After listening to Hanks' words, Ye Feng's heart moved. It turns out that there are so many murders hidden around here. It can be said that he has walked back and forth many times in the Han Ding palace these days, but he really didn't feel the murders around here.

In fact, Ye Feng also knows that he didn't feel it, not because he felt something wrong, but because of these hidden crises. He just didn't show them at normal times. After all, Ye Feng came to the Han Ding Palace at night for the first time.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help asking Hanks, "then according to your meaning, we won't go in?"

Hanks said to Ye Feng, "first of all, I'll talk to the headquarters of the security forces. I have a special line to contact the president. Let's contact the president first. If we can contact the president, it means that he is still relatively safe. If we can't contact him, we can think of other ways!"

Ye Feng nodded, on the current situation, temporarily can only do so.

Hanks immediately asked the driver to leave the gate of the back hall and drive directly to the headquarters of the central hall guard. After parking, Hanks and Ye Feng immediately got off.

After entering Hanks' office, Hanks went directly to the special line telephone and dialed the special line telephone for president Qiao Huiying.

The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered. Hanks looked more and more dignified. To tell the truth, he didn't want things to come to this stage. Once the president had something to do, it wasn't a security problem in the inner hall, but the whole Han Ding palace, even the whole lonarsenic castle, and even the whole eisf.

Ye Feng from Hanks's face also see, must be the phone did not get through, this shows that his guess is not wrong.

But when Ye Feng was about to say something to Hanks, and Hanks just wanted to hang up, a voice came from the phone, "who!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he immediately said to the phone, "this is the headquarters of the guard force in the middle hall of the Han Ding palace. I'm Hanks, the captain. I have something important to ask your Excellency the president!"

But the other side said, "the president has fallen asleep. What's the matter? Come to the president's office in the back Hall tomorrow and report to him face to face!"

Hanks said at once, "it's a matter of great importance. We have to report it in person tonight!"

But the other side said, "your honor, it seems that you are not in a good mood today. You drank a lot of wine before going to bed, and now you are in a state of drunkenness..."

Hanks stressed in a deep voice, "this matter is extremely urgent. If necessary, I will use my own way to see the president!"

When the other party heard this, he was stunned, including Ye Feng. He looked at Hanks in surprise. Since he knew Hanks, he had never seen Hanks speak so hard. This is the first time.

After hesitating for a long time, the other end of the phone said, "you can come to the back hall, but you are not allowed to bring teams in! I'll let you know at the gate of the back hall! "

Then the other party hung up. Hanks immediately turned back and said to Ye Feng, "the other party agreed that we should enter the inner hall, but we are not allowed to take the team in!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "take me alone. It's not a team."

Hanks did not speak, but went to the drawer to open the drawer, took out a mini laser pistol and put it away, "I'm afraid we'll never get back in this time!"

Ye Feng asked Hanks, "did you hear anything from the phone?"

Hanks said, "this special line is usually answered by the president himself and will not be handled by others. This is the first time that I have been answered by others. But the other party said that the president seems to be in a bad mood tonight, so he drank a lot of wine before going to bed, so I'm not sure for the time being! In any case, we should be psychologically prepared and be prepared for no danger! "

With that, Hanks left the headquarters of the guard of the middle hall and drove Ye Feng back to the gate of the back hall.

When the car stopped at the gate of the back hall, two bodyguards came over immediately.

Hanks immediately said, "I've got in touch with the president. He's allowed us in. I think you've been informed?"

One of the guards nodded and said, "we've been informed, but for safety's sake, we're going to search you. Captain Hanks, you don't mind. We're on a regular basis too!"

Hanks shrugged and said, "it's OK. Of course I understand. Safety is the most important thing."

Then Hanks raised his hand, turned his back to the guard, and let the guard search him.

Ye Feng saw with his own eyes that Hanks had brought a mini laser gun on him, but he didn't know why. Two bodyguards searched him up and down two or three times, but they didn't come out.

After searching Hanks, two bodyguards came to search Ye Feng again. After Ye Feng didn't find anything, they said to the two people, "go in on foot!"

Hanks nodded and winked at Ye Feng. Then he walked into the back door.

When passing the gate, Ye Feng also deliberately slowed down his pace, glanced at both sides, and was really seen by him the hidden computer-controlled machine gun muzzle.But Ye Feng didn't see much. He followed Hanks into the inner hall. They walked along the main road. On the road, they met guards on patrol from time to time.

All the way to the door of the president's bedroom, the bodyguard over there stops Ye Feng and Hanks, and searches them again, but they still don't find anything from Hanks.

After entering the bedroom, Ye Feng asked Hanks in a low voice, "where do you hide your things?"

Hanks smiles at Ye Feng mysteriously without saying a word. When he comes to the entrance of the bedroom hall, a thin middle-aged man seems to have been waiting for Ye Feng and Hanks.

Hanks stopped and looked at the man. "You're talking to me on the phone, aren't you?"

The man nodded, a pair of gloomy eyes staring at Hanks and Ye Feng for a long time, also did not speak.

Hanks immediately asked the man, "how come I've never seen you?"

But the man said to Hanks, "how many times has Lord Hanks been in the inner hall at night?"

Hanks thought about it. He didn't worry about it. Instead, he asked the humanist, "Mr. President, I'm going to report to you face to face right now..."

The man said to Hanks, "if you have anything to report, just tell me. I'll go in and tell the president!"

As soon as Hanks hears this, he immediately looks at Ye Feng and understands what's going on. Qiao Huiying is at least under house arrest.

The man looked at Ye Feng and Hanks and said, "what? Is there something important to report? Why don't you talk? "

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