Qiao Huiying nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he took a look at Ye Feng. He still remembered what Ye Feng said about his group of people outside longarsenbao. If the Han Ding palace was really surrounded, they would have to rely on Ye Feng's people.

Just thinking about it, a bodyguard came to report, "Captain, the soldiers in the square of the Han Ding Palace are scattered. They are scattered towards both sides of the Han Ding palace. I'm not sure whether they want to surround the Han Ding palace for the time being!"

On hearing this, Qiao Huiying immediately stood up and looked at the guard who came to inform her, "how many people are there in the square?"

The bodyguard said immediately, "there are more than 10000 people left. It's impossible to count them. The lights on the square have been turned off. It's dark outside now, and you can't see clearly with your naked eye!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "it's dark outside? What do you mean

The bodyguard immediately said, "now the whole longarsenic castle, except the Han Ding palace, has no power supply in the whole city!"

As soon as everyone heard this, his face could not help but move. Ye Feng immediately walked out of the room and stood at the door looking at the distant sky.

The buildings of the Han Ding Palace are relatively low. Even the highest part of the wall around the Han Ding palace is only three or four stories high, so you can see the high-rise buildings of longarsenbao in the distance.

Now Ye Feng looks into the distance. In the dark sky, he can't see any light. It's all around him. That's enough to show that the bodyguard is right. The whole longarsenic fort is out of power.

Qiao Huiying then came out to have a look and sighed, "it seems that Hu Dion's action is one step faster than us. He is going to trap us in the Han Ding palace!"

Brekos immediately said, "it seems that we can't wait for daybreak. We must break through at night and leave the Han Ding palace!"

Hanks can't help nodding, "for today's sake, we can only take risks to break through. When it's daybreak, it's even more risky to think about breaking through."

Qiao Huiying immediately asked Hanks, "what's the risk of breaking through now? How many chances do we have to break through? "

After a moment of hesitation, Hanks said to Qiao Huiying, "half and half. After all, the bodyguards of the three halls are only four or five thousand, and there must be tens of thousands of troops outside!"

Qiao Huiying's face suddenly burst after hearing this, and her disappointment immediately appeared on her face.

Brecos immediately said, "anyway, there is still a chance to break through. If you stay here until daybreak, you can only wait to die!"

Qiao Huiying took a deep breath and looked at Ye Feng, who had never spoken, "Ye Feng! What do you say? "

Ye Feng pondered for a long time and didn't speak. In fact, he also knew that Hanks was right. The success rate of breaking through the encirclement under the cover of night was much higher than that of day.

But in the end he shook his head and said, "it's not the time yet!"

"It's not the right time," he said? Is it time to wait for daylight? "

Qiao Huiying can't help nodding and said, "they're right. If you want to break through, it's better to take advantage of the night as a cover, isn't it?"

Hanks could not help nodding and said, "yes, I missed this opportunity. As soon as it gets light, there will be no chance!"

But Ye Feng said to several people, "can you think of breaking through now? Didn't the other party think you wanted to break through at this time?"

Qiao Huiying, Hanks and blicos can't help looking at Ye Feng.

They all understand immediately, what Ye Feng said is all right. They can think about going to break through. Doesn't the other party know that this is the best time to break through?

In this case, the defense of the other side must be particularly tight at this time. Although there is night as cover, their vigilance is certainly much higher than usual.

Ye Feng said immediately at this time, "when are people who stay up late the most sleepy?"

A few people didn't quite understand Ye Feng's meaning. Looking at Ye Feng in surprise, Qiao Huiying said directly to him, "Ye Feng, what do you think?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "people who stay up late have to be energetic to prevent us from breaking through. What does that mean? It shows that their spirit must be highly nervous! "

At this point, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, smoked a mouthful and continued, "and the tense atmosphere will be contagious. That is to say, if we break through at this time, if hudion's order is to capture us alive, but because of the tension of these soldiers, it is likely that there will be a misjudgment of the situation, and it is the easiest to wipe the gun away!"

When he heard this, he frowned and said, "in the end, are you afraid of death?"

He said with a sneer. It's a look that I really misunderstood you. Hanks and Qiao Huiying can't help but look at Ye Feng in amazement.

Ye Feng, regardless of the three people's eyes, continued to say, "this is the second most important thing. The most important thing is that if they think that we will break through at night, then it must be their most tight defense now, so when will it be the most loose defense?"

Said did not wait for three people to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "is to break the dawn before that moment!"Hanks frowned. "Why?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you are the other side, now you have to prevent us from breaking through. After waiting all night, we are all in a high tension situation. It's almost dawn, but we still have no action here. What do you think if you are them?"

After pondering for a while, Hanks suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "if it's like this, I'll see it's going to light. I'm sure I'll think that I'll have a safe night at last. Nothing will happen. I can wait for the change of duty at ease!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately pointed out, "that's right. At this time, everyone thinks we won't take any more actions. After all, everyone knows that we can't break through in the daytime, so this time must be the most relaxing time for them, and this is also the best time for us to break through!"

Qiao Huiying heard Ye Feng say so, can't help nodding his head again and again, "listen to you say so, it's really reasonable!"

Briggs could not help but frown, "so what are we going to do in the period before dawn?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't do anything. Rest and sleep should be the rest and sleep should be the sleep. Keep your energy before you act."

Qiao Huiying can't help nodding when he hears the speech, and Hanks agrees, "OK, let's have a rest. As soon as the time comes, we'll act immediately!"

Brecos said, "but I always feel a little bit wrong..."

Ye Feng immediately asked blicos, "do you have a better way?"

Blicos couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time, then shook his head and sighed, "no, just follow what you said!"

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