A crowd immediately according to Ye Feng said, now began to rest, waiting for Ye Feng said dawn.

Although we all know that we should have a rest now, so as to keep our spirits up and deal with the actions at dawn, how many people can really sleep in this situation?

Ye Feng moved a chair, sat in the door of Hanks office, lying on the chair, pillow hands, looking at the dark night sky, not sleepy at all.

Qiao Huiying and bricos went to bed, but it was not clear whether they fell asleep. Hanks also moved a stool to sit on Ye Feng's side.

Seeing Ye Feng looking at the night sky, Hanks sighed, "the situation is pressing. How sure are you about breaking through at dawn?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm not sure!" Then he immediately added, "but we have no other choice. We can only do it now!"

Hanks sighed again. In fact, he didn't need to ask such a question. In fact, he knew very well that the situation was forcing them. They had no choice at all.

Now we are waiting for houdion to finish the net at daybreak if we don't break through. Although the chance is not too big, it is at least better than waiting to die.

Ye Feng looked at Hanks and said, "what else do you think?"

Hanks nodded and said, "I also know that the chance of breakthrough is not too big, so should we think of a way to increase the success rate?"

Ye Feng looked at Hanks and said, "do you have any other way?"

Hanks immediately nodded again and said, "there's a way. See if it works!"

Ye Feng sat up, looked at Hanks and asked, "tell me about it!"

Hanks analysis, "Hu Dion's goal is only the president, at most you may be added! So you and your Excellency the president will be their targets! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "it's possible that they will stare at the president. As for me, it's also possible!"

Hanks said, "so I think the action at dawn should be divided into two steps. First, let people pretend to be you and the president. Take the lead in breaking out. After attracting the attention of the other party, you can break out with the president!"

Ye Feng can't help thinking of some historical allusions on earth, especially when Liu Bang was trapped in a city by Xiang Yu during the Chu Han war.

At that time, Liu Bang's situation was similar to their present situation. At that time, a subordinate suggested this method, because Xiang Yu's goal was Liu Bang.

So at that time, Liu Bang's subordinates put on Liu Bang's clothes and began to break through to attract the attention of Chu army, while Liu Bang himself slipped out in other clothes that would not cause suspicion.

Of course, the subordinate who pretended to be Liu Bang died in the war. But without his advice and the spirit of fearing death, there would have been no great man.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Hanks and said, "are you going to disguise yourself as the president?"

Hanks nodded and said, "yes, but it's not enough for me to pretend to be the president. I also want to pretend to be you. After all, their target is probably you two! But I'm afraid that blicos may not be willing to cooperate! "

Ye Feng looked at Hanks thoughtfully. He didn't expect that there would be such loyal people as Liu Bang's subordinates in the civilization of eisf?

What Hanks said is also very reasonable. Their chance to break through is not big. Although they analyzed it and increased their probability of breaking through, it is still very low.

But if the Hanks method is used, the probability will be much higher.

But another thing Hanks said is also true, that is, brekos may not cooperate with their performance.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately nodded, "blicos will never agree! It's better to adjust! You continue to be the president, and I If you continue to be me, both of you are pretending to be me, and you are more likely to be found. You should at least leave some real things for others, don't you? "

As soon as Hanks heard this, he could not help looking at Ye Feng and said, "you mean, you escort me to break through, attract the other party's main force, and let blicos take the president's back?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded a way, "yes, I seem to escort you, the other side will certainly more believe that you are the real president!"

Hanks immediately said, "it's no good. It's too risky. I'm counting on you for a lot of things! You can't risk it with me

But Ye Feng said to Hanks, "if you let blicos pretend to be me, maybe the other party will have seen through it before running for a few steps. At that time, don't say that you and blicos will be involved in danger, even I and the president, as well as the princess, can't run away. Isn't that more loss?"

Hanks can't help pondering after hearing what Ye Feng said. He has to admit that what Ye Feng said is very reasonable. If it's really like what Ye Feng said, none of them can run out.

But Ye Feng said to Hanks, "don't think about it. It's so decided!"

Hanks took a deep breath and sighed, "if I had known it was such a result, I would not have proposed it!"But Ye Feng said with a smile to Hanks, "your suggestion is right. It's even timely. Don't think too much. It's settled!"

Hanks sighed again, "but if you give the president and princess to blicos, it's also a time bomb. You and I may not be at ease, right?"

After pondering for a long time, Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, the safety of the president and the princess must not be entrusted to him!"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's still according to what I said before. He can't agree with it either..."

But Ye Feng said to Hanks, "if you don't want to go, blicos forces you to go, will you compromise?"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng. After a moment's meditation, Ye Feng said, "make a little adjustment. I'll continue to be myself. You go to escort the president and the princess. Let blicos pretend to be the president. I'll escort him!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Hanks can't help but a consternation, immediately looking at Ye Feng way, "we think so, blicos also don't kill, he may not agree!"

Ye Feng said to Hanks, "whether he agrees or not depends on whether you are willing to take the position of commander in chief of the third hall."

Hanks looked at Ye Feng and said, "commander-in-chief of the third hall? What do you mean

Ye Feng said with a smile to Hanks, "as long as you give up your position as commander in chief of the third hall, I can guarantee that brecos will willingly follow me at dawn!"

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