Ye Feng immediately got up and went to the kitchen to have a look at ah Nan and Yue Ying. He put his hand around their neck and pressed their pulse. Knowing that they were not dead, he immediately left the apartment.

As soon as he went out, he saw that the elevator door had just closed. It must be Dante Emma who took the elevator down. He immediately went to press another elevator.

However, when Ye Feng arrived downstairs, he could not see any trace of Dante Emma. He stood at the door of the apartment building and looked around, but there was no trace.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to follow Dante Emma to see if he could follow him to find Jock Emma, but he didn't expect to break the line.

Back to the apartment upstairs, the shadow of the moon has awakened, is sitting on the ground shaking the body of a nan to call her.

Ye Feng came over and asked if there was something wrong with the moon shadow sleeveless. Seeing that the moon shadow sleeveless shook her head, she immediately reported the girl on the ground to the sofa.

Moon shadow no sleeve took the opportunity to turn on the light, and suddenly the dim room became bright again. Ye Feng took a look at the girl lying on the sofa and saw that she just fainted. It should be OK.

But at this time, the moon shadow asked Ye Feng, "where did you go just now? My daughter and I were looking for you everywhere when we were knocked unconscious! "

Ye Feng said, "I just went upstairs to check Dante Emma's name. I didn't expect that I went up, but he came down!"

The moon shadow does not understand a sleeve way, "I and a Nan are in the kitchen, did not hear you open the door to go out at all!"

Ye Feng said, "I'm afraid to go up from the balcony! Dante Emma should have climbed down from the balcony, too! "

The moon shadow has no sleeve but surprised to look at Ye Feng way, "you are really crazy, here but ten floors, want to fall down, you can become meat cake!"

Ye Feng didn't speak, but lit a cigarette and sat on the sofa looking at the night sky outside.

After looking at her, Yueying Wuxiu sat down on Ye Feng's side and looked out along with his eyes. She said, "since Dante Emma has found this place, why did she just knock us out instead of killing us?"

In fact, this is also a strange place for Ye Feng. According to Dante Emma, it's because Jock Emma recombined his personality genes, making him a completely different person.

After all, this is Dante Emma's words, and the credibility is not high. In the end, it's only half. After all, I haven't seen with my own eyes what this character gene recombination is all about.

However, when listening to Dante Emma, Ye Feng didn't feel that he was lying. But in this way, his character has completely changed. Is it still the original Dante Emma?

Moon shadow no sleeve see Ye Feng didn't speak, immediately looked at Ye Feng way, "do you think the life here is more and more boring?"

Ye Feng can't help looking at the moon shadow in surprise. He doesn't say anything, but he thinks, yes, since he came to longarsenbao, he went to the cabinet to report on time every day, and he has to deal with Qiao Huiying and Hu diweng's son-in-law. This kind of thing is really a little boring.

He can't help but hear the idea that Dixie said he would meet the earth, so just now when Dante Emma said that he would send them back to the earth, Ye Feng was moved. Last time Dixie told himself that he was not so moved, maybe he was tired of the life here.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly saw a light coming down from the middle of the sky, which made the whole night sky bright and made a beautiful arc in the night sky.

At this time, the shadow of the moon sat up straight and said, "what's that?"

Ye Feng shook his head, immediately out of the balcony, looking at Ye Feng, but see that the light is more and more bright, more and more big, the final irradiation of people can't open their eyes.

At this time, I suddenly heard a loud bang. Looking at a building in front of me, it turned into powder in an instant, and there was a prototype wave spreading around the building.

Ye Feng sees this, the complexion suddenly moves, immediately pulls the moon shadow to have no sleeve to run toward the house, directly pours on the sofa, makes the sofa upside down, pulls her to hide behind the sofa at the same time, also pulled a nan to come over, immediately covers two people's heads to press down.

At the same time, the whole room was shaking. In an instant, the windows and glass doors of the balcony were smashed to the ground, and all the furniture in the room began to move towards the door, some even directly on the ground.

Ye Feng only felt the wind in his ear. A buzzing sound lasted for a long time, and even he could not hear any other sound.

It was as if the house had been swept by a tornado. All the lighter things floated up, collided in the air and fell to the ground.

I don't know how long it took for this feeling to disappear completely, and the house seemed to be calm again.

Ye Feng shakes his head, and the dust on his hair immediately falls on the moon shadow and a Nan.

The shadow of the moon coughs without sleeves. She opens Ye Feng's arm and looks up. Seeing the mess in the apartment, she can't help but move.

Ye Feng first checked that a Nan was ok, then stood up, but he was shocked by the scene.But the whole balcony of the apartment has disappeared, the glass door has been broken, and the door frame has been deformed.

It's nothing. In the distance, the building is now only half full, with white smoke on the top and collapse on the bottom.

In front of other buildings are more or less affected, many from the half collapsed building is closer, the degree of damage is also a little better than it.

At this time, many people are crying on the road. There are also aircrafts flying disorderly in mid air, and the cars on the ground are honking their horns.

See this scene, Ye Feng brain sounded the earth's United States had encountered the attack, and the immediate situation is almost the same.

That is to say, they have just experienced an attack, and the target is the building that is not far or near from them.

And the light that they saw before, illuminating the whole night sky, was the weapon of attack?

The shadow of the moon stood up at this time, saw this scene, also stunned, "my God, what's the matter?"

Ye Feng lets the moon shadow have no sleeve to take good care of a Nan, and he walks towards the destroyed balcony. After getting close, he takes a look at the outside.

He found that the buildings around them were similar to their experiences, and in the opposite building, some people went to the balcony or window to see what was going on.

Ye Feng heart also all sorts of strange, just someone launched a surprise attack? What kind of terrorism is there in lungsburg?

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