Hanks sneered. "Isn't it?"

Brecos immediately beat the door outside. After beating for a while, he said to the man on one side, "open the door for me!"

The bodyguard on one side said to blicos, "there's an order on it. Don't open it without permission!"

As soon as Brix heard this, he was speechless, and could only sneer at Hanks in the room angrily, "there will always be times when you look good!"

"You see, am I wrong?" Hanks sneered and said, "master, the dog can only bark at once!"

"You are special..." When he heard the words, he pounded the doorframe again and said to the bodyguard, "open the door When something happens, I'll bear it.... "

The bodyguard was still quite embarrassed and said, "don't embarrass me, Mr. blicos. I've spoken from the top. No one can let them out. If you can come here to see them, I'm already at risk..."

But blicos snorted coldly, "have you seen me? Isn't the door in the way? Don't talk nonsense. Open the door for me. You know, if you are in the tiger guards of the outer hall, you will talk to you with a gun at this time! "

But Hanks said to the outside, "I said, blicos, don't embarrass me. Aren't you forcing me to die?"

Brecos immediately hit the doorpost again and said angrily, "don't talk nonsense..." Then he said to the guard, "I'll ask for the last time, can you open the door?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word all the time. At this time, he secretly made a color to Hanks. Hanks understood that they all knew that blicos had been angered by Hanks. Today, he said that everything would come in. This is their chance.

The bodyguard finally couldn't get rid of blicos. As he took out the key, he said to blicos, "ten minutes at most, or I'll find out later. I can't afford to walk away..."

"There's no such nonsense!" Brix pulled the key over and said impatiently, "get it now!"

After pulling the key, blicos immediately opened the door, and the guards outside saw it and pointed their guns at the door.

After brecos stepped into the door, he saw Ye Feng and Hanks sitting on both sides. He couldn't help sneering and said, "look at you prisoners!"

Hanks looked at Briggs and said, "I'm not sure who will be the prisoner in the future."

Brix didn't speak. Instead, he looked at Ye Feng, who didn't say a word. Then he sneered and said, "boy, I didn't expect that we would have a chance to meet again?"

Ye Feng took a look at Brix with his eyelids, then closed his eyes slightly and ignored him.

When he saw this, he could not help frowning and said in an angry voice, "I'm talking to you!"

Ye Feng is still motionless sitting there, Brix see immediately walked toward Ye Feng there.

Just in front of Ye Feng, he immediately grabbed Ye Feng's collar and pulled him up from the ground. In an angry voice, "are you so deaf?"

Don't want to leave Maple this time to open eyes, looking at blicos, not angry but smile.

Brix could not help but frown. "What's the big smile?" But then feel wrong, immediately released Ye Feng, and then look back, but see Hanks has been to his back.

Before Briggs could speak to you, Hanks put his back and said, "if you say a word, there must be a big hole in your back!"

Brecos could not help but move, but then he thought that the person who could come here did not know how many people had searched him. How could he have a gun on his body?

But at this time, the mini pistol in Hanks' hand was already against his neck, and blicos looked down and felt a chill.

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "Captain blicos, thank you for coming in as a hostage!"

Hanks also can not help but sneer, "Briggs captain in this aspect of life is still very particular about!"

Brecos was speechless for a while, and then he came back to his senses. It turned out that the purpose of their anger was to deceive him into coming in. He was as stupid as a pig and put on a trap himself.

At this time, the bodyguard outside couldn't see the inside. After all, Ye Feng and Hanks were on both sides of the door. Although they couldn't see them before, they knew that they could not hear brecos scolding Ye Feng and Hanks. Now they couldn't hear them at all.

Then a bodyguard was outside and said, "Captain blicos?"

As soon as blicos was about to speak, the muzzle of the gun in Hanks' hand hit his neck, which was very obvious. If he dared to make a noise, there would be a big blood hole in his neck.

At this time, Ye Feng whispered to blicos, "Captain blicos, please lead the way now!"

Blicos could not help but frown at Ye Feng, and said in a low voice, "where to?"

Hanks snorted coldly, "do you want to ask? Take us to the president, of course

At this time, the bodyguard outside asked again, "Captain blicos? Are you ok? "Hanks immediately put the muzzle of his gun against the neck of Briggs and said, "watch your mouth!"

Brekos took a deep breath and knew that Hanks would not be polite to him if he said anything at this time.

Thinking about it, he immediately yelled out, "what are you yelling at? Don't you see me teaching them here? "

Hanks was so angry and funny when he saw that brecos said that. At this time, he even wanted to have this face?

But the bodyguard outside urged, "Captain blicos, it's almost time. If someone finds out later, it's not good!"

Brecos can't help looking at Ye Feng and whispering, "if I don't go out again, they will come in!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "what are you hesitating about, then go out?"

Hanks then pushed Briggs toward the door and said, "if they shoot you, I'm not responsible!"

At this time, blicos said to the outside, "I'm out now..."

While speaking, blicos had already walked to the door, and the guards were relieved. But they soon found that blicos was not the only one coming out, and Hanks and Ye Feng were behind him. Immediately, everyone's muzzle was at the door.

Before Ye Feng spoke to Hanks, blicos immediately yelled, "don't shoot. They have guns. They're facing me!"

The soldiers outside couldn't help hesitating, but they didn't mean to put down the laser machine gun. They were still facing the door. For a moment, the two sides were deadlocked here.

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