Hearing what Ye Feng said, gasevara shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's just an ordinary operation!"

"Lying trough!" Ye Feng smell speech can't help but some excited tunnel, "you are really a talent ah!"

Then Ye Feng immediately got up and walked towards the door, and said to Richard, "go, take us to see the weapons over there!"

Then a group of people, led by Richard, came to a warehouse. When the door of the warehouse was opened, gastwaraton was shocked.

Not only gasevara, but Ye Feng and Wu feng'an were also surprised. Before, these weapons were put in several warehouses separately.

Now they are all merged into a warehouse by Richard. I feel that the warehouse is completely full. In front of me, it's like a mountain of arms.

At this time, gasevara said to Yefeng, "you have made so many weapons. I didn't expect that!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but say, "not only did you not think of it, but also I didn't think of it myself!"

At this time, gasevara picked up a submachine gun and said, "it's an old thing. I've heard some old soldiers mention it!"

Then he turned to Richard and said, "give me a few bullets to feel it?"

Richard looked at Ye Feng, who nodded. Then he picked up a gun and said to Richard, "find more ideas, I want to feel it too!"

Waiting for Richard to find the bullet, Ye Feng and gasevara loaded the bullet together. Ye Feng then said to gasevara, "how about shooting?"

Gasevara held up the gun, made a aiming shape, and nodded to Ye Feng, "OK

Ye Feng also held the machine gun in his hand and looked into the distance. However, he saw a tree with thick thighs in the distance. He immediately said, "that's it! You go first

Gasevara immediately aimed the muzzle at that side when he heard the words. In an instant, he heard a sound of "chuchutu". The tree immediately stopped and broke.

Wu Feng an couldn't help but put out his thumb to gasevara and said, "I can't see it, brother. Is your shooting still so accurate?"

Gasevara shrugged and said, "this kind of old-fashioned machine gun is not very easy to use!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's your turn!"

Ye Feng immediately dragged the muzzle of the gun and pointed at the broken tree trunk Suddenly His shooting style is totally different from that of gasevara, which belongs to the point shooting.

However, after a burst of gunfire, the remaining half of the trunk did not move. Wu Feng an was embarrassed to see it, but he still said, "no one is used to old guns..."

Ye Feng is toward the side of five Phoenix an way, "you close to see!"

Wufeng an was puzzled, but she went to the tree trunk to have a look. Suddenly, her face moved, but she saw that there was a hole in the remaining half of the tree trunk, which was just the gap of a bullet, and it had penetrated the whole tree trunk.

The tree is thicker than its thigh. That is to say, it is impossible for a bullet to make a hole in such a thick trunk. It must be a five output shot, and the gun must be aimed at a point.

In other words, just now Ye Feng's several shots were aimed at this point, one shot after another, one bullet after another, and then he shot a hole in the thick trunk of the tree.

Just now, it's amazing that gasevara can use a machine gun to sweep such a thick tree trunk directly. But compared with Ye Feng's shooting technique, it's not a level or concept at all. Ye Feng's machine gun is just like a sniper gun.

At this time, gasevara and Richard also came over. Richard didn't understand it. Gasevara, after all, was a retired soldier. He could see it at a glance. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng with admiration and said, "you are really powerful. If I practice for another ten years, or even use a laser gun, I may not be able to fight like this!"

Ye Feng didn't tangle with this problem. He didn't mean to compete with gasevara, but he hadn't touched this kind of pure bullet gun for a long time. It's more or less a bit of dazzling.

But it's just a point. Then he digs away from the topic, plays with the machine gun in his hand, looks at gasevara and says, "it's very difficult to transform this machine gun into a laser one."

Gasevara also played with the machine gun in his hand, looked at it carefully, nodded and said, "it's a bit difficult, but it's not the difficulty of the process, but the difficulty of the equipment!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech. He throws his machine gun to Richard on one side and looks at gasevara. "What's on the equipment?"

Gasevara could not help nodding, "yes, it's easy to refit, but the problem is that we lack refitted equipment, especially laser devices!"

Ye Feng looked at gasevara for a long time and said, "can't you get it from the troops of longarsenbao military region?"

Gasevara shook his head and said, "you can't get these. The chance of a laser gun being scrapped is very low!"

Ye Feng is again a burst of ponder, scratched to scratch a skin way, "that want to go where to do?"? You tell me, I'll help you find a way! "

"The Federal Institute of science and technology, which has a department specializing in weapons, should be able to get samples," gasevara said! But it's still very difficult to get into a science and Technology Research Institute, especially the Department that studies weapons. The defense there must be very strict. Most people can't get in! "Ye Feng lit a cigarette, pondered for a moment, and then said to gasevara, "this matter is up to me!"

Gasevara could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "can you get it?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I can't guarantee it yet, but I can try it!"

He said to the three humanitarians, "you'll stay here first. I'll go back to longarsene castle first!"

Wu Feng an immediately asked Ye Feng, "can I help you? I'll go back with you? "

Ye Feng waved his hand and said no, then walked back, got on a military jeep, waved to the three people, and then sped away.

After Ye Feng drove away, gasevara couldn't help looking at the gun hole on the tree trunk and asked Wu Feng an, "it's not ordinary people who can shoot such a person. Who is he?"

Wu Feng an didn't talk much, but patted gasevara on the shoulder and said, "you know you didn't take refuge with the wrong person!"

At this time, Ye Feng drove all the way back to longarsenic castle, got to the apartment downstairs, parked the car, and then went upstairs.

Back to the apartment, just saw a Nan is at the door to identify fingerprints, open the door, he immediately walked over, toward a Nan way, "just off work?"

A Nan nodded, opened the door and entered the room. Before she could stand still, Ye Feng went in and closed the door and asked, "fog Research Department of the Institute of science and technology, can you go in?"

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