Hearing what Ye Feng said, a Nan suddenly looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "enter the weapons research department? Are you crazy? Now I'm just a handyman in the Academy of science! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. Yes, ah Nan can only enter the Academy of Sciences under the arrangement of Hu Dion. It's really hard for her to enter the arms research department.

Think of here, Ye Feng also didn't have much words, immediately got up to leave, a Nan immediately asked Ye Feng, "where are you going?"

Ye Feng said to a-nan, "don't go to the scientific research institute. It may be very dangerous next. Go to the suburbs and meet Wu feng'an."

After leaving this sentence, Ye Feng solemnly added, "it doesn't matter that you can't bring me into the weapons research department. You go now, now, now!"

After that, Ye Feng got off the apartment building and drove to the square of the Han Ding palace.

However, at this time, the Han Ding palace has been closed. Generally, the Han Ding palace will be closed after a day's work.

People who stay inside can come out, but people outside can't get in at all. Even if you work in the Han Ding palace, I'm sorry, you can only come back the next day.

However, Ye Feng noted that this time the closure seems to be even more strictly prohibited than before. I don't know if it is related to the two building attacks.

But Ye Feng didn't plan to leave when he came. Before he came, he naturally knew the forbidden rules of the Han Ding palace. So he found a guard soldier and asked him to find Hanks. He said he wanted to find him.

In principle, the guard of the square at the gate of the Han Ding palace belongs to the tiger guards in the outer Hall of the three armed forces of the Han Ding palace. Now Hanks is the captain of the tiger guards in the outer hall.

The guard asked Ye Feng to wait here. He went into the guard's office at the gate of the Han Ding palace and contacted Hanks with an inside phone.

After about 30 minutes, a car slowly drove out of the palace, stopped at the door and opened the door.

Ye Feng walks over, but sees Hanks sitting in the back seat. Obviously, Hanks wants Ye Feng to get on the bus.

When Ye Feng gets into the car and closes the door, Hanks signals the driver to drive, and then he says to Ye Feng, "what's the matter? Come to me so late? "

Ye Feng immediately asked Hanks, "did Qiao Huiying look for you?"

Hanks frowned. "President? Looking for me? No, what's the matter? "

Ye Fengxin said, "I'll let him contact you immediately after he returns to the Han Ding palace! He didn't contact you? "

Hanks shook his head and said, "I didn't get any calls from the president! There are no internal or external wires! "

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then looked at Hanks and said, "are you familiar with the guard captain in the inner hall?"

Hanks said, "what is joy? Yes, but not very familiar! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I have a feeling, what is Huan? Is he Hu Dion's person?"

When Hanks heard this, his face moved. "You mean the president has been controlled by what is Huan now?"

Ye Feng nodded and said to the driver, "go to the inner hall immediately!"

Hanks also said to the driver, "listen to him, go to the inner hall!"

The car drove all the way to the inner hall of the Han Ding palace. On the way, Hanks said to Ye Feng, "is that why you came to the Han Ding palace?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I have something else to do with Qiao Huiying..."

"Wait!" Hanks immediately interrupted Ye Feng's words, "you just said, you let the president back to the Han Ding palace to contact me?"

Ye Feng nodded, "what's the problem?"

Hanks immediately said, "that is to say, when the president is on live TV, are you with him?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, I'm waiting outside the studio all the way!"

Hanks then asked Ye Feng, "so that is to say, you also know about the so-called alien civilization?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just know it soon!"

Hanks frowned. "What kind of alien civilization is there really?"

The driver then asked, "yes, I'm curious, too."

Ye Feng looked at Hanks and said, "Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying are fighting each other in the live TV broadcast. One is fighting and the other is quitting, but they all mentioned alien civilization. It's impossible for two presidents to fool everyone with this alien civilization, right?"

Hanks could not help but take a deep breath. He did not recover for a long time. He murmured, "in fact, there are always rumors about alien civilization, but they are just rumors!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "since there have been rumors for a long time, the rumors may not be groundless. There must be a reason for it!"

While talking, the car had already arrived at the door of the inner hall. Hanks and Ye Feng got out of the car immediately, went to the guard and said, "we want to see the president!"

The guard immediately said, "Captain Hanks? You are also one of the leaders of the three halls. Don't you know the rules of the Han Ding palace? At night, you can't walk around the three halls at will! "Hanks nodded. "It's a rule, but we have something urgent to report to the president."

The guard shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no way. The rules are rules. Even if the sky falls, the rules still can't be changed!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he had to turn around and say to Ye Feng, "it seems that there is no way..."

But Ye Feng didn't mean to leave. He immediately stepped forward and said, "then you can take a message to the president!"

But the guard shrugged his shoulders and said, "we have no obligation. Our task is to guard the door well. When the time comes, no one can step in from here. Those who violate the law will be killed!"

Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath, and then took a look at the guard.

The guard was still standing there, but the laser machine gun in his hand moved slightly, aiming at Ye Feng.

It seems that as long as Ye Feng dares to intrude, he will shoot Ye Feng immediately.

Hanks also worried that Ye Feng would break through. He immediately came up and grabbed Ye Feng's arm, pulled him to the car, and whispered, "let's think of another way!"

After Ye Feng was pulled into the car, he asked Hanks, "what else can I do? Isn't that the only way to enter the inner hall? "

Hanks said to Ye Feng in a low voice, "you think there are only a few guards in this door. You can easily solve them and get in. That's a big mistake!"

Ye Feng had this impulse just now, but he heard Hanks say in a low voice, "around this door, I don't know how many computer-controlled automatic laser guns are aiming at this side. Even if you solve those guards, you can't escape the hidden machine gun fire."

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