Ye Feng drove his jeep all the way to the outside of longarsene castle. There were flying catapults along the way. He couldn't help wondering where it was launched from.

As he drove, he looked back at the sky behind him. Only then did he find that there were several unmanned aerial vehicles in the air behind him. All the missiles were launched from those unmanned aerial vehicles.

Ye Feng then said to blicos, "look at the sky behind, shoot those aircrafts down to me!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, blicos noticed the situation in the sky behind him. Without saying a word, he immediately opened the window, held the machine gun, and shot the aircraft in midair.

However, the aircraft seemed to be operated by someone from a long distance. After seeing brecos shooting at them, they immediately flew away to avoid.

Although blicos didn't fight a single aircraft, it also created an opportunity for Ye Feng. He immediately took advantage of this opportunity to step on the accelerator to the bottom and drove all the way to the suburb of longarsenburg.

However, Ye Feng still asked blicos to continue to pay attention to the sky behind to prevent those aircraft from following. At the same time, many cars had caught up with them on the road. They were far away from Ye Feng's car, but they soon followed.

There were few cars on the road, so the cars that came up were always on both sides of the jeep.

At first, they were still chasing and speeding up. When the speed was fixed, someone in the car behind opened the window and started shooting at Ye Feng's jeep with a laser machine gun.

Ye Feng first accelerates and asks blicos and Joanna to fasten their seat belts. Then he makes a sharp turn and crosses the car on the road.

At the same time, he also let blicos to start a burst of fierce shooting at the car behind, not only blicos, Ye Feng himself also carried a machine gun to the car behind a burst of crazy shooting.

The car in the back didn't have time to react at all, but it had been beaten into a sieve by the two men's guns. It directly hit the wall on the side of the road and exploded with a few bangs.

Ye Feng put away his machine gun and immediately drove to the suburb of longarsene castle, but soon the aircraft behind caught up with him.

This time, he didn't let Ye Feng remind him, so he held his machine gun and shot at the aircraft in the sky.

At this time, Ye Feng's heart moved. If he didn't get rid of these aircrafts, they would follow them out of the city even if they didn't threaten them, which might eventually expose their targets.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to blicos, "don't shoot, come and drive..."

Having said that, without waiting for brekos to react, he has already held the steering wheel with one hand, and he has stood up to make way for brekos.

Bulekos immediately went to sit in the driver's seat, and Ye Feng turned over to the co pilot, then sat on the back seat from the co pilot, smashed the rear window with the butt of the gun, and clamped the machine gun in the rear window.

After Ye Feng fired a few shots, he immediately asked for the one from blicos. He put two machine guns in the back window at the same time, holding one in one hand, and fired two guns at the aircraft in the sky at the same time.

A moment later, an unmanned aerial vehicle was hit. It crashed into the building on one side and exploded with a bang.

In addition, several other aircrafts will immediately start to raise their firing range to avoid ye fengjiqiang, but the range of the laser machine gun is much longer than that of the original machine gun.

At this time, the aircraft could only dodge left and right, and even a few of them had already dodged behind the building, but they were shot down quickly by Ye Feng.

At this time, blicos saw the four forks in front of him and immediately asked Ye Feng where to go.

Ye Feng knows that he can't go out of the city without solving these aircrafts, so he immediately says to blicos, "whatever, just go around here. If you don't solve these aircrafts, you won't go anywhere!"

As soon as he heard this, he didn't say anything. He made a sharp turn and drove to one side of the road, which was more spacious than the one before, and could run eight cars in parallel.

Ye Feng noticed at this time that the aircrafts seemed to be smart now. Instead of following their jeeps, they flew behind the buildings on both sides of the road, taking the buildings as bunkers.

Not only that, but every time the aircraft flew to the gap, it immediately launched missiles and continued to attack Ye Feng's jeep.

Brekos's posture is not as good as Ye Feng's, but he can barely avoid the missile's shooting every time. However, his head is full of sweat. After all, once hit by the missile, he knows that he will belch fart, so his spirit has been completely concentrated, and he dare not be half a horse.

Ye Feng also noticed this point, if you go to drive the car, then with brekos, there is no threat to these aircraft.

However, if he stayed behind to deal with these aircrafts, brekos's posture and technique were mediocre. Now he is completely gambling on luck, so he can avoid the attack of these missiles.

However, luck will always run out. If it goes on like this, the situation will be totally unfavorable to them. Sooner or later, they will be hit by missiles. It's just a matter of time.After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng immediately said to blicos, "find a place to park. You can't drive any more. The goal is too big!"

As soon as he heard this, he immediately nodded his head and agreed. Now his heart was completely in his throat, and he was afraid that he would not pay attention, so the three of them would explain themselves here.

He even had some regrets. He really shouldn't agree to Ye Feng's request to disguise himself as the president. Now he's dying. He's playing with his life.

I don't know if Hanks and the president are in the same situation, but he thinks it must be much safer than them. After all, the other side has been staring at them, doesn't he think he is the president?

It was not easy to see an alley in front of him, but blicos didn't want to. He immediately made a sharp turn and drove towards the alley. After entering the alley, he immediately braked and stopped the car in the alley.

Without saying a word, Ye Feng directly opens the door and gets off the car. At the same time, he pulls Joanna out, and brecos gets off the car quickly.

As soon as they ran away, the car was only ten meters away. In a moment, the missile had already hit the jeep. Suddenly, the whole jeep was blown up and went directly to Ye Feng and them.

Ye Feng feels that the air wave behind is unusual. He thinks that the car may have been overturned and pressed towards them. He immediately pulls Joanna to stick it against the wall, and at the same time shouts to blicos, "stay away..."

Brekos had run to the front with his life. Listening to Ye Feng's cry, he was shocked. As soon as he turned sideways, the body of the jeep swept away from his eyes and fell to the ground with a bang, sliding far away.

Brecos's heart is about to jump out. If he just dodged one second late, he would have been smashed into meat mud by the jeep.

But before he had time to let blicos throw a grateful look at Ye Feng, the aircraft behind immediately flew from the top of the building, "whoosh" twice, and two more missiles shot down.

Three people looked up, immediately ran away, suddenly one side of the building walls were blown down by missiles.

Ye Feng immediately pulls Joanna and yells at blicos, asking him to follow him and Joanna to run towards the end of the alley.

But at the same time, hear the sound of the car engine at the end of the lane. Ye Feng knows that it's not good. There must have been a car coming at the end of the lane.

Ye Feng immediately turned his head and ran towards another lane, but just after a few steps, two cars had already arrived at the back lane, just blocking the lane.

There are only two exits in this alley, and there are still flying machines in the sky. The three of them become trapped animals immediately.

Brecos could not help crying out, "it's over!"

Joanna is holding Ye Feng's hand at this time. She can't help but tighten it for a while, and even perspire.

Ye Feng pulls Joanna to stand against the wall. At this moment, her face moves. Then she says to blicos, "enter the building!" Then he took Joanna for a brisk walk and ran out.

Originally, there were no doors in the buildings on both sides of the alley, but the wall of a building just shot by a flying missile from the sky collapsed.

Just as Ye Feng and the three of them ran into the building from the broken bricks on the ground, but as soon as they entered the building, the two missiles in the sky immediately exploded in the ruins, and the bricks on the ground were blown everywhere.

Joanna snorted at this time, obviously was hit by the flying brick, Ye Feng immediately pulled her down the side of the wall, tightly hugged her, protected her from injury.

And brecos is also a jump away, wait for the flying bricks outside all fall to the ground, three people this just relieved.

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