Seeing this, Qiao Huiying can't help but say to Ye Feng, "there will surely be more next! It's just the beginning! " Said immediately hate teeth itch.

But Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "I will not follow you into the Han Ding palace. If you have anything, you can contact Hanks!"

Qiao Huiying's face couldn't help but move when she heard this. "Isn't Hanks the captain of the central palace guard?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "now he is still the acting leader of the tiger guards in the outer hall. He can be said to be in charge of the zhongwailiang hall and the zhongwailiang hall. The only disadvantage is that you are in the inner hall, the leader of the guards in the inner hall. You can see if you are your own person!"

Qiao Huiying pondered for a while, didn't speak much, directly waved to Ye Feng, and entered the Han Ding palace.

And Ye Feng is directly back to the apartment by car, just see the shadow at home, immediately toward him, "follow me to the countryside!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve and can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and saying, "go to the suburbs? You mean the abandoned factory? "

Ye Feng nodded and said nothing more. The shadow of the moon immediately followed Ye Feng out of the door.

They casually found a car by the side of the road. Anyway, the streets are in a mess now, and there are many ownerless cars everywhere. Ye Feng directly got into a car and drove to the suburb of longarsene castle.

But at this time, the road was very blocked. Ye Feng drove the car directly to both sides of the road and drove out from the pedestrian line. There were a lot of curses on the way.

Finally left the nearby streets, other streets were not affected by the satellite crash, traffic is still normal, but also a lot more chaotic than usual.

After leaving the outskirts of longarsenic castle, Ye Feng stepped on the accelerator to the end and went straight to the abandoned factory.

On the road, the moon shadow said to Ye Feng, "today the president and Hu Dion have found the TV speech. Have you seen it?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "see, when Qiao Huiying made a speech, I just sat outside the studio!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but surprised to see Ye Feng way, "so say, really have alien civilization?"

Ye Feng's heart moved when she heard that, yes, it seems that the matter of alien civilization has not been mentioned with Yueying Wuxiu. No wonder she was so surprised when she knew about it.

Ye Feng just toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "now don't worry about those!"

When driving the car to the gate of the abandoned factory, the guard saw that it was Ye Feng and let it go immediately.

Wu feng'an knew that Ye Feng was coming, and immediately ushered out with snooker and Richard.

Ye Feng will stop the car to the side of the road, and then get off, Wufeng an immediately came to the way, "how do you suddenly want to come here?"

Snooker saw that the shadow of the moon was coming, and asked in surprise.

Ye Feng said to Wu Feng an, "didn't you see the news of long arsenic castle?"

Wu Feng an shook his head and said, "there is no TV equipment here. What are you looking at?"

But Richard said to Ye Feng, "but last night I saw that white light from the starry sky seemed to shine into the city of longarsene castle, and some tall buildings collapsed. Is there something wrong with longarsene castle?"

Ye Feng doesn't have many flowers. Wu feng'an leads Ye Feng to their side of the building first. Let Ye Feng and Yueying sit down and have a rest, and pour water back to them.

Ye Feng drinks a mouthful of water, and Richard immediately respectfully delivers his cigarette and calls Ye Feng.

Wait for Ye Feng to smoke a cigarette, after slowly spit out, this just says to three people, "next estimate long arsenic fort will have great change, how many people can you summon?"

Five feng an smell speech facial expression move a way, "this is to open to do?"? With whom? "

Richard also immediately grinds his fists and says, "yes, we're all tired of hiding here. Who are we going to do it with? Government forces? "

Ye Feng is toward three humanitarians, "don't act rashly yet, but prepare the armed forces in advance!"

Then he looked at snooker and said, "recruiting has always been your job. How's your job going?"

Snooker immediately said, "you don't look up to any of the people I've been looking for. I've recruited some new people, but the number is far less than before!"

But Ye Feng said to snooker, "what about the people before, can you find them again?"

Snooker a face don't understand a way, "don't you let disband, now want to find back?"

Ye Feng said in a deep voice, "we may need cannon fodder this time!"

Snooker a listen to this words, complexion immediately a ground looking at leaf Feng, "need cannon fodder?"

Moon shadow without sleeve is also a face surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "this time in the end what action?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "the two forces in longarsenic Fort have become white hot after today's TV speech. The conflict is only a matter of time. Once there is a conflict, then armed forces will be needed!"

Then Ye Feng asked Wu Feng an, "last time in the suburbs, you can borrow tanks, which means that you have contacts in the garrison of long arsenic Fort?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "there are some friends in the service..."

Moon shadow sleeve said, "can easily borrow tanks in the military side, this military discipline also shows!"But Ye Feng said, "I don't care how his military discipline is. I just want to ask..." Then he looked at Wu Feng an and said, "how much can you borrow at most?"

Wu Feng an immediately said, "I'm not sure. How much do you need?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "do you still need to ask about this kind of thing? Of course, the more, the better. If you can get a division, the better! "

Wu Feng an immediately got up and said, "then you wait here. I'll go out. I have to interview them. I can't guarantee how much I can borrow!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward five feng an a little way, "quickly go back!"

Wu Feng an didn't say anything. She left the room and drove a car to leave the abandoned factory.

Snooker also said, "then I need to go to longarsene castle and talk to those guys again. I can't guarantee how many more people I can recruit. It's certainly not as many as last time!"

Ye Feng nodded to snooker and said, "the only condition is to have all arms and legs, and you should tell them the danger! There's a scandal ahead. Don't be in trouble at that time. There'll be a bunch of deserters! "

Snooker immediately nodded and said, "I understand that!" With that, he nodded to the shadow of the moon, and immediately left the room, went out and drove a car back to longarsenic castle.

Richard immediately asked Ye Feng, "what do I do now? It seems that I have nothing to do! "

Ye Feng then toward Richard way, "you and your people, immediately general fire classification, that secret warehouse don't move, I have another arrangement!"

As soon as Richard heard this, he immediately nodded, and then went out of the room to do what Ye Feng ordered.

The shadow of the moon did not say anything for a long time. Seeing that there was no one around, she asked Ye Feng, "do you want me to go back to Huke Bay and inform you there?"

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