Some people said, "yes, so is captain he. At this point, he doesn't lock people up in their back hall and bring them to our middle hall. If captain Hanks knows, it doesn't mean to tell captain Hanks that we are captain he's people."

He Wei Huan listens in the ear, at this time Dynasty leaf maple way, "I didn't cheat you!"

Ye Feng nodded, at this time immediately a will he Weihuan pulled over, toward the front of a push way, "and they want people!"

He Weihuan naturally understands Ye Feng's meaning. If you can take people away without fighting, it's certainly the best.

Thinking about why Huan, he coughed softly and yelled at the front, "let's see where you've gone..."

As soon as they heard someone speak, the first reaction was that they stopped one after another, raised their guns to he Weihuan, and said in a loud voice, "who?"

Why Huan sneered, "I can't even hear my voice? Just now you were talking about me. Didn't you have a good time? "

Those people immediately recognized what is the voice of joy, and immediately said, "Captain he? Why are you here? "

Then he put down his guns one after another, and several people trotted to this side until he Weihuan. Then he said, "Captain he, we were brothers just now. We were hungry, so we went to find something to eat. We left people here to guard. Don't worry!"

He Weihuan cursed in his heart and left a sunspot here to guard. If he hadn't come by himself, he would have been saved.

But why Huan could not say anything on his mouth? He immediately asked, "are people still there? I'm going to take it

The leader immediately said, "yes, yes!" Then he quickly took out the key and walked forward.

But when he passed Hanks and the black man, the man's face suddenly changed. He was so scared that all the keys in his hand fell to the ground, "Han Captain Hanks

Hanks just sneered at the spies and said, "go and open the door!"

The man quickly picked up the key on the ground and immediately ran forward to open the door. When the other people heard Hanks' voice, they were all puzzled. How did captain Hanks get together with he Weihuan?

When the man opened the door, he immediately stood on one side and said, "Captain Hanks, what What is captain Huan? The door has been opened! "

They all went over. Hanks was the first one to enter the door and turn on the light inside. However, there was a small sundry room with a stale smell.

After the light is turned on, ye Fenggang walks to the door and looks inside. Qiao Huiying is sitting on a sundry box with her head on one side of the woolen pocket, while Joanna is lying on Qiao Huiying's leg.

Qiao Huiying slowly opened her eyes at this time, put her hand over her eyes and looked at the door. She said, "if you want to kill me, don't move around. I'm tired and tired!"

Hanks immediately went forward, squatted in front of Qiao Huiying and said, "Mr. President, I'm hanks of the nave!"

When Qiao Huiying heard this, he couldn't help looking at Hanks carefully. In his mind, he remembered that when he went back to the Han Ding palace, Ye Feng once told him that he could find someone, whose name was Hanks!

He immediately took Hanks hand excitedly. "Are you Hanks? Are you here to save me

Hanks immediately nodded and said, "you can rest assured, Mr. President. You are safe now. I'm here to help you out!"

Qiao Huiying immediately patted Joanna on the back and said, "Anna, wake up, wake up, Anna!"

Joanna had already said that. After being awakened by Qiao Huiying, she raised her head and opened her bleary eyes to look around.

She was just dreaming that Ye Feng had already taken herself away from here, and even left longarsenic castle to a picturesque place. They were walking on the beach by the sea.

However, after seeing the surroundings or the utility room, I realized that I was dreaming and was disappointed.

At this time, Ye Feng came in and took a look at Qiao Huiying and Joanna.

Qiao Huiying saw Ye Feng and immediately stood up and said, "Ye Feng?"

As soon as Joanna heard the name, her heart suddenly moved. She immediately followed Qiao Huiying's eyes and saw that Ye Feng was coming towards her.

When she saw Ye Feng, Joanna couldn't believe her eyes. She quickly rubbed her eyes and thought she was still dreaming.

However, when she rubbed her eyes, she found that Ye Feng had come to her and was looking at herself with a smile. She immediately stepped forward and threw herself in Ye Feng's arms.

Ye Feng hugged Joanna, patted her on the back and said, "I'm late. You're scared!"

Joanna hid in Ye Feng's arms and shook her head. She didn't speak. She just hugged Ye Feng tightly and hugged her more tightly.

Qiao Huiying nodded to Ye Feng and said, "here you are!"

Ye Feng also nodded, and at this time, Joanna in his arms slowly pushed Ye Feng away, looked up at Ye Feng and said, "I'm not dreaming, am I?"Ye Feng smiles at Joanna and says, "dream? How can you dream of such a shabby place? "

Joanna pinched herself, hurt immediately, ah, after confirming that it was not a dream, she immediately put her hand around Ye Feng's neck and stood on tiptoe, as if no one was kissing Ye Feng.

When other people saw this, they couldn't help looking back to avoid it. Qiao Huiying shook her head and said, "let's go out first!"

Suddenly, only Yefeng and Joanna were left in the utility room. After a long kiss, Joanna released Yefeng and looked at him with tears in her eyes and said, "I thought I would never see you again in my life!"

Ye Feng then stretched out his hand to wipe the tears of Joanna and said, "don't be silly, you don't want to see me, I will chase you to see me!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately hugs Joanna and kisses her.

He Weihuan outside the door took a look. Qiao Huiying was looking at him coldly. "He Weihuan, how dare you!"

When he Weihuan heard this, his face suddenly moved. He plopped down and knelt down in front of Qiao Huiying

Qiao Huiying sneered, "what's the duty of the Imperial Guard in the inner hall? To whom? "

Why did he look at Qiao Huiying in a dazed way? For a long time, he could not speak. At this time, blicos sneered and said, "Mr. President, you'd better die a disloyal man like this!"

When he heard this, he immediately yelled, "no, don't kill me. I'm still useful! Mr. President, leave me. You're still useful! "

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