Ye Feng pondered for a while and then said, "there should also see live TV. It's estimated that now it's really like ants on the back, fidgeting!"

Moon shadow can't help nodding, "so I said if I want to go back and explain the situation here and there, so that they can make early preparations!"

Ye Feng smell speech is a while ponder, for a long time did not speak, moon shadow sleeve see Ye Feng did not speak, she also did not spend.

After a long time, Ye Feng nodded to the moon shadow and said, "it's good for you to go there. I'm also worried about whether Dion will attack you again. It's good for you to stay away from the right and wrong place of longarsene castle for the time being!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the moon shadow without sleeves said, "just this time, I don't know when I can meet again!"

Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "wait for my news, there is no problem here, you can still come back!"

The moon shadow looks at Ye Feng affectionately and says, "I'll go now!"

Ye Feng is toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "of course, the faster the better!"

Yueying nodded without sleeves, but didn't mean to leave. Instead, she kept staring at Yefeng. After a long time, she suddenly stepped forward and walked in front of Yefeng. She immediately hugged Yefeng's neck and directly kissed Yefeng's mouth.

Ye Feng also did not expect that the shadow of the moon without sleeve so suddenly came up to kiss himself, for a moment did not react, but he thought it could be understood.

The moon shadow has no sleeve to own what sentiment, Ye Feng a belly count, immediately the moon shadow has no sleeve to leave long arsenic fort to Huke Bay, this one to still don't know how many days.

The shadow of the moon without sleeves is just to express his love before parting. He closed his eyes slightly and echoed with the rhythm of the shadow of the moon without sleeves.

At this time, Richard hurried in outside the door. When he saw this scene, his face changed. Then he turned quickly and went out, "I didn't see anything. Go on!"

But Yueying has no sleeve at all. Richard still holds Ye Feng and kisses him, and the more he hugs him, the tighter he kisses him. Until Ye Feng feels his lips are swollen, Yueying has no sleeve, and then he loosens his mouth.

Haven't waited for the leaf maple to say what, the moon shadow has no sleeve also didn't return of walked out of the door way, "I went!"

Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the sleeve disappeared in front of her eyes, can't help but reach out and touch, are the shadow of the sleeve to pro swollen lips, a little bit more than the feeling.

If there is no what happened now, maybe Ye Feng can't control himself, so he can be gentle with Yueying and even accept her directly.

But now the situation is urgent, and he has no time to love her at all. He can only give up with a sigh. After seeing moon shadow again next time, he must love her as compensation.

Richard at the door to see the shadow of the moon without sleeves also did not return to the left, thought it was his own broken, so angry left, he also toward the shadow of the moon without sleeves way, "sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Without saying anything, Yueying drove a car and left. Richard immediately went back to his room and apologized to Ye Feng. "I didn't mean to. The girl seems to be angry."

But Ye Feng shrugged at Richard and said, "no, she has something urgent. She needs to leave! What's up? Didn't you check the munitions? What can I do for you

Richard said to Ye Feng, "those people are merging. How to deal with the laser equipment in the secret warehouse?"

Ye Feng said, "I didn't tell you, those who stay there for the time being, I have other uses!"

Richard nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "brother, I'll follow you in the future. I heard Wu Feng an say that you seem to have something to do with Satan. I know that Satan's friends are all capable people. I can count on you in the future!"

But Ye Feng said to Richard, "you don't have to listen to Wu feng'an saying that it's useless. Everyone's future can only be controlled in their own hands. It's unrealistic to expect others completely. No one can be responsible for your future. Just think about it yourself, and I'm not reluctant to do so!"

Richard immediately said to Ye Feng, "I know that you are all wary of me because I betrayed Wu feng'an before. I can understand that I don't want to say anything more. Just look at my next performance!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then asked Richard, "have we been here since we went back that time?"

Richard immediately shook his head and said, "no! Yes? Is she gone? "

Ye Feng did not say a word, lit a cigarette smoking, Richard saw Ye Feng did not speak, he did not ask any more, and then went out to supervise the merger of arms.

When Richard comes again, the weapons have been merged. He comes to report the actual number to Ye Feng.

After listening to Richard's report, Ye Feng's heart moves. It seems that there are still several warehouses. In fact, there are not too many warehouses.

But it's better than nothing. It's enough to have these. But if wufeng'an can borrow tanks or even pull a team, its combat effectiveness will be totally different.Until dark, suddenly came a rumbling sound outside, Ye Feng and Richard out of the room together, standing on the balcony, looking into the distance.

But not far away, a row of bright spots are slowly coming towards this side. When the rumbling sound comes near and stops, Ye Feng and Richard walk past.

Ye Feng goes to the fence and barbed wire fence of the abandoned factory and takes a flashlight to shine on it. Then he sighs. Wu feng'an doesn't know where he got ten tanks.

After one of the tanks was opened, Wu feng'an jumped directly from inside and ran to Ye Feng and said, "how about it? Is that enough? "

Ye Feng felt speechless and couldn't help staring at Wu Feng an and said, "where did you come from? How loose are the garrisons around longas Fort now? You can borrow any tank in the garrison. You can borrow ten? Is that exaggeration? "

Wu feng'an said to Ye Feng, "in fact, these are not from the garrison. They are all scrapped tanks, which have been refitted by my friends. There are many refitted military vehicles over there. If you want, I can go and have a chat!"

But Ye Feng said to Wu Feng, "I'm not only interested in your friend's military work, but I'm even more interested in your friend!"

Five feng an immediately toward leaf Feng way, "that is really coincident, he just came now!"

Just then, Wu feng'an saw a shirtless black man walking behind him, nodding to Ye Feng, and Wu feng'an said, "that's him!"

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