Yefeng just avoid, the blonde woman's dagger into the sofa back, she immediately pulled out, waving to Yefeng again.

At this time, another blonde came in and saw the scene. She immediately stopped her companion and said, "are you crazy? Do you know what you're doing? "

The blonde with the dagger immediately snorted, "I killed him, willing to bear all the consequences..." Said to start on the strength is not reduced, quickly toward the leaf maple's chest.

Ye Feng just slightly sidestepped to avoid, but when she waved the dagger at herself again, the thermos in the hands of the blonde at the door immediately threw it at her companion.

As soon as her companion's dagger came out, the thermos flew over. She immediately sidestepped to avoid it. The thermos fell to the ground and burst open. Boiling water splashed everywhere.

Ye Feng and dagger blonde immediately side to avoid, and at the same time, the door blonde has rushed over, reaching out to grab her partner's dagger.

The two beauties immediately fight into a group, and Ye Feng turns out to be an outsider. Standing on one side, he looks at the two hands.

At this time, a cold cry came from the door and said, "stop it!"

Ye Feng looked at the door and saw that it was Hu Dion standing at the door, while the two blondes suddenly changed their faces.

The blonde with the dagger also fell to the ground. The two blondes knelt on the ground at the same time.

Hu Di Weng took a look at the scene, then walked in slowly. Then he sat on the sofa and hummed coldly, "what are you doing?"

To assassinate Ye Feng's blonde, she immediately shivered, "he knows too many things I have to... "

Hu Dion quietly looked at the blonde in front of him, with no expression on his face.

The more Hu diong is like this, the more scared the two blondes are. Ye Feng is surprised by the shaking range of their bodies.

At this time, Hu Di Weng said to another blonde, "you are her sister. You didn't discipline her well. Now she's doing something that doesn't pay attention to me at all. What do you say to do?"

After a long time, she did not listen to houdion. She immediately stood up, picked up the dagger on the ground, went to her sister's back, grabbed her hair in one hand, and thrust the dagger into her neck in the other.

Her sister's body suddenly began to twitch up, not for a while did not move, see the leaf maple heart also can't help a Lin.

But it's not over yet. The blonde sister then pulled out her dagger and stabbed her neck. She fell to the ground in an instant, but her eyes were staring at houdion. Her eyes were full of apology, as if she had done something wrong to houdion.

Seeing this scene, Hu did not even move his eyelids. He just sighed, "I just want you to execute your sister, I don't want you to commit suicide!"

The blonde sister on the ground slowly closed her eyes.

Hu Di Weng sighed again, "but I know that your sisters are deeply affectionate. You are right to do so. It shows that you attach importance to affection and righteousness!"

At this time, two men in black came into the door and immediately carried away the bodies of the two sisters. Another beauty came in and knelt down to clean the blood stains on the ground. Then she retreated.

During the whole process, Hu diong sat there motionless, waiting for everyone to leave the room. After the door was closed, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you surprised?"

Ye Feng then went to Hu Dion and sat down. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm so sorry that you lost two of your favorite generals!"

Hu Diwen nodded and said, "their sisters have followed me since they were about seven or eight years old. I really like them. It's a pity..."

Then he sighed again, as if he was very sorry, but soon his face was swept away. Looking at Ye Feng, he said, "what's the matter with you looking for me this time?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, thinking of the end of these two blondes, moon shadow sleeveless is also a dead servant, without authorization from the ranks of dead servants, the outcome of the encounter is not the same?

Hu Di Weng looked at Ye Feng at this time. Seeing that he didn't say a word, he immediately said, "do you want to ask about the moon shadow without sleeves?"

Ye Feng did not expect that Hu diweng would come straight to the point. He could not help but frown and look at him and said, "so, is it really your people who catch the moon shadow without sleeves?"

Hu Dion picked up a cigar on the table and lit it. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "yes, my people went to catch her! She used to be my subordinate, but she left the organization without my permission. As a parent, this kind of disobedient child should be punished to teach her a lesson? "

Ye Feng said immediately, "but she is my friend now!"

Hudion shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't say that she can't be your friend. Many of my subordinates have their own circle of friends. I never restrict their freedom to make friends!"

Ye Feng frowned at Hu diong and said, "is she dead or alive now?"

Hu Dion shrugged his shoulders and said, "I really can't answer you. Although they are all my subordinates, I can't control many things. Once an organization has rules, personal behavior can't control the rules. I don't know what the people below will do with her!"Ye Feng immediately stood up and said to Hu diong, "let's get to the point. How do you want to let her go?"

Hu Dion smoked a cigar and didn't say a word. After a long time, he said, "in order to save the shadow of the moon, I lost two men all at once!"

Ye Feng heard Hu diong say so, immediately said, "if you regret your two men, I can be responsible for this matter, you first put the shadow of the moon without sleeve!"

Hu Di Weng heard speech staring at Ye Feng for a long time, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'll help you to ask if she's still here."

With that, hudion clapped his hands, the door opened immediately, and a man in black came in and stood motionless at the door.

Hu Dion said to him, "go and see if the moon shadow is still alive. If she is still alive, bring her here!"

The man in black immediately nodded and left. Hu Dion then looked at Ye Feng and said, "I only do this when I treat you as my own person. I've never done this to anyone else."

Ye Feng nodded to Hu Dion, "thank you!"

Houdion smoked his cigar, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have always been generous to my friends, but are you also so generous to me as a friend?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "what do you want me to do?"

Hu Di Weng took a deep breath and said, "moon shadow was caught without sleeves. Why did you come here? Who told you to come to me?"

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