Although he Weihuan said that, Hanks still had some doubts. After all, the nave has always been the jurisdiction of Hanks.

If someone wants to transfer the president and princess from the rear hall to the sphere of influence of the middle hall, then the tiger guards in the middle hall must know.

But Hanks didn't hear anything, which shows that he Weihuan is probably lying just to survive.

Of course, this is only one possibility, and there is another possibility that there are hudion's people in the central palace tiger guards.

But Ye Feng stares at he Weihuan. After a long time, he asks, "are you sure?"

He Weihuan looked at Ye Feng with affirmative eyes and said, "I'm sure!"

Even brecos could not help saying, "I don't think he was lying. Maybe he was hiding in the middle hall!"

Hanks this time but toward what is happy way, "if can't find have you good-looking of!"

He Weihuan immediately nodded and said, "unless they transfer the president and Princess again, they will never be wrong!"

"No more nonsense!" Ye Feng immediately toward what is happy way, "immediately lead the way!"

He Weihuan then points to the road ahead and tells Ye Feng where to turn.

After a while, he arrived at the entrance of an alley. He Weihuan immediately asked Ye Feng to stop the car. Then he said, "it's at the end of the alley. If we show up so rashly, it may cause the opposite result!"

Hanks immediately opened the door and said, "I'll go down and have a look. I'd like to see who dares to do this in the middle hall!"

He Weihuan immediately said to Hanks, "I'll go with you. They may not listen to you, but they will certainly listen to me!"

Hanks frowned. Ye Feng and blicos got out of the car immediately. Ye Feng said, "the goal of the car is too big. Let's all four go!"

Hanks couldn't, so he had to get out of the car and follow Ye Feng. They continued to walk deep into the alley. The alley was very long and narrow, especially in the deep of night. They couldn't see what was going on in the deep.

A few people walked cautiously towards the front, and only the footsteps of a few of them came from the whole long alley, which sounded extraordinarily seeping.

The lane is a little long, and they are not fast, which makes it very long.

I don't know why Huan suddenly stopped after a long walk and said in a low voice, "why is there no one? It shouldn't be

Hanks also stopped, looked back at why Huan, and then said in a cold voice, "I understand. You are deliberately wasting our time. Anyway, if you can't find someone later, you can also say that you have been transferred!"

When he heard this, he nodded and suddenly said, "yes, as long as we can't find anyone and say it was transferred, we will never be able to confirm what you said!"

He Weihuan immediately said, "no! What I said is true! Absolutely not

Ye Feng then frowned, "didn't you just say it was at the end of the alley? It doesn't seem to be at the end of the alley. Do you feel that they have been transferred? "

He Weihuan immediately said, "it's not like this. Before, I knew there should be bodyguards here, but now they don't, so I guess something happened!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately pushed he Weihuan a way, "no matter, now has arrived here, even if know the president and princess is not here, also want to go to see again!"

He Weihuan couldn't, so he had to walk in front. He knew that Ye Feng, Hanks and blicos must be aiming at his back. As long as he had a slight change, his body would be broken immediately.

Now he Weihuan can only walk forward cautiously, but he didn't walk more than 20 meters. Immediately he heard someone ask in the distance, "who is it?"

Originally, everyone thought it was an empty alley, but at this time, someone suddenly asked questions, and his heart moved.

But in the dark alley, you can't see anything, let alone people. The person who spoke can't see them, so he must have heard their footsteps.

Hanks quickly walked to he Weihuan's back, put the muzzle of his gun against him, and then said to himself, "it's me!"

As soon as the man heard Hanks' voice, he said, "Captain Hanks?"

Hanks snorted coldly, scolding these guys for knowing his own voice, but he said, "yes, it's me!"

At this time, Ye Feng and blicos have come over quickly, blocking he Weihuan behind him. Blicos even holds his hand, and the muzzle of the gun is also aimed at him.

At this time, I heard a rapid sound of footsteps, and soon a tall black man ran over. When he saw Hanks, he immediately stood at attention and saluted, "Captain!" Then he frowned at Yefeng and blicos.

Hanks said, "what are you doing in this dark place? Do you want soldiers to guard here? "

The black man's face moved slightly, but in the dark, his skin was so dark that he could not see any change in his expression.He said immediately, "report to the captain, there are important criminals to guard..."

As soon as Hanks heard this, his heart moved. Did the president and the princess really live here?

Ye Feng and blicos were also shocked, but Hanks immediately asked, "are there any important criminals to guard? You alone? "

The black man nodded and said, "I'm the only one, but not before. They're all hungry. They're looking for something to eat. Let me hold on and bring it back to me later!"

After pondering for a while, Hanks said to the black man, "what's the crime? Why didn't I hear that? "

The black man immediately said, "actually, I don't know. I'm a latecomer. I just heard them say that there are very important people here!"

Hanks nodded. He didn't say much. He immediately yelled, "I'm holding important criminals. I just want to eat. I'll come back later. I won't scold them!"

Then he said to the black man, "take me to see what's going on!" With that, he immediately went to the front.

Seeing this, the black man immediately follows Hanks. In order to prevent the black man from discovering he Weihuan, Hanks deliberately speeds up his pace and keeps a certain distance from Ye Feng.

Brecos then whispered to Yefeng, "is the president and Princess really here?"

He Weihuan immediately said, "I said I didn't lie, did I? You must believe it

Ye Feng didn't speak. He just followed Hanks and the black man. At this time, he heard a sound of footwork behind him. Someone said anxiously, "the car at the end of the lane must have come here. It's over! If people are saved, we're done with everything! "

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