However, convinced does not mean that Ye Feng to admit defeat, his character can not admit defeat two words, and the more feel impossible things, the more he has to do.

For example, in front of you, knowing that you can't catch up with guterska, Ye Feng still doesn't give up and continues to catch up with guterska.

And it is in this chase, Ye Feng also gradually found a problem, in the foot may not compare with guterska.

But the most important problem of running is endurance. Although he has not caught up with guterska, Ye Feng has found that he is not tired so far.

Looking at guterska, Ye Feng knows that although guterska has no signs of weakness, sooner or later this is the problem he will face.

Ye Feng knows that he only needs to follow guterska closely and keep within a certain distance. It's only a matter of time before he catches guterska.

Guterska, who was photographed in front of him, gradually discovered this problem. To be honest, his running speed completely depends on the burst in a moment and the subsequent endurance.

But mainly depends on the beginning of the outbreak, in a moment to shake off the opponent, maintain a certain endurance, is enough to crush all opponents.

But guterska didn't expect that although Ye Feng hasn't caught up with him, he has been following him.

This shows that although Ye Feng is not as good as himself in running, his endurance is not much worse than himself.

At the moment of guterska's hesitation, Ye Feng has taken another step, which is a piece of bad news for guterska.

In other words, guterska's endurance has reached its peak. From now on, his running endurance has gone downhill, while Ye Feng's is still in a stable state.

After a quarter of an hour or so, Ye Feng's step again to keep up with a step, from guterska is also closer and closer.

Guterska was a little flustered at this time, and the pursuit of Ye Feng and guterska in the Han Ding Palace also attracted many people's attention.

As guterska choked his strength, he clearly felt a pat on his shoulder.

Although this strength is not big, it is completely fatal to guterska. It is a critical blow on confidence, which shows that Ye Feng is very close to him.

To tell you the truth, guterska's endurance now is not so much endurance as determination. It's all carried in one breath.

Before he can easily talk with Ye Feng, now he also hold a breath, a word also dare not say with Ye Feng.

Could have barely maintained their own advantage, but was Ye Feng this shot, suddenly a breath of complete relief.

It doesn't matter if he is relieved. Guterska's nerves are completely relaxed. His legs and feet don't seem to obey him. He trips his right foot with his left foot and falls out.

Ye Feng is also waiting for this opportunity, see guterska fall moment, immediately a flying body rushed in the past, directly riding on guterska's body.

Guterska just fell down and was immediately ridden by Ye Feng. At this time, he couldn't breathe. He felt a little shocked and dizzy.

Ye Feng is not polite to him. He strangles guterska's neck and says, "still running?"

Guterska looked at Ye Feng weakly. He couldn't breathe and turned his eyes white and fainted.

Seeing this, Ye Feng is wary of guterska's cheating, so he doesn't release his hand immediately. Instead, he gradually lets go. After making sure guterska faints, he comes down from him.

Ye Feng is really tired at this time, sitting on one side of the ground looking at guterska, to tell the truth, at first Ye Feng just suspected him, and did not completely confirm.

What I started to say to guterska was all for cheating and guterska. I didn't expect to try it out.

If guterska is not the shadow, Ye Feng's impression of him is good on the whole.

Unfortunately, he is the death servant of the opposition, which is doomed that they will not become friends unless he can completely break away from the opposition, just like moon shadow sleeveless.

But judging from the words and deeds of guterska after his discovery, this hope is very slim.

While Ye Feng is looking at guterska, guterska slowly opens his eyes, takes a look at Ye Feng sitting on his side, and then closes his eyes and says, "brother ye, do it, take revenge for Fei Wuliang!"

Ye Feng did not speak to look at guterska, a long time later, it said, "you have this ability? In addition to escape, no self-protection ability? Is this the shadow of the myth handed down by the opposition? "

Guterska shrugged and said nothing more. He just closed his eyes and continued to say to Ye Feng, "kill me! I have nothing to say! "

Ye Feng suddenly realized a question, is guterska really a shadow? Is the shadow that everyone in the opposition likes to talk about a Parkour expert?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked guterska, "are you really a shadow?"Guterska slowly opened his eyes, looked at Ye Feng and said, "it doesn't matter. Now for me, I just want to die!"

Ye Feng can't help staring at guterska. After a long time, he stood up and said, "you go! If your leg Kung Fu can support you to leave the Han Ding palace

Guterska can't help but look at Ye Feng in amazement. Then he gets up from the ground and looks at Ye Feng in amazement. "Don't you promise to take revenge for him?"

But Ye Feng said to guterska, "as you said, you just follow orders. In other words, you are just a knife to kill people! If I want revenge, I will find the man who uses the knife, not the knife

Finish saying Ye Feng's head also didn't return of walk, on the mouth still say, "you go back to give me to bring a word to Hu Di Weng, the fee has no quantity of dead, I will calculate on his head!"

But guterska looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "do you really want to break with houdion face to face?"

"Break?" Ye Feng can't help but sneer and say, "we haven't been with each other at all. How can we talk about breaking up?"

Guterska ran to catch up with Ye Feng and advised him, "I advise you not to do this. You may have underestimated Hu Dion's ability..."

But Ye Feng stopped, looked at guterska and said, "I overestimated his ability!"

Guterska looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean?"

But Ye Feng shook his head at guterska and said, "it's meaningless. You just take it to me if I want you to. Next time, if we see each other again, it will be life and death!"

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