Qiao Huiying just nodded, did not speak, but went to Hanks, directly took the laser machine gun from Hanks, and immediately turned to he Weihuan for a while.

Why did he hum? He was beaten to rourourou in an instant. Everyone frowned when he saw it. But blicos cried, "good job!"

In addition, several guards of the nave who were bribed by he Weihuan immediately ran away. Brecos immediately carried a machine gun and shot again. Without running, all of them fell to the ground.

After the shooting, Brix said to Hanks, "don't thank you. I just executed the traitor for you!"

Qiao Huiying then throws the laser gun to Hanks, while Ye Feng and Joanna also come out at this time. Seeing this, they can't help but move their faces.

Hanks put away the gun and asked Qiao Huiying, "your honor! Now what do we do? Do you want to leave the Han Ding palace or go to the inner palace? "

After pondering for a while, Qiao Huiying said to Hanks, "I'll stay in the middle hall for a while, and Ye Feng will stay to protect me. You can lead the team into the inner hall and clean up all the traitors inside. Now I appoint you as the commander in chief of the third hall! Whether it's the tiger guards, or the tiger guards, or the forbidden guards, I'll listen to you! "

As soon as Hanks and Briggs heard this, their faces moved. Hanks quickly bent down and said to Qiao Huiying, "commander in chief of the third hall? There has never been such a position before. Even if there is one, it should be the president himself! "

But blicos was full of envy and jealousy. After taking a look at Hanks, he immediately agreed, "yes, sir, this is not in line with the established rules!"

Qiao Huiying immediately said, "needless to say, it's an extraordinary period. Of course, it's necessary to use the extraordinary method. I've decided that it won't change. As the deputy commander, you are in charge of the third hall together. Before dawn, I'll ask you if you can eradicate all the remaining evils of the Han Ding palace?"

Hanks immediately stood on the right track and said, "promise to finish the task!"

Briggs hesitated. Although Qiao Huiying was appointed as his deputy commander, his heart was still unbalanced. Why is Hanks the right man and he can only be his deputy?

Qiao Huiying saw that blicos didn't speak, and immediately looked at blicos and said, "what about you? Are you ready? "

As soon as blicos heard this, he immediately stood on the right track and said, "to ensure the completion of the task, your Excellency the president, put it down!"

Qiao Huiying nodded with satisfaction, "after the end of this rebellion, I will give you credit, and I will reward you in the future! Go

Hanks and Briggs nodded at the words, then looked at Ye Feng and Joanna, and then left in a hurry.

On the way, blicos said to Hanks, "why do you always beat me?"

Hanks shrugged his shoulders and said, "you're content. The president doesn't know what you're happy about in the beginning. Brother, if he knows, the deputy commander doesn't have your share!"

On hearing this, blicos was shocked. Yes, he forgot about it. He was still a rebel in the beginning.

After waiting for bricos and Hanks to leave, Qiao Huiying turned to look at Ye Feng and Joanna, and then said, "thank you this time!"

Ye Feng shrugs at Qiao Huiying, saying it's nothing, while Joanna says to Qiao Huiying, "Dad, you have to thank Ye Feng this time. Without him, I'm afraid our father and daughter will die in the Han Ding palace!"

Qiao Huiying nodded and murmured, "you are hudion's granddaughter. No matter how much he hates your father, I won't kill you, so you are always safe!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and agrees with Qiao Huiying's words. After all, Qiao Huiying's family has three members. For Hu Dion, Qiao Huiying is the only one who has no blood relationship with him. Now Joanna's mother is gone, and Joanna is his last blood relationship in the world.

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He immediately asked Qiao Huiying and Joanna to follow him to the office of the central hall of Hanks.

Outside Hanks' office, several bodyguards first asked who it was. When they saw that it was Ye Feng, they knew Ye Feng and the president better. Naturally, they let it go.

After entering the office, Qiao Huiying first let Joanna rest in the side hall, while he and Ye Feng sit in the office.

Joanna, Qiao Huiying and Ye Feng say that they are not sleepy. Ye Feng says to Qiao Huiying, "there will be more things in the daytime tomorrow. You'd better have a rest!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded a way, "good, I listen to you!"

After waiting for Joanna to go to bed, Qiao Huiying can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "Anna doesn't even listen to me as a father, but she obeys you!"

Ye Feng shrugs at Qiao Hui Ying and says, "Anna is an adult. She has her own judgment!"

Said also did not diverge the topic way with Qiao Huiying, "by the way, after you return to the Han Ding Palace today, how can suddenly the form become like this?"

Qiao Huiying sighed at this time, "as soon as I met the inner hall, I was controlled by he Weihuan! He Weihuan, I have always trusted him. He betrayed me, which I never thought of at all! "Ye Feng nodded. It's no wonder that Qiao Huiying just killed he Weihuan mercilessly.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said to Qiao Huiying, "from this point of view, it can be said that Hu Dion has officially started his action!"

Qiao Huiying also nodded and said, "that's right. He has moved from behind the scenes to in front of the stage. We should have thought of that since he started his TV speech!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "what are you going to do next? Is there any way to deal with it? "

Qiao Huiying sighed, "from what is Huan, you can see that all Hu diong's insiders in the Han Ding palace have jumped out!"

Ye Feng then said, "I hope Hanks and blicos can control the palace tonight! If the Han Ding palace is completely in our hands, there is still hope of turning over! "

Qiao Huiying nodded, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "where is the garrison of long arsenic castle? If Hu diong controls the garrison of longarsenbao and encircles the Han Ding palace, then even if he controls the Han Ding palace, he is just a turtle in a jar! "

But Ye Feng said, "I know a little about the garrison of longarsenic castle. They are just a mob. I don't know how many years you haven't rectified the military discipline. Now you are the general ones with lax military discipline. You can't make it!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng lowered his voice and said to Qiao Huiying, "and I have made many preparations. Even if I am surrounded by the garrison of longarsenic fort, I still have a group of potential forces waiting for my dispatch at any time!"

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