Soon after the soldiers on both sides poured out, they rushed towards the middle like a tide, and they came up from the back, and began to surround Ye Feng and them in the middle, forming a situation of encirclement.

Ye Feng saw this scene and realized that the situation was not good. Once he was surrounded by the other side, even if the other side wanted Qiao Huiying to live, he had some worries about shooting, but it was easy to annihilate them.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a look at other places and saw that the soldiers in the southwest were weak. He immediately yelled at the crowd to follow me, and then rushed to the other side first.

Brekos see also immediately followed Ye Feng rushed past, other bodyguards reaction is a little slow, can only rear, cover Ye Feng they a few.

Ye Feng and brekos kill all the way forward, and they shoot when they see people. Everywhere they go, there are corpses everywhere. However, the soldiers have not yet received the order to shoot Qiao Huiying.

But looking at Ye Feng, they are about to break out from the southwest corner. The mobile phone on the general's side rings. He immediately connects the phone and then asks, "how's it going?"

The other side said in the mobile phone, "you can shoot to kill!"

That's what the general was waiting for. He immediately hung up the phone and yelled, "shoot to kill!"

As soon as the other soldiers heard this, they immediately felt as if they had been killed. Because of the previous order to capture Qiao Huiying alive, they were tied up and suffered heavy casualties.

Now, after hearing the order to shoot to death, all the soldiers rushed out. Seeing the guards in the third hall, they fired. They were not afraid to hurt Qiao Huiying by fire.

At this time, Ye Feng, Joanna and blicos have broken through the encirclement. At this time, he hears the screams behind him. Looking back, he sees that the bodyguards who help them at the back of the palace are falling to the ground one by one.

Joanna can't help frowning, picked up a machine gun to rush back, but was Ye Feng a to hold, forced to pull her back way, "what do you do?"

Joanna immediately toward leaf maple way, "cover them to break through!"

Ye Feng frowned and said to Joanna in a deep voice, "the most important thing now is the safety of you and the president. It's time for them to serve the army for a thousand days."

When he saw this, he reached out and dragged Joanna forward. As he ran, he said, "if you don't take charge of the army, there will be casualties in the war. If you want to take revenge, you should put this account on your grandfather!"

When Joanna heard what Ye Feng and blicos said, she was shocked. She watched the bodyguards fall one by one, but she couldn't help them. She felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Ye Feng quickly seized a military jeep, and immediately drove to pick up Joanna and blicos, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the side of the square.

In all directions, there were garrisons of lonarsene Fort rushing to this side, while brecos set up his laser machine gun and fired at the soldiers.

At this time, some soldiers began to drive up, and blicos also took the moving military vehicles as targets, and blasted a car with a few shots.

After Ye Feng drove the car onto the road, he immediately adjusted the front of the car and drove it towards the alley between the buildings on one side. At the same time, he asked blicos to be careful.

There was a lot of debris in the alley. After being hit by Ye Feng's car, he got in front of the car. The car bumped towards the front, and there were many things on the windshield, which had covered most of the sight.

But soon the car jumped out of the lane, Ye Feng immediately a brake, the car in front of all the things covered fly out.

Ye Feng this just a sharp turn, immediately and toward the distance, behind the soldiers are less and less.

Bricos also put on a little breath, and finally sat in the car, a burst of sobs, "are they crazy in the end?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "they must have received the order to shoot to death, so they had no scruples at last. Of course, they were crazy!"

Blicos nodded and said to Ye Feng, "fortunately, we broke out the moment before they launched the general attack, otherwise we don't know how to die!"

Joanna also recovered a little bit, and then said to Ye Feng, "if they kill each other, is my father very dangerous? Where are they now? "

But blicos said immediately, "now the war is in chaos. It's really hard to say where the president has escaped!"

But Ye Feng said to Joanna, "don't worry, you have to believe Hanks, he will protect the president, and I have agreed with him in advance where we will make peace. We will go there first, and then wait to make peace with them!"

Soon the car flies by, just passing by the apartment downstairs where Ye Feng lived before. Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves, thinking that a-nan should still be here, right?

Want to hit here, Ye Feng directly drove the car into the building, knocked open the glass door, rushed to the elevator, this will stop the car.

Blicos can't help looking around at the situation in surprise and said, "here is where you said you would meet?"But Ye Feng jumped out of the car and said to Joanna and brix, "don't talk nonsense. Get off the car and I'll go upstairs to find someone!"

Joanna got out of the car immediately, but blicos hesitated, "looking for someone? Who are you looking for? "

But Ye Feng didn't speak. When he reached out to press the elevator button, he found that the elevator had been cut off. He immediately ran to the safe passage on one side.

Ran did not have two layers, blicos immediately began to ask Ye Feng way, "in how many layers?"

Ye Feng only dropped a sentence, "16 layers!"

As soon as bricos heard this, he immediately stopped and said, "I can't run any more. Go up. I'll wait for you downstairs."

Ye Feng smell speech also stopped a pace, looked back at a bulekos, immediately also see Joanna running behind him panting.

He just wanted Joanna to wait for himself, but after looking at brecos, he still felt uneasy, so he let Joanna follow him upstairs.

All the way to the tenth floor, Joanna finally couldn't climb. Ye Feng turned back and said to her, "you just wait for me here. Don't go anywhere. I'll go up and come down right away!"

Joanna wanted to go upstairs with Ye Feng in her heart, but her physical strength couldn't hold up, so she had to nod to Ye Feng breathlessly, but she couldn't say a word.

After looking at Joanna, Ye Feng immediately ran up the stairs. After a while, he reached the 16th floor. He immediately ran to the apartment.

After opening the door, Ye Feng immediately yelled, "a Nan? child? Are you there? "

After calling several times, Ye Feng didn't hear a Nan's reply. She turned around the house and made sure that a Nan was not there. Then she frowned.

Ye Feng immediately picked up the phone, want to make a call to a Nan, but he took out the phone to dial the number, but has been busy.

After dialing several calls in a row, Ye Feng can't help but look at the display screen of the phone and find that there is no signal at all.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. It seems that hudion has cut off their telephone communication signal?

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