Ye Feng didn't think much about it. She went downstairs immediately. Anyway, she couldn't get in touch with a Nan. I hope she's in the Academy of Sciences now. That means she's still safe.

But when Ye Feng arrived at the tenth floor, he found that Joanna, who should have been waiting here, was no longer here. He immediately called, "Anna? Joanna

Yelled several times, did not hear Joanna's response, immediately ran down a few layers, but still did not see Joanna, Ye Feng heart suddenly have a kind of ominous feeling.

When he got to the first floor, he found that blicos was still here. Instead, a stone fell from his heart. He thought that blicos would suddenly rebel.

But to see that brecos is still there shows that he has guessed the wrong direction and is a little more relaxed.

Blicos saw Ye Feng go downstairs alone, and he was surprised, "where's the princess?"

Ye Feng originally wanted to ask blicos if he could see Joanna coming down. Now when he asked, he would know the answer.

Blicos saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and his brow was also wrinkled, "where's the princess? Why don't you talk? "

Ye Feng said to blicos, "this is the only exit here. You don't see her coming down, which means she should still be in this building!"

As soon as blicos heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you mean? You lost the princess? "

Ye Feng is still not much words, just let blicos continue to stay here, he went back, layer by layer to find Joanna.

Due to the sudden change of lonarsenic fort and the previous explosion of a nearby building, there are few residents in this building.

He ran upstairs one by one, checked every door one by one, and tried to push it again.

All the way back to the 10th floor, Ye Feng immediately pushed open the door of the safe passage and entered the floor corridor. He pushed open the door one by one.

Almost all the doors were closed, until he went to the last door, and he was ready to leave with a push. He didn't want to push it, but actually pushed the door open.

Ye Feng frowned and stood at the door, shouting, "Joanna?"

I didn't hear Joanna's response. I didn't even hear a sound inside. When Ye Feng was about to turn around and walk away, he found a hairpin on the ground not far from the door.

After Ye Feng stares at one eye, his heart suddenly moves. The hairpin should be Joanna's, although it's very common, it shouldn't be unique.

But the chance of finding one with the same model as Joanna here should not be very big. Ye Feng immediately took the machine gun in his hand and walked towards it step by step.

And at this time, Ye Feng suddenly heard a sound of things falling from a closed room door.

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, he immediately walked toward the room in the past, after a deep breath, immediately kick the door open.

As soon as the door was kicked open, Ye Feng immediately aimed his machine gun at the house. At this time, a cat suddenly jumped out and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Feng just breathed a sigh, but suddenly a figure came out, and it was Joanna.

As soon as Joanna saw it was Ye Feng, she immediately said, "have you found the person you are looking for?"

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Joanna in surprise and said, "Why are you here? I called you, didn't you hear me? "

Joanna shook her head and said, "I was waiting for you on the other side of the corridor just now. I saw a cat, so I followed it all the way here! I thought it might take you a while to find someone, so... "

Ye Fengchang sighed and said to Joanna, "you scared me to death. I thought you were bound!"

Joanna saw that Ye Feng was worried about herself. She couldn't help feeling moved. She immediately came over and hugged Ye Feng. She gave him a kiss and said, "with you, I won't be in danger!"

Ye Feng sighed a little and then said to Joanna, "don't run around in the future. Now the war is in chaos. Who knows what will happen?"

Joanna nodded, then suddenly said, "what's that?"

Ye Feng said that she made Joanna public. She looked back in her eyes and didn't find anything.

Just when he wanted to ask Joanna, he found a bright red spot outside the window flying towards her.

Ye Feng immediately heart under a Lin, immediately pull Joanna ran toward the outside, mouth also called, "follow me, don't follow lost!"

As soon as they ran out of the room, they heard a loud bang inside, and suddenly a heat wave came from behind.

Ye Feng and Joanna were directly pushed up by the heat wave of the shock wave, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Ye Feng just landed on a jump to stand up, quickly asked the side of Joanna is there anything wrong.

Joanna's ears were tinnitus because of the explosion just now. She couldn't hear Ye Feng's question at all. Fortunately, they ran in time and Joanna didn't get hurt, so she stood up immediately.

Ye Feng saw that Joanna was ok, immediately took her hand and ran to the safe passage. Just now, the small missile was aimed at them. Maybe there was more than one missile, so I'd better leave here.Just as Ye Feng thought, as soon as they left the corridor and entered the safe passage, a moment later, a missile flew into the corridor. In a moment, there was a loud bang, even the door of the safe passage was destroyed.

Joanna was scared to scream, and Ye Feng did not dare to stay for a moment, pulling Joanna to run downstairs.

Don't want to just run a few steps, Joanna on a stagger to sprain the foot, immediately pain can't walk.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately carries Joanna on his back and continues to run downstairs. At this time, there is a loud bang behind him. It's obvious that the attack from the outside is not going to stop,.

Yefeng carrying Joanna all the way to the first floor, brecos is hesitant to go upstairs to save Yefeng, but afraid he missed Joanna.

Just hesitating, Ye Feng ran out with Joanna on his back and said immediately, "what's the matter? Why is there an explosion?"

Ye Feng didn't explain too much to blicos. He immediately got on the car with Joanna on his back. Then he got on the car and said to blicos, "why don't you stay and find out?"

As soon as Brix heard this, he immediately got into the jeep. Ye Feng stepped on the gas and quickly backed back to the road. Then he stepped on the gas again and the car immediately flew out.

On the way, blicos asked Ye Feng, "did you find the person you are looking for?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I can't find it. I won't find it for the time being. I'll go out to find Hanks and the president. They'll meet!"

The car continued to drive in front, but from time to time a missile came straight from behind.

Ye Feng from the rear mirror to see, heart suddenly move, immediately loud, "fasten your seat belt!"

Looking at the missiles behind, Ye Feng immediately braked and filled the steering wheel.

Brekos and Joanna were yelled by Ye Feng, but they didn't recover. They were immediately hit by the inertia of the car on one side of the door.

The missile flew directly from one side of the jeep, and the stairs on one side of the jeep began to collapse.

When he saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned and said, "Damn, this is going to blow up our rhythm!"

Joanna also can't help saying, "it seems that the other party has already targeted us!"

Ye Feng nodded, immediately said "sit well, fasten the seat belt", and immediately stepped on the accelerator, the car jumped out again.

Brecos and Joanna were unprepared and were pushed back by inertia.

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