Brekos said, immediately with the gun in his hand, forced to what is happy on the neck, angry voice, "now I can ask your men to put down the gun?"

"Brecos!" He Weile immediately said angrily, "do you know the consequences of what you do?"

But blicos sneered and said, "I don't care what the consequences are. When I am kidnapped and you don't ask about my life and death, you should think about what the consequences will be for you?"

Then brekos immediately pushed what is fun, yelled at the guards in front of him, "put down your guns!"

Those bodyguards didn't pay much attention to brecos and he Weile just now. Their attention was at the door. After all, Ye Feng and Hanks could come out at any time.

At this time, listening to the sudden cry of brekos, they turned their heads to look at brekos and he Weile. When they saw that brekos was facing he Weile with the muzzle of the gun, they turned the muzzle of the gun to them.

When he saw this, he immediately moved his face and said angrily to the guards, "it seems that I can't speak well!" Finish saying to immediately hold a gun to he Weile's leg is a gun.

Why did Le scream in pain? The power of laser pistol is not small. He didn't expect that brecos would really shoot.

Other people did not expect, a person was stunned, but at this time, he used a gun against the head of he Weile and said, "if you don't put down the gun, I'll shoot him in the head!"

Without waiting for the bodyguards to respond, he immediately yelled at the bodyguards, "put down your guns..."

When the bodyguards hesitated for a while, why were they happy? They immediately called out, "Tute Put down the gun It's killing me... "

The bodyguards listened to why they were happy, and then they put down their guns one after another.

Brekos drags he Weile to the door of the room where Hanks and Ye Feng are imprisoned. He Weile's legs are in sharp pain, and he shouts like a pig all the way.

After arriving at the door, blicos knocked on the door and said, "it's me. Open the door. What's the pleasure of holding on to me?"

Hanks and Ye Feng have been listening to the situation outside in the house. After listening to what brecos said, Hanks immediately looks at Ye Feng and asks for his opinions.

Ye Feng didn't say anything, immediately opened the door, but saw that blicos was standing at the door with his happy neck.

Hanks immediately stepped forward and out of the door, pointed his gun at the guards, and said in a loud voice, "no move!"

Ye Feng also rushed out, walked to a bodyguard in front, picked up the laser machine gun on the ground, facing the bodyguards.

Hanks then said to blicos, "I didn't expect that you'd come back to save us because you're so trustworthy."

But blicos said with a sneer, "I already said that my grudge with you is one thing, and my grudge with the ho brothers is another. We'll talk about it later!"

With that, blicos immediately yelled at the soldiers, "get out of the way!"

But Ye Feng said to Hanks, "escort them to the room!"

Hanks also picked up a laser machine gun and said to the guards, "all in!"

The soldiers could only enter the room as they were told, and Hanks immediately locked the door outside.

What is happiness? At this time, he said to blicos with pain, "blicos, you will regret doing so!"

Brecos immediately pushed what is happiness forward, pulled the trigger and said, "even if I regret it, you can't see it!"

A shot just hit he Weile's back. He fell to the ground with a snort.

Ye Feng and Hanks can't help but move when they see this. This Briggs is really tough. He said that he would kill what is music without hesitation.

At this time, blicos looked back at Ye Feng and Hanks and said, "what are you doing? Follow me

Ye Feng and Hanks just regained their consciousness and immediately followed blicos and left here.

Hanks said to Ye Feng in a low voice, "this boy is too cruel, still can't completely believe it!"

But Ye Feng said to Hanks, "no matter what, he will not let him go if he kills he is happy and he is happy. He is married with he Weihuan. Before he ensures his safety, brecos will not tear his face with us!"

When Hanks heard that there was some truth in it, he didn't say a word.

Brecos walked in front, listening to the whispers of Ye Feng and Hanks behind, immediately looked back and said, "what do you two say furtively? Don't play tricks, unless you don't want to see the president and the princess!"

Hanks listened to this and looked at Bbu Leo Kos in surprise. "Do you really know where your Excellency the president and his royal highness are?"

Briggs snorted coldly, "you still don't believe it? Believe it or not, if you think I'm lying, you'll find it yourself. Don't follow me! "

Without waiting for Hanks to speak, Ye Feng immediately said to blicos, "I believe you, lead the way!"When he heard the words, he immediately took a look at Ye Feng, and then glared at Hanks again. Then he said to Ye Feng, "you're still a little brave, not like some people!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he immediately gave a cold snort. He naturally knew that some of the people brekos was talking about were himself.

But it's not the time to get angry with blicos, so he won't say a word.

Brekos had been walking with them along the road in the back hall of the Han Ding palace, but it was strange that they didn't meet any other guards on the road.

Hanks felt more and more strange. After all, he was also a member of the three armed forces system of the Han Ding palace. He knew that this was unusual. Especially at night, he must have strengthened the patrol, but they didn't meet a single patrol.

Ye Feng is also a little curious. After taking a look at Hanks, Hanks immediately understands Ye Feng's meaning and shrugs to him to show that he is also very curious.

After walking a little further, he slowed down and said in surprise, "why didn't a patrol guard see it?"

Originally, Hanks was still suspicious of blicos, but at this time, he also began to doubt, but put down his guard.

Ye Feng asked blicos at this time, "maybe after the rebellion of the guards, they made adjustments? How far is it from where you're going to take us? "

Brecos said at once, "it's near here, but I don't see the guard. I'm a little confused!"

Hanks immediately said to blicos, "no matter what, first find the president and the princess!"

Brekos immediately nodded, and then continued to walk forward, Ye Feng and Hanks looked at each other, continue to follow.

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