Ye Feng can't help staring at Dante Emma for a long time after hearing the speech. Then he can't help laughing and said, "it seems that Jock Emma has changed the jealousy in your character, but there is one more conceit?"

But Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you think that when we had a fight with each other last time and we were tied, you feel that you are equal to me, so you think I can't kill you?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged, but did not say anything.

But Dante Emma is in front of Ye Feng in an instant. Before Ye Feng reacts, she already holds Ye Feng's neck with one hand.

When Ye Feng, who was pinched by himself, looked at himself in surprise, Dante Emma could not help but sneer, "I only told you that my uncle changed my character genes, but I didn't tell you that in fact, all the genes in my body have been recombined. In addition to knowing who I am from my memory, I have been reborn. You must think that I am now Is your body changing into a new body through the transfer of consciousness? I'll tell you the truth, this is my original body. It's just that after genetic recombination, it automatically forms what it is now! "

Speaking of this, when Dante Emma saw that Ye Feng was completely out of breath, he released his hand. Ye Feng immediately covered his neck, looked at Dante Emma in surprise, and coughed.

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng coldly and said, "my body functions are changing with each passing day. At first, my daily growth is very small. Now, I'm growing up at a geometric speed. That is to say, if my punch strength is 100 pounds now, it will probably be 200 pounds tomorrow and 400 pounds the day after tomorrow !”

Listen to Dante Emma say so, Ye Feng can't help looking at Dante Emma, suddenly nodded, "don't you seem more powerful than before!"

Dante Emma shrugged and said, "at this rate of growth, I will soon be able to fulfill my dream!"

Ye Feng frowned, "your dream?"

Dante Emma said immediately, "don't you remember? When I was on the earth, I said that I would become a God, but I failed on the earth. I can't become a God on the earth for the time being, but now I can become the God of aeschf. If the power still rises at such a gathering speed, I will soon be the God of the whole universe! "

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma for a long time. Is this guy still dreaming of becoming a God?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he couldn't help looking at Dante Emma and said, "your ability now is enough to kill me. How could you let me go?"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "have you ever seen a normal person who would deliberately kill an ant? Unless this ant gets in the way! "

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "listen to your tone, you have not yet become a God, you have already regarded yourself as a God and regarded me as a mole ant!"

Dante Emma shrugged and said, "that's sooner or later. I know you don't believe that I can become a God, so I'll save your life and let you see that day, that day when all the Holy Spirits worship me!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng nodded and said, "OK!"

Dante Emma frowned and said, "OK?"

Ye Feng continued to nod, "didn't you let me know the earth? I'll go back! "

Dante Emma frowned at Ye Feng and said, "are you willing to go back? What are you up to? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "Dixie wants to go back. I'm tired here. I want to go back with her, too!"

Dante Emma smell speech face slightly move a way, "who is Dixie?"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression is also a ground to look at Dante Emma, "don't you remember Dixie Si?"

Dante Emma frowned more tightly, looked at Ye Feng and said, "it seems to have a little impression, but I just can't remember!"

Ye Feng see Dante Emma so, heart can't help but wonder, in front of this is really Dante Emma? Dante Emma can't remember Dixie?

Dante Emma immediately asked Ye Feng, "who is Dixie? Should I know her? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course you should remember! She used to know you as well as I do! "

Dante Emma frowned and meditated for a long time before shaking her head. "I don't remember, but it doesn't matter! If you want to go back, I can ask my uncle to help you go back! "

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "Jack Emma's microcosm laboratory is in Huck Bay, we all want to go back to Huck Bay?"

Dante Emma shrugged and said, "then you look down on my uncle. All his technologies can be copied, as long as a microcosm can be copied in lungsburg!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately way, "that don't work, copy out again how like, also not original, I only want to return to the original that earth!"

Dante Elmar as like as two peas, but "the copy is not the original one, but it is the same as before. For you, everything and people there have not changed, and the copy is also without you. You do not have to worry about returning to two of you."But Ye Feng still shook his head and said, "I can promise you to go back to earth, but it must be Huke Bay, the micro universe earth!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "you're just looking for an excuse to prevaricate me, aren't you?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I believe Lilith thinks the same way!"

Dante Emma frowned and said, "who's Lilith?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Dante Emma, "she's your wife. Don't you remember?"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face and said, "I still have a little impression of the name Dixie. Lilith can't remember it at all!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "then you should go back to ask Jock Emma if there is any problem with your genetic transformation. You said before that your memory will not be affected. I don't think you even remember Liz. How much memory is missing? This shows that your uncle's genetic transformation project has obvious disadvantages. Maybe you won't even know me in a few days! "

Dante Emma listen to Ye Feng say, immediately frown at Ye Feng, for a long time also did not speak.

Ye Feng immediately said to Dante Emma, "you'd better go back and ask your uncle. Don't forget that you want to be a God before you become a god!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma immediately turned and left. She opened the door and left without saying a word. She was really worried.

See Dante Emma left, Ye Feng can't help but sneer, he made up a lily is his wife, put him confused?

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