Ye Feng put his hand on the doorknob, but he listened to the outside voice, but he heard Dante Emma's voice, "I know!" Immediately hung up the phone, the room also once no sound, become particularly silent.

Hearing that there was no sound outside, Ye Feng's heart moved. He didn't know who called Dante Emma. If it was Hu Dion's phone, would Dante Emma go downstairs to find herself, while a Nan and Yue Ying Wuxiu were in the room right now.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately opened the door, but when he came out, he found that there was no one in the living room. He couldn't help but move. He didn't hear Dante Emma open the door just now.

So where's Dante Emma? Ye Feng heart can't help but a Shen surprised, immediately looked to other doors, maybe he went to other rooms?

Ye Feng slowly toward the door of other rooms, but when Ye Feng a room a room close, also did not find Dante Emma trace, heart more surprised.

And at this time, Ye Feng suddenly heart under a Lin, as if to think of something, he immediately walked to the balcony, he can come up from this side, Dante Emma can also come down from this side.

Think of here, Ye Feng to the balcony immediately bent down to see, but in the balcony below can not see the slightest, also did not hear what sound.

However, it is the absence of the slightest sound that makes Ye Feng suspect that she is carrying her daughter and the shadow of the moon. Normally, they come out of the kitchen and find that they are missing. They will definitely look for it, but there is no sound downstairs.

Ye Feng immediately jumped out of the stone railings on the balcony. Then he let go and let his body begin to fall. When he got to the next floor, he immediately reached out and grasped the stone railings. Then he jumped in again.

However, Ye Feng just turned over to the floor and looked into the living room, but the light inside was black. When he walked into the living room, he saw a person sitting on the sofa on the side of the living room, and he was looking towards himself.

The leaf maple immediately heart next move, immediately look to that person, but see he sit in the dark, see of is not very clear, but from his that indistinct figure see, the leaf maple affirmation is oneself last time hand over that person.

Then listen to the humanitarian, "what do you see in my house?"

Ye Feng ponders for a while. He hasn't seen the trace of a Nan and moon shadow. However, after calming down, he still goes to one side of the sofa and sits down and says, "Dante, long time no see!"

Dante Emma did not speak, just looking at Ye Feng here, motionless.

Ye Feng continued to face the humanitarian, "last time, I was a little surprised. How could the neighbor upstairs have such good skills? It turned out that it was you. No wonder, but you are different. You look more stable than before!"

Dante Emma said coldly, "because my uncle has recombined the emotional gene in my body!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "what emotion gene recombination?"

Dante Emma just said, "my bad mood and personality are the key factors that lead me to fall behind you often, so my uncle used technology to rewrite my character sequence!"

Ye Feng heard Dante Emma say so, this just understand, but Jock Emma even personality and emotion can write? This technology is too good, isn't it?

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "the difference between people is that everyone's personality and emotions are different. Are you still being transformed?"

"It doesn't matter!" But Dante Emma said coldly, "I still have the memory of the past. I also know what character I used to be. Transformation just makes me more perfect. There's nothing wrong with it!"

Ye Feng didn't speak, but Dante Emma said immediately, "since you have found me, then I don't have to hide!"

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "are you willing to work for houdion?"

Dante Emma sneered at Ye Feng and said, "you don't have to sow dissension. I know how to deal with the relationship between houdion and me. Instead of worrying about this, you should worry about yourself."

Ye Feng then scanned the situation around the living room with his spare light, but heard Dante Emma say, "you don't have to find them. They are both knocked out by me. They are lying on the kitchen floor at this time, but you can rest assured that I didn't kill them!"

But Ye Feng frowned at Dante and Emma said, "what's your purpose?"

Dante Emma said to Yefeng, "I have no purpose! Just to see you! "

"Look at me?" Ye Feng can't help looking at Dante Emma in surprise and said, "what's good for me?"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "after my emotional and personality reorganization, I figured out a lot of things. We shouldn't have been enemies!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it shouldn't have been, but you always want to be crooked! Always compare with me

Dante Emma nodded and said, "yes, I shouldn't compare with you, so I'm a little curious now. What's on you that I should be envious of before? I'll see now. You're just like that! I really regret wasting so much of my time on youYe Feng stares at Dante Emma and says, "it means that you've figured it out, but you haven't figured it out, because you're still wasting time on me now?"

Dante Emma immediately stood up and said, "it's really a waste of time. I came here to test your alertness and see how long you can discover my existence. I didn't expect you to be so slow. I've lived in your room for a long time. You didn't realize it until now!"

Ye Feng admitted that in this point, he really has some hindsight.

Dante Emma said at this time, "everyone treats you as a strong enemy. I really don't understand. What else can you do? You didn't bring those skills on the earth, you just have better skills! What's so terrible? "

Ye Feng can't help shrugging, "yes, what's to be afraid of? I'm also curious. Does Satan's name make you so terrible? "

Dante Emma said, "at this moment, I want to understand! They are afraid of you, just Satan! That's all! "

Ye Feng frowned, "so? What's your conclusion? "

Dante Emma said, "longarsene castle is not suitable for you. You'd better leave. If you want to leave eisf, I can arrange it. The game here is more complicated and bloody. It's not suitable for you. If you leave voluntarily, I can spare your life!"

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