Briggs also stressed, "this is Princess Joanna's tooth mark. What am I cheating you to do?"

But Ye Feng said to blicos, "the problem now is not whether you bite Joanna, but how we get out of here first"

blicos can't help but feel a move. Ye Feng is right. Now they are surrounded by people who are happy. It's all a problem to get out of trouble, let alone not go to find Qiao Huiying and Joanna's father and daughter It's too late.

Thinking of this, blicos couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "if you believe me, let me out, I'll find a way to save you!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he sneered, "you come to save us? Don't you gnash your teeth at us and want to kill us? To let you out is to let the tiger go back to the mountain. Do you think it's possible? "

Ye Feng didn't say a word to look at blicos, but at this time blicos continued to say, "I hate you, but he Weile and he Weihuan, the two grandchildren, actually ignore my life and death, this tone I can't swallow, our old feud can be calculated later, but he Weihuan and he Weile, the new account of the two grandchildren, I must repay now!"

Hanks sneered and said, "you can only cheat ghosts with your lies."

When he heard Hanks say this, he could not help sighing. Then he looked at Ye Feng who didn't speak all the time and said, "what about you? Do you think so? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I think the same as Hanks, we have no basic trust in you..."

Before Ye Feng finished, blicos immediately sighed, "in that case..."

Ye Feng also didn't wait for blicos to finish, also immediately said, "but we can let you out!"

As soon as Hanks and Briggs heard this, their faces moved. Hanks said to Ye Feng, "let him go? Do you really expect him to help us? "

But Ye Feng said to Hanks, "even if we don't let him go, what's the point of keeping him here? It's not good for us! Let him go

On hearing this, blicos immediately nodded and agreed, "yes, yes, it's useless for you to keep me! Let me go

Hanks had to shrug his shoulders and say, "since you say that, I have nothing to say, but I don't believe that the goods will come back to save us!"

Ye Feng nodded, but said nothing more. He just took a look at blicos and gave him a wink to go out quickly.

When blicos saw this, he immediately took another look at Hanks. Although Ye Feng agreed, he also saw that Hanks listened to Ye Feng, but the gun was in Hanks' hands after all.

Hanks takes a look at blicos, then turns his head, which means to let blicos go before he changes his mind.

As soon as blicos saw this, he immediately walked towards the door, but every step was very careful. He looked back three times, as if he was afraid that Hanks would shoot a black gun in his back.

All the way to the door, he put his hands on the doorknob and called out, "I'm out. Don't shoot!"

With that, blicos looked back at Hanks and Ye Feng, and saw that they didn't move. Then he opened the door.

More than a dozen guns outside were facing the door at this time. Seeing that brecos was alone at the door, he frowned.

After brekos walked out of the door, Ye Feng and Hanks pushed the door from both sides.

And outside the door of what is a musician wave, immediately two guards with guns in the past, the brecos to hold.

Briggs can't help but angry, "lying trough, what do you mean?"

He Weile walked up to blicos and stared at him for a long time before he said, "they finally have a hostage in their hands. Will they kindly let you go?"

Brecos tried his best to stand up straight and said, "they're holding me for your fear. You're not here. What are they keeping me for?"

When he was happy to hear that, he could not help frowning, then gradually showing a smile, indicating that the bodyguards around him stepped down, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "I just know what they think, so I don't care about you on purpose. The more I care about you, the more they won't let you go. You see, I've saved you You

In his heart, he scolded the eighteen generations of his ancestors, but he didn't say anything. He just asked him, "can I go?"

He immediately nodded and said, "of course?"

But as soon as blicos turned around and wanted to leave, he came over again, put his arms around blicos's shoulder and said, "brother, you're not really angry with me, are you?"

But he took a look at what it was like to be happy, and then sighed, "I can't talk about it!"

What is happiness, but he said with a smile, "I didn't save you as a result?" Then he immediately patted him on the shoulder and said, "by the way, what are they doing inside? Both have guns? "

Brekos's heart moved, and then made a look of embarrassment, "bullshit gun, Hanks hand that is also a fake, I was scared by him!"When he heard this, his face could not help but move, and then nodded, "I say, how can this goods have guns under the control of all levels?"

Blicos nodded and said, "well, no gun..." Then he frowned at him and said, "by the way, are you going to lock them up like this?"

He Weile shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "I can't help it. My brother said the above meaning is to close it first and wait until tomorrow!"

Blicos nodded and said, "up there is former president houdion? I didn't expect that! "

What is Le Wen Yan? His face moved and said, "former president houdion, what are you talking about?"

But blicos said with a sneer, "don't pretend. I know why you and your brother are all from houdion. They want to keep me in the dark!"

He Weile's face was slightly moved and said, "this is not my lie. I really don't know..."

After staring at he Weile for a long time, he suddenly changed his face, pointed to the door and said, "lying trough, they rush out again..."

When he heard this, his face suddenly changed. However, when he looked at the door, he saw that it was still closed. His heart suddenly moved.

However, it was too late. At this time, blicos strangled his neck, pulled out the laser pistol from his waist, and immediately resisted he Weile's neck.

Why is happy unprepared, even busy way, "blicos, what are you doing?"

Blicos sneered, "nothing! Also let you taste the taste of being held

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