Brecos took a deep breath, said nothing, looked up at the night sky, which was a little white, and immediately sighed, "I didn't expect that essf would come to this step!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly looking at the way of brecos, "what eisf will come to this step?"

But blicos said to Ye Feng, "my grandfather used to be one of the founding members of the ESF Federation. I remember when I was a child, I often heard my father say that the ESF Federation is a new civilization that can make everyone realize their dreams!"

Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath when he heard the speech. He took a look at blicos and said, "maybe your grandfather's group did think the same way when they founded the eisf Federation, but they gradually changed their taste later."

After pondering for a while, blicos didn't say anything. Finally, he just said to Ye Feng, "call me when you need me!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I need it right away. I'll wake up the president now and let him change clothes with you. You're ready!"

With that, Ye Feng goes to wake Qiao Huiying up, and then talks about his plan with Qiao Huiying.

Qiao Huiying can't help but say to Ye Feng, "if so, aren't you and blicos very dangerous?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "now is not the time to consider whether it is dangerous or not. Do we not do it if it is dangerous?"

Qiao Huiying then reached out and patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "I didn't trust the wrong person, and Anna didn't trust the wrong person!"

Ye Feng will be called over brekos, let him and Qiao Huiying quickly change clothes, then also remind Qiao Huiying seal brekos as three Hall commander.

After changing clothes, Qiao Huiying dressed in brecos' clothes, patted brecos on the shoulder and said, "from now on, you are the commander in chief of the third hall!"

Then he added, "if we can all leave longarsene Castle alive, the future commander in chief of the three armed forces will be OK!"

Brecos then said with a wry smile, "even if the commander-in-chief of the three services is OK, I know how talented I am! But thank you for your kindness

Then he looked at Qiao Huiying and said to Ye Feng, "I have yellow hair, but the president and the hair!"

Ye Feng had thought of this for a long time. He immediately asked Hanks to find some soldiers with yellow and black hair. He shaved their hair on the spot and then used glue to make two wig covers.

Only blame preparation is not enough, otherwise should prepare two regular wig sets in advance, that effect is better, but now this situation, also can only make do with it.

After burekos and Qiao Huiying changed into each other's clothes and put on their hair covers, Hanks came over and said, "it's starting to turn white outside!"

Ye Feng then said to Hanks, "the president and the princess will be handed over to you!"

Hanks nodded. Qiao Huiying called Joanna up and told her that they were going to break through soon.

When Joanna came out, she knew that Ye Feng was not with them. She couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "I'll go with you!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Qiao Huiying immediately said, "you are too dangerous!"

But Joanna said, "they must know I'm with you. If I didn't follow Ye Feng, they would probably doubt it!"

After listening to what Joanna said, a few people moved. What Joanna said is actually quite good.

Qiao Huiying said, "that doesn't work. I can't let you take the risk!"

But Joanna took Ye Feng's arm and said to Qiao Huiying, "I must follow Ye Feng, or I won't go anywhere!"

Qiao Huiying winks at Ye Feng. It must be that he wants Ye Feng to help him persuade Joanna.

Ye Feng then looked at Joanna. In fact, he knew from Joanna's eyes that she had made such a decision. No matter what she said, she would never change her mind.

And now the sky is about to light, if you miss this opportunity, then no one present will want to leave.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "what Joanna said is right. If she follows us, she will make the other party believe that our side is the real president!"

Qiao Huiying's face suddenly moved after hearing this, "do you want Anna to follow you?"

Ye Feng then toward Qiao Huiying way, "your own daughter what character, you don't understand?"? Is it something we can persuade? Besides, time is running out. We must act now! "

Qiao Huiying, of course, knew Joanna's character and could not persuade her. She had to hold her hand and said, "be careful!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "you must protect Anna!"

Ye Feng and Joanna both nodded to Qiao Huiying. Ye Feng then said to Hanks, "let's go first. You follow us and wait for the opportunity to move!"

Hanks nodded, and then assigned a thousand people to Ye Feng, so that the soldiers escorted Ye Feng and Joanna. After all, it's more decent to have a bigger hand formation.

At this time, Ye Feng's whole team and brecos began to set out towards the outer Hall of the Han Ding palace. When they arrived at the gate of the outer hall, Ye Feng took a look at the situation outside.It's really similar to what the guards reported before. There are soldiers everywhere in the square, and there are several laser guns facing the gate of the Han Ding palace.

Blicos can't help but say to Ye Feng, "we rush out now, don't we want to die? We can't sustain the laser gun fire alone

Ye Feng patted blicos on the shoulder and said, "how? Are you afraid now? "

Brecos said immediately, "it's not something to be afraid of, it's going out like this, it's death!"

Ye Feng said to blicos, "have you forgotten what I told you before? What they want is to live, and they will not open fire easily. Moreover, it is time for them to relax their vigilance. If they miss this opportunity, no one can run away! "

After listening to the speech, he took a deep breath and stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then nodded, "well, I've been on your boat. I'm not afraid of death. The big deal is to fight!"

But Joanna asked Ye Feng, "so when do we start to break through?"

Ye Feng smell speech looked up at the sky, although the sky has been white, but still a bit dark.

He took the telescope in the guard's hand and looked at the soldiers who besieged the Han Ding palace in the distance. He found that they had not come to the expected step.

Then Ye Feng put down his telescope and said, "wait, it's not the best time!"

Hanks and Qiao Huiying at the back of the city wall are waiting for Ye Feng to charge, but they don't see Ye Feng from left to right.

Qiao Huiying couldn't sit still and said to Hanks, "what's going on over there? Why don't you charge to break through? Don't you mean to act at dawn? Why don't you ask? "

Hanks said to Qiao Huiying, "they must have their consideration. Don't worry, Mr. President. Wait and see!"

At this time, Brix on the tower was a little impatient. Even if he rushed out to make cannon fodder, he had to have a time limit. Now he was as if he had been baking on the fire. He was very sad and didn't know when he would die.

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