The guards outside didn't know what to do for a moment, but Hanks yelled at the guards, "put down your weapons, or I'll shoot!"

Those bodyguards heard this, a moment hesitated, but no one immediately put down their weapons, or deadlock over there, the muzzle is still aimed at Hanks and Ye Feng.

Hanks saw that it was no use talking to the guards, and immediately the muzzle of the gun arrived on the back of brecos, and he said in a deep voice, "it seems that they don't care about your life or death!"

As soon as he heard this, his face suddenly changed. He immediately yelled at more than a dozen bodyguards outside the door, "all step back, put down your weapons..."

However, after listening to what brecos said, those bodyguards still stood there unmoved.

Ye Feng can't help but sneer at blicos. He coldly says to blicos, "it seems that you don't have any position here!"

"Special..." Blicos also angry, he is now being held by Ye Feng and Hanks, these guys actually completely regardless of their own life and death, still with the muzzle of a gun to himself, completely regardless of their own life and death.

Brecos yelled at the guards in an angry voice, "are you deaf? Didn't you hear me? I asked you to put down your arms and stand back, but didn't you hear me? "

One of the guards said to blicos, "sorry, Captain blicos, we can't leave here without the above orders!"

Blicos did not speak, Ye Feng immediately sneer, but did not say anything else, it has hurt the sensitive nerve of blicos.

Brekos said angrily to the guard, "go and call him for joy. I'll ask him face to face..."

Hanks and Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow is a move, they all know the Han Ding palace palace palace forbidden guard captain called he Weihuan, but do not know this what is happy who.

But when Ye Feng heard the name of he Weihuan, he thought that it should be related to he Weihuan, and there was a big chance that it was the guy he met with just now.

Before Briggs finished, a voice came out, "what do you want me to ask?"

As Ye Feng expected, the speaker was the one who had caught them just now, but he came slowly. Looking at the scene in front of him, there was no expression on his face.

Brecos was so happy that he immediately called to him, "put down your gun, don't you see me being held by them?"

What is happiness but step by step, the face is still no expression, mouth is cold tunnel, "you are held by them, they will lay down their arms?"

When he heard this, he suddenly changed his face and said in an angry voice, "what is happiness? What do you mean? If your brother knew you were talking to me like this... "

What is happiness? Before brecos finished, he immediately sneered, "what do you mean? If I let them go, my brother knows who to blame? "

Hanks sighed and said to Briggs, "it seems that you are not worth your dog's life in their eyes."

Ye Feng also sneered at blicos, "dogs may be worth more than you!"

Brekeston was angry. He was really angry. He immediately said to he Weile, "you're special. Go and call your brother for me. I'll see if he will talk to me like that too!"

But he sneered, "call my brother? If you ask me to do it, I'll do it? "

Then he said to all the guards on the scene, "no one is allowed to lay down their weapons without my order. As long as they dare to move forward, they will shoot me at once!"

Ye Feng smell speech and Hanks make a wink, he knows that the use of brecos as a hostage is useless, only grasp what is useful.

Hanks also realized this, immediately strangled the neck of brekos, fired a shot toward ho Wei Le, at the same time, immediately pulled brekos back to the house.

He Weile dodged and said to Hanks and Ye Feng, "it's impossible for you to escape with brecos as a hostage. I advise you to give up and take it!"

Ye Feng, who had returned to the house, closed the door. Then he took a look at blicos and said to Hanks, "he's really useless. It's a disaster to keep him. Kill him directly and we'll kill him ourselves!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he answered immediately, and then pointed the gun at the forehead of blicos.

As soon as he saw this, he immediately fell to his knees, raised his hands and said, "don't kill me..."

Ye Feng but cold hum a way, "even your companion all don't want your life, you say to keep you still have what use?"

Brecos immediately said, "I know where the president and the princess are. Just take me out with you. I can take you to save the president and the princess!"

Hanks could not help but look at the words of brecos said, "the president and the princess are really caught by them?"

Blicos immediately nodded, "yes, it's under house arrest!"

Ye Feng immediately asked blicos, "what does hudion mean?"But blicos frowned and said, "hudion? Isn't that the former president? What does it have to do with him? "

But after that, he suddenly said, "what do you mean by Huan and le? They do it at Hu Dion's command?"

Ye Feng didn't expect that blicos didn't even know who was behind the scenes. He couldn't help sneering, "it seems that you are really worthless. Why didn't you even tell you this?"

Hanks also immediately said, "in this case, what the boy said must be false. Since he doesn't even know this, how can he know where the president and the princess are locked up?"

"Don't shoot, don't shoot. I know, I know..." He said in a low voice, "because I'm the one who imprisoned them!"

But Ye Feng looked at blicos and said, "what you said is empty talk, empty talk, why should we believe your words?"

After pondering for a while, blicos said, "I really can't prove it, but what I said is true..." Then he immediately stretched out his hand and showed it to Ye Feng. "You see, my injured tooth mark was bitten by her when I was catching the princess. It hasn't dispersed yet!"

Ye Feng approached blicos and took a look at the tiger's mouth of his hand. There was indeed a new tooth mark, apparently not long after he was bitten.

Hanks sneered, "it only proves that you have been bitten. Who knows if you are a princess?"

But Ye Feng can see that the tooth mark should be bitten by a woman, and the man's tooth mark should be bigger and deeper than this.

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