Qiaohuiying listen to Ye Feng said, can't help but frown a way, "you mean you stay in hukewan that group of people?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, these people are in the suburb of longarsene fort. As long as I give an order, they will soon be able to disintegrate the army of longarsene Fort!"

Qiao Huiying can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "do you know how many people are there in the army of long arsenic Fort?"

Ye Feng knows what Qiao Huiying means. How many soldiers are there in longarsene castle? How many people can you organize? How dare you say that you can destroy the army of longarsene castle.

In fact, there is another meaning, but Qiao Huiying didn't make it clear, that is, if you can organize so many people, what do you want to do?

At this time, Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "people are not many, but essence! I don't have many people, but it shouldn't be a problem to break down the army of lonarsenic fort. Don't forget what I said just now, the garrison of lonarsenic fort is just a mob! "

Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng for a long time without saying anything. After a long time, he nodded to Ye Feng, but he still didn't say anything.

Ye Feng knew that Qiao Huiying was worried about himself, so he immediately said, "I know what you are worried about. Are you worried about the future?"

Qiao Huiying's face suddenly moved, and his expression was exactly the same as that of Ye Feng, but he quickly denied, "I didn't think so far..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for Qiao Huiying to finish, and immediately said, "I don't think you should think so far. Now the problem in front of you is Hu Dion. If you are so afraid of me even if you want to deal with Hu Dion now and need me, then I don't think we need to force each other to tie together!"

Then, without waiting for Qiao Huiying to say anything, he immediately added, "it seems that I'm too busy. I really shouldn't have come to save you..."

Qiao Huiying immediately said to Ye Feng, "you worry too much. I really don't think so much, and I don't think so far. I'm just worried about whether your people are the opponents of the garrison of longarsene Fort!"

Said immediately did not wait for Ye Feng to speak, immediately said, "but since you said no problem, of course I believe you!"

Ye Feng stood up and lit a cigarette. He smoked and said to Qiao Huiying, "it's late today. You'd better have a rest. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. If you don't have any energy, I'm afraid you won't be able to support tomorrow."

Qiao Huiying originally wanted to say something, but he also felt that Ye Feng didn't want to say anything to him any more, and he didn't ask. He just nodded and lay on his side in the chair, narrowed his eyes and closed his eyes.

Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette and looked back at Qiao Huiying. He seemed to have fallen asleep. Then he sighed and shook his head.

At this time, Qiao Huiying is still doubting himself. It seems that he looked up at him before.

But now Ye Feng knows that he has no choice. Now he can only choose Qiao Huiying. In fact, this situation is the same for Qiao Huiying. Qiao Huiying has no choice. In this situation, Qiao Huiying can only choose herself.

Ye Feng finally sat on another chair, just like Qiao Huiying, and closed his eyes. Today, it seems that he can only make do for one night here.

After closing his eyes, Ye Feng also fell asleep unconsciously. I don't know how long it took to wake up after hearing a rush of footsteps.

As soon as Ye Feng opened his eyes, he looked out of the hall. Hanks and blicos were coming in a hurry, and they were followed by a group of bodyguards.

Qiao Huiying seems to have been woken up. After opening her eyes, she rubs them and looks at Hanks and brecos coming in. She immediately stands up and asks, "how's it going?"

As soon as Hanks was about to speak, he was preempted by brecos. "Mr. President, we are all in the third hall now. There are no other forces for the time being!"

Qiao Huiying nodded, then took a long breath, sat down again and said, "that's good, that's good!" Then he looked up at Briggs and Hanks and said, "hard work for you!"

But Ye Feng said to blicos, "how do you judge whether the other party is hostile?"

When brekeston was stunned, Hanks said to Ye Feng, "we don't need to distinguish whether the other party is hostile or not. At least we have stabilized the situation now, and I believe many people are just looking at the development of the situation..."

"What?" Qiao Huiying's face suddenly moved and said, "didn't you just say it was completely eliminated?"

Hanks said to Joe, "that's what blicos said. I didn't say that! But you don't have to worry, Mr. President. The situation is good for us now. There won't be any problem for the time being! "

Qiao Huiying looked at Hanks suspiciously, then took another look at brecos and said, "you actually said that there are no other hostile forces at all?"

In a moment of embarrassment, blicos explained forcefully, "what I mean is similar to Hanks, and your excellency, what I just said is temporary, temporary..."Qiao Huiying immediately glared at blicos, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "Ye Feng, now what do you say to do?"

Ye Feng then said to Qiao Huiying, "although the third hall has been controlled, what about outside the Han Ding palace? If I'm not wrong in my guess, Fort lonas is now under the control of houdion

Without waiting for Qiao Huiying to respond to Ye Feng's words, Hanks immediately said, "before we come back, we went to the palace wall of the front hall to see. As you said, there are already troops gathered in the square in front of the Han Ding palace. If I guess correctly, it should be the garrison of longarsene castle!"

Then Hanks looked at Qiao Huiying and said, "I just want to ask the president, are these garrisons transferred by your command?"

Qiao Huiying immediately stood up and said, "I didn't issue any orders!" Then he asked Hanks, "do you mean the palace has been surrounded?"

Just as Hanks was about to speak, blicos said immediately, "not yet..."

Qiao Huiying, on the other hand, glared at blicos and said, "shut up and listen to Hanks!"

On hearing this, brecos's face moved, and he stood on one side and did not speak any more.

Hanks said to Qiao Huiying, "at present, we haven't found that the palace has been surrounded. We just gather in the square in front of the palace. However, it's not clear whether the palace will be surrounded next. But I've asked the soldiers to pay close attention to it. If there is any new trend, we will report it immediately!"

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