Ye Feng also felt that guterska's attack was somewhat restrained at the beginning, but as he tightened his arm, guterska's counterattack became bigger and bigger.

In fact, Ye Feng in addition to because guterska killed Fei Wuliang, his most important thing is to try whether guterska is the legendary shadow.

However, judging from the current situation, it has not been found that guterska's skill is OK, but there should be a gap between guterska and shadow.

But now we can't judge that guterska is not a shadow. Maybe he is still hiding his strength.

By this time, guterska's face was blue and red, obviously out of breath.

At the same time, guterska put out his hand, put up his finger and stabbed at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was stabbed by guterska, and immediately felt that the bones on the other side of his abdomen were in pain like breaking. He immediately released his hand.

As soon as guterska got away, he immediately took several steps forward, covering his neck, gasping, looking at Ye Feng, breathing.

Ye Feng also stepped back at this time, and then looked at his abdomen. The clothes were all pierced out of a hole by guterska, and the skin in the hole had been broken, and the skin and flesh even had a deep feeling.

Ye Feng then fixed his eyes on guterska and said, "are you the shadow?"

Guterska's face suddenly moved, but he didn't speak. He immediately rushed up to Ye Feng with a vigorous step. His fingers in both hands were standing up, and he pierced Ye Feng's face and neck.

Ye Feng knows that there is no difference between the finger and the just poke finger of a general finger practitioner. Just now, guterska poked himself with his finger, but it was because he was choked by himself in order to pretend not to resist, so his strength was cut off.

Now guterska has completely recovered. If he pokes him like this again, it is estimated that the skin and flesh can be poked through by him.

At this time, Ye Feng is just blindly avoiding. He knows that if guterska is the shadow, the Kung Fu on his fingers is not his strong point. His strong point should be in the footwall. But up to now, guterska has not shown his footwall Kung Fu.

Guterska see Ye Feng this will actually just retreat but not fight back, eyebrows can't help a wrinkle, don't know Ye Feng in the end brush what pattern.

However, during the period of contact with Ye Feng, guterska also knew that once Ye Feng was abnormal, there must be some elusive moves left.

At this time, guterska immediately waved a false move towards Ye Feng, then immediately turned around and ran.

And he never thought, in fact, Ye Feng is waiting for him to run, that night and moon shadow sleeveless two people did not catch up with the shadow, now he really want to try again, to see if he can catch up with this guy.

left behind as like as two peas in the time of the time, and he immediately rushed out, and indeed, in the process of running, he saw that his footsteps were exactly the same as those of that night.

Ye Feng speeded up his footwork at this time. He knew that it would be more difficult to catch up with him once he was driven away by gutes Carra.

That night, they were chasing on the corridor and the roof. This time, they were chasing on the open space of the brick shop in the Han Ding palace. Ye Feng's Footwork was not slow, but he was gradually driven away by guterscara.

Ye Feng knows that if guterska throws him off this time, he will never catch him again in his life.

He immediately took a deep breath, used all his strength, and put all his blessings on his legs. He was ready to catch guterska this time even if he broke his legs.

Guterska saw that although Ye Feng was thrown away by himself from time to time, he didn't stick to it for a long time, and was about to be caught up by Ye Feng. He quickly threw it away, and Ye Feng accelerated to catch up again, if he didn't do it.

Guterska saw that Ye Feng had been chasing him. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother ye, don't chase me. I may not be your opponent in terms of skill, but in terms of running, I really haven't seen anyone run me!"

Yefeng listen to guterska said, immediately heart is also a burst of admiration, two people have been chasing, this goods actually speak when the atmosphere is not panting.

But he didn't dare to speak at all, for fear that he would be thrown away by guterska as soon as he spoke.

And guterska seems to have seen Ye Feng's point. Knowing that he doesn't dare to speak, he keeps saying to Ye Feng, "brother ye, killing Fei Wuliang is not my original intention. I also obey orders!"

Then he said to Ye Feng, "including catching the shadow of the moon without sleeves, it's not my personal meaning. I will do whatever the organization says. As a dead servant, I have no choice at all!"

Ye Feng is still silent and takes a deep breath. He wants to see if he can catch up with guterska when he is frustrated.

But after several attempts, he also found that speaking had no effect on guterska's running.Even if ye Fengmao pursued hard enough, it was still a little bit worse.

Guterska can't help but say to Ye Feng, "brother ye, I didn't expect that your footwork was good, and you could catch me up to now. Did you have a back move that night?"

Ye Feng still didn't say a word. At this time, he saw a palace gate in front of him, and there was a threshold of more than 30 palace gates. If guterska ran directly, he would jump up.

Ye Feng knows that this is an opportunity for him. When they are about to run to the threshold, Ye Feng immediately jumps forward and rushes directly to guterska.

And guterska is also a jump at this time, want to jump directly from the threshold, but he jumped up at the same time, looked at the side of Ye Feng, but saw Ye Feng is now stretching out his hand toward him.

Guterska's face suddenly moved. Although he felt that Ye Feng might not be able to grasp himself, he was still a little nervous.

Just as guterska fell to the ground, he felt that the corner of his clothes was pulled, but his speed was so fast that the clothes were directly pulled off by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't expect that he didn't catch guterska like this. He couldn't help admiring guterska in his heart. This foot course is really not blowing.

I thought that night because it was dark, and it was on the top of the building, the terrain was complicated, so I was run away by the shadow.

Now after this round of chasing, Ye Feng also gradually realized that he just couldn't catch up that night, which had nothing to do with the terrain.

Now, he is still not the opponent of guterska in this flat place. He is completely convinced.

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