And at this time, Ye Feng looked at blicos, patted him on the shoulder and said, "take a deep breath!"

Blicos didn't understand what Ye Feng meant when he saw that Ye Feng had gone downstairs. He realized that he was going to take action.

Immediately after he took two deep breaths, he immediately followed Ye Feng to walk under the city wall. As expected, after taking two deep breaths, he was calm.

To the wall, Ye Feng has begun to organize people to explain how to break through for a while, brecos also quickly walked over to listen.

When Qiao Huiying and Hanks see Ye Feng, they have already begun to prepare, and Hanks also immediately starts to call in the bodyguard, ready to cooperate with Ye Feng when they break through.

After Ye Feng's command, blicos asked Ye Feng, "is that ok?"

Ye Feng nodded, but did not immediately give orders, but put up his hand, let everyone ready at all times.

The guards on the other side of the city gate are already on the doorknob. As long as Ye Feng gives an order, he will open the city gate immediately.

Joanna then stood on the side of Ye Feng. Ye Feng looked at her and said in a deep voice, "after a while, you don't have to worry about anything, just follow me!"

Joanna also nodded a little nervous at this time, and then reached out to hold Ye Feng's hand.

After waiting for about a minute, the feeling of brekos's brewing mood is about to disappear. He is just about to ask Ye Feng again, but he sees Ye Feng's hand suddenly put down and says in a deep voice, "action!"

The guard on the other side of the door immediately opened the door. As soon as the door opened a seam, Ye Feng immediately yelled, "brothers, protect the president, come with me!"

Say Ye Feng rushed out first, Joanna followed, other bodyguards also rushed out with Ye Feng, blicos was also surrounded by bodyguards.

When a crowd rushes toward the opposite enemy camp, the soldiers over there are really the same as Ye Feng expected. They don't react at all.

At the beginning, someone yelled that the city gate was opened. They thought that the goods were dreaming. When they reacted, Ye Feng had already rushed to the front of the position.

At this time, Hanks and jobs began to organize people to rush out. When they rushed out, Ye Feng and a group of them had already killed in the enemy position.

At this time, Ye Feng, holding Joanna in one hand and a gun in the other, rushed into the enemy position and opened fire when he saw someone. At the same time, he kept shouting, "Mr. President, where are you?"

Said also deliberately toward the brekos there, brekos at this time also a bit of a circle, did not expect that the other side is really like Ye Feng expected that, no preparation, they were killed by surprise.

Brecos was originally born in the army, but now he is pretending to be the president, so he can't be brave enough to lean to Ye Feng while fighting.

At this time, the rear of the hostile position also responded, and immediately began to send troops here. At the same time, he watched Ye Feng pull a woman, and also reminded the president to be careful.

The general immediately yelled to the soldiers, "don't hurt the president, live on it!" But when he saw the soldiers on the front line fall one by one, he could not help frowning.

They wanted to capture the president alive, but the other side didn't care. His brothers became cannon fodder. He immediately took out his mobile phone to dial a number and began to report the situation here.

"The president has been led by Ye Feng to break through, and our brother has been killed and injured badly It's not The main reason is that they want to capture the president alive. We are afraid of hurting the president by shooting. The price is too high Could you please change the order... "

The other end of the phone immediately said, "wait for me to call, you hold on for a while, and you can't let the president run away. I've sent reinforcements to help. You wait for me to call, and don't make your own decisions before there is no phone!"

After hanging up the phone, the general scolded secretly. I don't know how many brothers will be sacrificed during the call, but there's no way. Soldiers' bounden duty is to carry out orders. If they want to live, they have to carry them out.

But Ye Feng has already brought Joanna and blicos to make peace with each other. Joanna takes the opportunity to look at the gate of the Han Ding palace and just sees that Hanks leads the crowd to rush out. Although she doesn't pay attention to her father Qiao Huiying's figure, Joanna knows it's a good thing.

After all, Qiao Huiying is relatively safe among the soldiers.

Ye Feng also noticed this point, immediately took brecos and continued to rush forward, and said to brecos and Joanna, "they come out, we must draw all the attention here to us!"

At this time, blicos also found that the soldiers didn't shoot themselves at all, as if they were deliberately shooting and hiding from him. It seems that Ye Feng said that the other side wanted the president alive, and guessed right again?

In this way, blicos was a bit unscrupulous, with a machine gun in one hand, shooting in front and rushing in front, almost forgetting his identity as "President".

Ye Feng saw that, and knew that it was not good to go on like this. If blicos was too aggressive, he would be easily found to be fake by the other party. Secondly, in case he really hit the other party in a hurry, it would be normal for him to brush his gun and go off on the battlefield.Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately catches up, grabs blicos and says, "it's OK to let the guards know the obstacles. What do you always do as a president? Why not

"They dare not shoot me anyway!" Blicos grinned and continued to shoot for the soldiers in front of him.

But Ye Feng said to blicos, "do you think the other party let a living president run away, the charge is bigger, or a dead president who didn't run away, the charge is bigger?"

When he heard the speech, he didn't seem to understand what Ye Feng meant. However, after a while of hesitation, he quickly reflected that if he let the president run away, there would be endless troubles. Of course, it would be safer to kill the president. At that time, he would be fooled by some silly words like "the muzzle of the gun is not long in the battlefield".

Think of here, the excitement on the body of blicos suddenly reduced half, immediately pulled down, hiding behind the bodyguard.

Hanks, on their side, was also on the flank to rush out, but the soldiers on that side had begun to support the middle side urgently, and they soon broke out.

When Ye Feng and Joanna saw this, they felt relieved. Then Ye Feng said to Joanna, "you're going to run there now and join your father. We'll hold on here and find you again!"

But Joanna said to Ye Feng immediately, "we said before, where are you and where am I? I won't leave you!"

Ye Feng was moved when she heard what Joanna said. At the same time, many soldiers on both sides of the Han Ding palace had come. It must be the soldiers who had been guarding the walls on both sides of the Han Ding palace.

See so, Ye Feng know, now let Joanna in the past, she estimated also can't run away, fortunately Hanks with Qiao Huiying has already broken out in the moment before, if a little delay, their firepower will not be weaker than here.

After all, Ye Feng's side, the other side's soldiers also take into account the president's need to live, and they don't shoot much. The soldiers on both sides have no such worries at all.

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