Hanks looked at the man and said, "I told you, I'll only report to the president face to face!"

The man shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no way! Then you'll have to wait for the day! The president is asleep! "

But Ye Feng sneered at the man and said, "we tell you that you will tell the president again. Don't you need to wake up the president and give him your dream?"

His words are very obvious. Since he doesn't want to disturb Qiao Huiying, he won't wake Qiao Huiying up. How can he tell Qiao Huiying that this kind of words deceive ghosts.

That person listens to Ye Feng to say so, sneer a way, "you didn't think, why let you come in?"

As soon as he spoke, he saw that there were more than ten or twenty people around him, each holding a laser machine gun, and hiding in the dark. I don't know how many.

When Hanks saw this, he couldn't help but look at the man, "don't pretend? So the president is in your hands now? "

The man sneered and said, "what is the president in our hands? We're just protecting the president from unnecessary danger. "

"Protection?" Hanks sneered. "What's the danger to the president? The protection of the three halls inside and outside is not enough. Do you still need your protection? And what unit do you belong to? "

When the man heard this, he couldn't help sneering and said, "do you think it's necessary for us to struggle with this problem now?"

Speaking, the people around have come up, Ye Feng and Hanks round in the middle.

Someone yelled at Hanks and Ye Feng, "hands up!"

Ye Feng and Hanks looked at each other and raised their hands one after another.

The man still stood there, staring at Ye Feng and Hanks, and then said, "if the president knows that you are such a loyal person, he will be very happy. You can rest assured that tomorrow I will tell the president that you have come to him!"

With a wave of his hand, someone immediately put the muzzle of a gun against Ye Feng's and Hanks's waist and motioned them to walk forward.

Ye Feng and Hanks looked at each other and gave each other a look. However, at the same time, the man coldly pointed at the two people, "don't try to resist. There are many guns aiming at you in the dark. If I were you, I wouldn't be so stupid!"

Ye Feng and Hanks didn't say anything when they heard that. They walked forward according to each other's request, except that there were people behind with guns, and there were people on both sides with guns aiming at them. Obviously, they were ready to prevent them from resisting and escaping.

They have been escorted away from Qiao Huiying's bedroom and continue to walk along the path on one side of the bedroom.

Hanks couldn't help asking, "where are you taking us? If you want to kill us, don't bother. You can do it now! "

The man followed Hanks and Ye Feng all the time. When Hanks said this, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "one of you is the captain of the guard and the other is the son-in-law of the president. I don't have the right to kill you!"

Soon they were escorted to a door. After the door was opened, Ye Feng and Hanks were pushed in. Then the door was closed and locked from the outside.

The man stood at the door and said to Ye Feng and Hanks, "just stay here!"

Ye Feng saw that the man was about to leave, and immediately said, "wait a minute!"

The man stopped and looked at Ye Feng in the crack of the door

Ye Feng immediately asked, "I just want to know whether the president is alive or dead now?"

The man shrugged his shoulders and said, "I dare not even deal with you. How can I deal with your excellency?"

Ye Feng then asked, "where's Joanna?"

The man immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "you have too many questions..." After that, he didn't speak any more and turned away.

And the group of soldiers escorting them at the door were still on both sides of the door with live ammunition.

Hanks asked Ye Feng at this time, "what should we do now? Do you believe the president is not dead? "

Ye Feng then after a while ponder a way, "we already in their hand now, he didn't cheat us of necessity!"

Hanks nodded and said, "what are we going to do now? Just wait here? "

Ye Feng found a stool to sit down, then said, "I believe this person's authority is not big, really have the right will soon take the initiative to come to us!"

Hanks sighed, "just now he let us in, I should have thought that I would fall into their encirclement, or I was too careless..."

But Ye Feng said, "there's nothing to blame. Even if you think of it, won't you come?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Hanks could not help pondering for a while. He thought that if he thought that he might be arrested before, he would still come. He could not help sighing, "maybe he will come again!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "that's it? Since the results are all the same, there is nothing to blame! "

Then he said to Hanks, "there's no need to think about it now. Have a good rest. Maybe there will be great changes tomorrow! Prepare for tomorrowHanks listened to Ye Feng say so, can't help nodding, also sat on Ye Feng's side, closed his eyes and began to close his eyes.

I don't know how long later, there was a sound of footwork outside the door, and then a man's voice said, "are they here?"

Ye Feng is familiar with the voice of the difficult man, and can't help frowning.

At this time, the man's voice rang out at the door and said, "Ye Feng? Hanks, I didn't expect you to have today? "

Ye Feng this just rings out, who is this man? It's blakess who lost the post of leader of the tiger guards in the outer hall by them before. Unexpectedly, this guy can enter the inner hall?

When he saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, he said with a smile, "didn't you expect that we would meet again here?"

Hanks opened his eyes and asked to the door, "are you Brecos

Briggs immediately laughed and said, "Hanks, I didn't expect you to remember my voice! Yes? When I'm away, I'll let you act as the captain of the tiger guard. Have you suffered? "

Hanks said immediately, "you're with them? That means that when I dealt with you, I didn't deal with you wrong... "

But blicos said with a sneer, "Feng Shui turns. Who ever thought that today you and I would see you again in this situation? I call it "knowing the current affairs and being a hero", you call it "eating the past and not changing it!"

Hanks yelled at him immediately, "don't be proud, blicos. You're just a dog of theirs. What's the matter with you?"

As soon as he heard this, he pounded the doorpost and said harshly, "who do you think is a dog?"

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