ye Feng, "Sir, I didn't understand what you mean by this. What kind of death servant?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's ok if you don't admit it, but your body shape and walking pace, and even the fierce light in your eyes just now have betrayed you!"

Say to see two people want to talk to defend, immediately wave a hand way, "you are not dead wait on, I am not interested in, you also need not explain!"

Two blondes listen to Ye Feng said, immediately no longer speak, just busy with their own hands.

But Ye Feng stares at the two blondes. After a long time, he doesn't look at them. He looks at himself and doesn't speak.

Ye Feng estimated the time and knew that Hu diong would have a little more time to arrive. He said to them, "I heard that your dead attendants are also graded, right?"

Two blonde beauty smell speech to see a leaf maple, immediately turn head again, who also didn't speak.

Seeing this, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I heard that the one who performs best among the dead attendants seems to be called shadow?"

Two blondes smell speech body is a slight movement, one is holding up the thermos to add tea to Ye Feng, the other is looking back at Ye Feng.

But two people still didn't speak, Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "in fact, I just want to talk with you first. Don't take it too seriously. I'm just hearsay!"

Among them, the one who was a little impatient before said to Ye Feng, "don't try to get anything out of our mouth. It's useless! We don't know anything, we don't know and we don't say anything

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded a way, "I understand, as a dead waiter, keep your mouth shut must be the first rule!"

The blonde immediately stared at Ye Feng impatiently, and her body also stood up and said angrily, "what's the dead waiter? You're a dead waiter. Who's the dead waiter

Ye Feng saw the blonde so excited, but also just a faint smile, looking at the blonde way, "is not not, so excited to do what?"

Another blonde immediately went to pull her companion, and then said to Ye Feng, "don't blame her. She's coming to the moon recently, so she has a bad temper!"

Before that blonde still wanted to say something, but she was tugged by another blonde, "you don't need to serve here. If you're not in good health, go and have a rest!"In addition, the blonde obviously had something to say, and swallowed it abruptly. Then she took a look at Ye Feng and went out with a cold hum.

After waiting for her to leave, the rest of the blonde said with a smile to Ye Feng, "Sir, we have never heard of what you said. We can't understand what you said to us!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I may have guessed wrong." Then he took a sip of tea and looked at the time and said, "why hasn't Mr. Hu come yet?"

The blonde comforted Ye Feng and said, "it's estimated that it's going to be soon. You'll be here for a while, and he'll be there soon!"

Then he picked up the thermos and said to Ye Feng, "the water doesn't boil. I'll change it for another one! Later! " Then he went out with a thermos.

Ye Feng see two blonde beauty are gone, this just sneer, "have exposed so obvious, still in this dress!"

And at this time, before the moon, bad tempered blonde came back.

Ye Feng frowned and said, "aren't you sick? I don't need any service here. You can have a rest... "

The blonde did not speak, quickly walked towards Ye Feng, and when she was about to get to Ye Feng, she suddenly had a dagger in her hand, and rushed to Ye Feng in an instant.

Fortunately, Ye Feng has long seen that the girl's face is not right, and she reveals a murderous spirit. She has been on guard for a long time. When the blonde comes, he immediately sidesteps to avoid it.

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