But has been harassed by these unmanned aircraft, just as uncomfortable as being entangled by flies, Ye Feng is thinking about how to get rid of these guys completely.

Just thinking about it, he saw a parking lot building in front of him. The whole building was a parking lot. He immediately had a plan and drove the car into the building.

Because the people in Nancheng moved to the north, the whole building was empty, and only a few cars were left.

Blicos can't help but wonder, "we're driving here, aren't we looking for death? Have you forgotten all the previous lessons? If the building collapses, there is no place for us to die! "

But Ye Feng said with a smile to brix, "how can you die without a burial place? It's really going to collapse. Isn't this the burial place?"

"I'm not kidding you!" "You're still in the mood to be joking?" Brix said

Just then, the unmanned aerial vehicle in the back was immediately launched by several missiles. It was obvious that they wanted to go to the same place with blicos. They wanted to completely solve Ye Feng here.

But since Ye Feng dares to drive in, he has already considered it. He continues to step on the accelerator and drive upstairs. The car behind him is hit by a missile and immediately explodes.

Ye Feng did not say anything more, blindly toward the upstairs, behind a few ground were blasted out of a hole, fortunately, there are steel connections inside, otherwise there will really be the scene that brecos said.

When Brix saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, he immediately frowned and said, "do you have any plans?"

Ye Feng said to blicos, "just prepare the gun in your hand!"

Soon Ye Feng had driven the car to the top of the building, and the unmanned aerial vehicles also followed.

But Ye Feng has stopped at this time, and blicos can't help but say, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng stepped on the accelerator and brake, and the car roared from time to time on the roof.

And the unmanned aerial vehicle also stopped in mid air, looking at Ye Feng's car, it seems that Ye Feng did not understand.

And at this time, Ye Feng reminded blicos and Joanna, "check your seat belt, sit down!"

"You..." Brix seemed to be aware of something, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't you I can't... "

Ye Feng then brake a loose, the whole car quickly toward the front of the past, until the roof edge, there is no trend of deceleration.

Joanna yelled at once, holding the handle tightly, while blicos held the gun and clenched his teeth. He knew what Ye Feng was going to do, but he was in the car, and the steering wheel was in Ye Feng's hand. He couldn't help it.

"Bang" to a loud noise, Ye Feng's car, directly to the roof of the railing to hit open, the whole car completely flew into the air.

Ye Feng at this time immediately toward the brecos Road, "don't be stunned, shoot!"

Brecos had forgotten what he was going to do with his gun. After hearing Ye Feng remind him, he immediately took his gun and shot at the unmanned aerial vehicles on both sides of the car.

And Ye Feng's car head, directly hit another unmanned aerial vehicle, boom after a sound, the whole car directly with the unmanned aerial vehicle, toward the mid air fly past.

In addition, the unmanned aerial vehicles on both sides of the car have been shot down by blicos with a gun, but before he reports to Ye Feng, Ye Feng's car has flown from mid air to the opposite building.

The whole car directly hit the glass of the building and drove in completely. After landing, it still drove in front of the building and hit a wall in front of it. Then it stopped.

As a result of the impact, the machine gun in bricos's hand fell off, and now the whole person clung to the handle tightly.

Joanna's eyes were closed, her mouth was still screaming, and the anti-collision protection of the driver's seat and co driver's seat popped out.

Although has this protection, the leaf maple still was bumped has been hoodwinked, for a long time only then regained consciousness.

As soon as Ye Feng regained his mind, he immediately looked at Joanna and brix and asked if they had anything to do with them.

After seeing that neither of them was there, they breathed a sigh of relief. Then they opened the car door and got off. It was only then that they found that they should be in an office building now. There were broken desks and office equipment all over the floor.

Ye Feng quickly went to the front of the car, picked up the aircraft between the front of the car and the wall, looked at the camera, then put up his middle finger towards the camera, immediately took it to the window and threw the UAV down.

At this time, blicos got out of the car and walked a little wobbly. He yelled to Ye Feng, "what kind of stunt do you play? I'm scared to death!"

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette and said with a smile, "is this frightening? The future may be more dangerous than it is now! Do you regret choosing the wrong camp? "

Brix sat down on the ground, groping for a cigarette, swearing a few words, but he didn't say a word. He knew if he really regretted it.Joanna then returned to her senses, got off the car and looked at the surrounding environment. She said to Yefeng, "what shall we do now? I'm sure the other party will send someone later! "

After Ye Feng nodded, he took a puff of cigarette and said, "hang yourself and take a breath. Let's finish smoking this cigarette!"

Brix then stood up, went to the window, looked out, and then sighed, "this is the prosperous Fort lonarsene. It's a bit of an apocalyptic scene!"

Joanna came over at this time, but she didn't dare to go too close. She looked into the distance and suddenly said, "what's that?"

Ye Feng and brix can't help but look a little moved when they hear the words. Is it true that the other side is shooting the unmanned aerial vehicle so soon?

But looking in the direction that Joanna was looking at, she saw nothing.

Brix quickly complained to Joanna, "princess, don't be surprised. What's the point?"

But Joanna said to Yefeng and brix, "look at the sky..."

Ye Feng and blicos immediately looked up at the sky, their faces could not help but move.

But I saw a huge shadow on the sky. It seemed that it was still above the white clouds, but I could only see the shadow. I couldn't see exactly what it was. If I didn't look carefully, I thought it was just a change of sky.

"What is that?" Brix smoked a cigarette and frowned. "Is it going to be an eclipse?"

Ye Feng stares at to see after a long time way, "should not be!" Although he was sure it wasn't an eclipse, he couldn't say exactly what it was.

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