At this time, Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette. After putting out the cigarette end, he stood up and said, "you two stay at home, no matter what happens, don't come out!"

A Nan smell speech also immediately stand up to way, "you want to go up to look for him?"

On hearing this, Yueying Wuxiu stood up and said, "do you really want to go up to him?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "he has lived upstairs for a long time. The purpose is not to see me. Now I just go up to see him. Things have to be solved."

Finish saying this, Ye Feng walked toward the door in the past, a Nan and moon shadow have no sleeve know Ye Feng once decided, even if it is pull all can't pull him, so also didn't say anything, just let Ye Feng ten million careful.

Ye Feng out of the door, did not go to take the elevator, directly take the safety channel, anyway, on the first floor, on foot.

Out of the door of the safe passage, Ye Feng goes to the door of Dante Emma's room and knocks on the door. However, after waiting for a long time, no one comes to open the door.

Ye Feng is still thinking that Hu Dion should tell him that he knows he is Dante Emma?

After knocking on the door again, Ye Feng walks towards the safe passage. It seems that Dante Emma is not there.

When Ye Feng comes back to the apartment again, Yueying Wuxiu and a Nan are completely relieved to see Ye Feng come back.

A Nan immediately asked Ye Feng, "how? He's not here? "

The moon shadow without sleeve said immediately, "maybe he also knows that we found out, so he ran away?"

Ye Feng sat back on the sofa and lit a cigarette again. He didn't speak for a long time.

He's looking for death. When Dante Emma and Jock Emma left Huck Bay, they didn't say they were coming to longas castle.

But if you think about it carefully, it's reasonable that Dante Emma doesn't tell the truth. After all, the society only knows Dante Emma and Jock Emma, and doesn't know that there are people like houdion behind him.

If joke Emma's project is supported by houdion, then it's normal for him to do all his research and serve houdion, and it's even more normal for them to be in longarsenburg.

In addition to the infinitely copied Martin boots that I met with wufengan and Dixie in the suburb before, the association once suspected that this matter had something to do with Dante Emma.

Now come back to think about it, it seems that everything has become logical. Maybe Dante Emma and Jock Emma arrived at lonarsene earlier than themselves.

But now Ye Feng can't know what Dante Emma wants to do next. Based on his understanding of Dante Emma, Dante Emma is not the kind of person who is willing to be subordinated to houdion. He works under houdion for the time being and must have his ideas and plans.

But Dante Emma lives upstairs, and last time he met and fought with him, Ye Feng also felt that Dante Emma's mind seems to be much more mature than before in Huck Bay.

If ye Feng knows him well, the former Dante Emma will definitely separate herself from her last time, and then show off. After that, Dante Emma should be more mature than before.

Now what Ye Feng is most worried about is that Dixie really finds Dante Emma. With Ye Feng's understanding of Dixie, it should be relatively simple for her to find someone. Even if it is difficult, she will find it sooner or later.

A Nan and moon shadow see Ye Feng sitting there smoking, also silent, can't help sitting in front of him, looking at him, also don't speak.

After a long time, the shadow of the moon was finally unable to hold back. He asked Ye Feng, "what do you think? Say it, and my daughter and I will help you think about it! "

Ye Feng this just returned to God, toward the moon shadow sleeveless and a Nan shook his head, said, "nothing, you also go to bed early! I'll go to bed after I smoke! "

Ah Nan said to Ye Feng, "you didn't think about anything? What time is it? I just got off work. I haven't had dinner yet. Have you had it? "

Ye Feng said, "Oh, right? I've really forgotten. Make and eat whatever you like! "

A Nan didn't say anything. She went to the kitchen and began to cook. Yueying Wuxiu wanted to say something to Ye Feng, but when she saw that Ye Feng was distracted again, she immediately got up to help a Nan in the kitchen.

After arriving at the kitchen, the shadow of the moon whispered to her, "what do you think he is thinking?"

Ah Nan shrugged and said, "I don't know, but it's nothing more than about Dante Emma!"

Moon shadow immediately said, "can't this Dante Emma be killed? Why is it so difficult? There's him in Huke Bay, and there's him in longarsenic castle! "

But a Nan said to the moon shadow, "it's more than Huck Bay and lonarsenic castle. Our entanglement with him can be traced back to a long time ago. Ye Feng and Dixie's contact with Dante Emma is earlier than ever!"

At this time, Ye Feng stood up and went to the balcony to smoke. After smoking a cigarette, he looked up at the balcony above, and his heart suddenly moved. He immediately stood on the stone railing of the balcony, and just reached for the bottom of the balcony upstairs.

But here, after all, is more than ten floors, just stand up to hear a whir of wind, but Ye Feng did not look down, directly grasped the bottom of the balcony upstairs, immediately forced a support, the whole body immediately began to hang.After climbing up along the railings upstairs, Ye Feng directly turned over and jumped into the balcony upstairs, went to the door, pushed the door, and then went in.

The living room inside didn't turn on the light, but the moonlight could be seen clearly. It was similar to the apartment downstairs, but the style and color of the sofa furniture were slightly different, and it looked clean.

Ye Feng went to the living room, stood in the middle and looked around, then walked towards one of the rooms, but just as Ye Feng's hand touched the door lock, he heard the sound of unlocking the door.

Ye Feng originally estimated that Dante Emma might have moved away from here after hearing from Hu Dion. Unexpectedly, he would come back?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately unscrewed the door and hid in. As soon as he closed the door, he saw that the door had been opened.

Ye Feng hid behind the door, listening to the voice outside, thinking whether he would rush out now to confront Dante Emma face to face?

And at this time, Ye Feng heard the footsteps outside and began to walk towards this side, his heart suddenly moved.

Listening to the sound closer and closer, Ye Feng's heart heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to open the door and go out, he didn't want to go out, but there was a mobile phone ringing. At the same time, the footsteps stopped.

After a while, a man's voice said, "well, I'm home. What's the matter?" That voice is exactly the voice when I met Ye Feng last time.

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