Briggs and Joanna are puzzled to ask Ye Feng, good to go to the scientific research institute there to do what, at this time they should not leave as early as possible just right.

Once houdion blockades longarsene castle, it will be very difficult for them to go out. But we all know that since Ye Feng wants to go to the Academy of Sciences, there must be his reason.

Ye Feng didn't explain much. After all, in this situation, they can't afford to waste too much time in explaining.

After he looked around, he immediately asked them to go upstairs first. After entering a deserted house, he went directly to the owner's house to change their clothes.

After the three people put on their clothes, they went downstairs, left the building from another exit and walked along the roadside.

However, there are not many people on the road. It seems that the whole longarsene Castle disappeared overnight, and the occasional passers-by also ran to one side desperately.

Ye Feng immediately caught up with him and asked the man who was running, "where are you going in such a hurry?"

The man looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "didn't you watch TV? There's a big deal going on in lonarsene castle. The president is dead. Now it's former President Hu Dion who is in power. He says that there's a mutiny in lonarsene castle. Let's all gather in the North City and free up in the south city! "

Ye Feng's heart was shocked when he heard that. The front of the Han Ding palace was facing south, and their escape direction was also facing south. Naturally, their range of activities was also facing south.

It's no wonder that all the people in the South City have disappeared out of thin air. It turns out that Hu diong's ghost made all the people in the South City go to the north city.

That person looked at Ye Feng after they three a few eyes, immediately said, "you also hurry to the North City assembly, here I just heard a lot of explosions, it is estimated that there will be what action!"

Ye Feng nodded and gave thanks to the humanitarian. Then he slowed down and let the others run away. Then he said to Brix and Joanna, "it seems that this side of the south city is empty!"

Brecos smell speech also immediately toward Ye Feng way, "scientific research institute is in South City there, so we still go?"

Ye Feng also hesitated. If the scientific research institute was in the South City, would it have moved to the north city at Hu Dion's command?

However, looking for a Nan is a purpose. Ye Feng now thinks of another thing. Before, gasevara said that there is europium and sodium in the scientific research institute, which can transform a mechanical gun into a laser gun.

Before, she wanted to let a Nan help herself in. A Nan said that her position was not high, and she could not touch these things at all. Now if there is no one in the whole scientific research institute, can she find europium sodium if she goes?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he decided to go to the Academy of Sciences to have a look. Anyway, he didn't plan to go out of the city for the time being.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately said to blicos and Joanna, "go now!" Then he said to blicos, "if you know the way, lead the way!"

Brix said, "it's still a long way from here. It's better to find a vehicle!"

Without saying a word, Ye Feng finds a private car in front of him. He knocks on the glass and goes in. After he starts the car, he immediately lets blicos and Joanna get on.

According to brecos' guidance, Ye Feng drove all the way to the Academy of Sciences. About 20 minutes later, he finally saw the words "federal Academy of Sciences" written on the front door of a building.

Ye Feng immediately drove the car into the compound. There was no one on the road, and it was all gone. The car was in the courtyard of the Academy of Sciences and was heading for the research building.

After parking downstairs, Ye Feng immediately gets off and walks towards the building. Brix and Joanna also get off. Joanna can't help asking Ye Feng, "there's no one here. What are we doing here?"

Ye Feng didn't talk much. When he went upstairs, he found a research room after a research room. Fortunately, many elements of the utensils were marked with names. They were all strange and most of them were elements that Ye Feng had never heard of.

However, after seeing many research laboratories, he couldn't find the europium and sodium he was looking for. Ye Feng couldn't help but wonder whether he was taken away by the people of the Academy of Sciences before he left.

Brix and Joanna see Ye Feng is obviously looking for something, Brix immediately said, "what are you looking for, tell us, help you find together!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "europium Xi Na, please pay attention to it. We'll look for it separately. When we find it, we'll shout to me. If we can't find it, we'll meet in front of the car downstairs!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately went to another floor and continued to find one room after another. After about half an hour, she suddenly heard that Joanna seemed to be calling herself in another floor.

Ye Feng immediately ran past, but saw Joanna is standing in front of a huge container, saw Ye Feng came, immediately said, "is this?"

When Ye Feng came near, he saw a fist size luminescent body inside the container, even the halo wrapped the element itself, and the label outside the container was indeed written "europium, rare sodium".

He nodded and said, "this should be it!" After all, this element may be radioactive, so you must not risk opening the container to take it.Ye Feng took the container downstairs, put the container in the trunk, and then called blicos upstairs.

Ye Feng and Joanna then sit in the car and wait for brix, but Brix has not yet appeared. In the distance of the sky, there are two unmanned aircraft, which are flying fast towards this side.

See so, Ye Feng can't help but secretly scold me, immediately started the car, and toward the upstairs called Brix way, "you hurry up, the aircraft is coming again!"

As soon as the voice fell, the aircraft in the distance had made a few "swish swish" sounds, and countless missiles had already come towards their car.

At the same time, blicos also appeared in the corridor on the first floor, running towards the car.

Ye Feng directly opened the door of the co pilot and drove to the nearest place to the stairs, looking at blicos and the missiles flying in the sky.

Seeing this, Joanna said anxiously, "hurry up, hurry up, it's coming..."

At this time, Brix jumped out of the corridor of the building and got into the car.

Ye Feng didn't wait for Brix to sit down and close the door, but immediately stepped on the gas pedal and the car jumped out.

Just as the car ran out, the missiles all hit the research building, and the whole building collapsed.

Joanna looked back from the back window, patted her chest and screamed that it was dangerous.

Brix immediately put the door on, tied the seat belt and asked Ye Feng, "have you found what you are looking for?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "in the trunk!" Then he took a look at several aircrafts in the sky. Before he spoke, blicos understood what he meant. He immediately held a machine gun and shot at the sky.

This time, the place was quite open. There were no tall buildings around. In addition, Brix's shooting skills were much more accurate than before. He swept down two of them. Brix immediately screamed, "Yo Hoo!"

Ye Feng didn't dare to stay and didn't relax for a moment. Although he was beaten down by brix, there were still several in the sky, and he followed their car all the way. He didn't mean to give up at all.

Joanna immediately asked Ye Feng, "the thing has been found. Are we going out of the city?"

Ye Feng hesitated for a while. If a Nan was working at that time, did she go to Beicheng with the people in the research institute?

But then I thought that it was wrong. It happened last night, so there could not have been anyone in the Academy of science. Therefore, a Nan should not have run to the north city with the people in the Academy of science.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately began to drive toward the south city. Now it's unrealistic for him to go to the north city to find a Nan, and once he goes, it may affect more casualties.

Ye Feng can only block a-nan now. At present, she is still safe. It's better for her to run to the south suburb when she finds out the problem.

After the aircraft flying too fast, soon caught up with Ye Feng's car, immediately began to launch missiles toward the car.

Ye Feng can only rely on car skills, dodge left and right to avoid the attack of those missiles, the road was actually a pothole of those missiles.

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