No one has ever seen this kind of astronomical phenomena. Ye Feng always feels that it is not right.

But just the naked eye can't see anything, Ye Feng didn't think much, immediately toward Brix and Joanna way, "no matter, now, hurry to leave longarsenic castle!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately went downstairs with brekos and Joanna, and soon found a car by the side of the road. He got on the car and drove away from longarsenic castle.

This time, there was no obstruction, and none of the previous unmanned aircraft disappeared.

Occasionally, I saw soldiers on the road in the distance. They were all rushing to the north. Even if I saw their cars, they didn't come.

Briggs was surprised. "Have these guys given up on us?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, but saw Joanna sitting in the car, staring out of the window, looking at the sky.

Ye Feng can't help but move, "maybe they didn't give up on our pursuit, but have something to do with that thing in the sky!"

As soon as he heard this, he could not help but move his face, and then said, "didn't the previous two presidents have made speeches on TV, saying that our civilization has been attacked by alien civilizations? Is that a spaceship? "

Ye Feng still didn't speak, but he had already guessed this in his heart, but he didn't expect that alien civilization would suddenly appear at this time.

If the shadow in the sky is really a spaceship of alien civilization, then the civilization of aesf will be doomed.

Brix was a little nervous at this time, and he kept saying, "no, it's just a coincidence. As soon as it's said on TV, it immediately appears. How can it be? It must be some other celestial phenomena that we haven't seen before!"

Ye Feng this smooth all the way, the car smoothly out of the city of long arsenic fort.

It used to be in the city, with many high-rise buildings blocking it. Now when you are out of the city and in the suburbs, you can see the shadow in the sky when there is no shelter. It seems to be even bigger.

And I don't know if it's a visual illusion. This time, when I look at the big black shadow in the sky, it looks much darker than when I look at it in the city.

Originally, when I saw it in the city, I just felt that there was something outside the sky and that the shadow was flickering. But now, it's a very clear shadow.

Ye Feng even knew that it was so shocking to see from the ground to the sky. If it broke through the atmosphere and entered the sky of the eisf civilization, she didn't know how big it was,

but at this time, Joanna suddenly said to Ye Feng and brix, "look over there!"

Following the direction that Joanna said, Ye Feng and brix immediately followed the direction that Joanna looked at.

At this time, the two people were awe inspiring again. There was also a huge shadow in the distant sky. Looking in other directions, the shadow was not one or two, but countless.

Brix felt guilty and kept saying, "is this an alien invasion?"

Ye Feng has nothing, continue to drive, carrying two people, soon to the outskirts of the abandoned factory.

Just after parking, a group of people came up. Hanks and Qiao Huiying had already arrived here.

As soon as Qiao Huiying saw that Joanna was in peace, she immediately hugged her and said excitedly, "Ana, you're OK!"

Hanks then came up and handed Brix a flue. "Hard work! Pretending the president is so dangerous, I didn't expect you to come back alive! "

When Brix took the cigarette, he didn't care about the topic at all. Instead, he said to Hanks on one side, "do you see those things in the sky?"

Hanks lit a cigarette, looked up and said, "I've seen it already!"

Many people in the abandoned factory are also looking at the sky at this time. Qiao Huiying said at this time, "maybe alien civilization has come!"

And Ye Feng this time, in the crowd to see a familiar figure, unexpectedly is a Nan.

Not far away, ah Nan is nodding and smiling at Ye Feng. Ye Feng immediately walks over, hugs her and says, "I didn't find you in my apartment. I went to the Academy of Sciences to find you. There's no one there. I thought you had taken refuge in the north city."

A Nan said to Ye Feng, "Wu feng'an, they went to the city last night and brought me out!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward five feng an nod a way, "your boy is done a beautiful thing finally!"

Not far away, Joanna saw that Ye Feng was embracing a Nan, her face moved slightly, and then she came over.

Seeing this, she immediately released Ye Feng and nodded to Joanna, "Princess!"

Joanna nodded to her daughter and then said to Ye Feng, "it seems that the person you are looking for just now is her, isn't it?"

A Nan's heart warmed when she heard what Joanna said, but she immediately explained to Joanna, "princess, actually I have nothing to do with Ye Feng Don't get me wrong! "But Joanna held her hand and said, "I don't have any misunderstanding and I don't care. As long as we are all around him, he is the complete maple leaf!"

A Nan can't believe her ears. She looks at Joanna in surprise.

At this time, gasevara came over and said to Yefeng, "what do I want?"

Ye Feng immediately went to the other side of the car, took out europium and sodium from the back-up box, and asked him, "is that it?"

When gasevara saw that the container in Ye Feng's hand was such a large piece of europium, he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "is there such a large piece of Europium in the Academy of science? It's incredible

But Ye Feng asked gasevara, "are these enough?"

Gasevara said immediately, "it's more than enough. Do you know the power of such a piece of europium

Hearing this, Ye Feng shook his head and said, "can't you destroy eisf?"

Gasevara shrugged. "That's not true, but half of the planet is sure to blow up!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion a change way, "so big power?"

Gasevara did not speak, and immediately carefully escorted the container in his hand, as if he loved it more than his son.

Qiao Huiying came over at this time and said, "now that the foreign enemies are at present, we should unite all the people of eisf to win this war! Do I take the initiative to contact houdion? Persuade him to let go of his prejudice and share a common hatred with the enemy? "

But Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "I'm afraid Hu Dion is thinking about how to escape now!"

Then he immediately said to Qiao Huiying, "but you can try it. At least you know what he's talking about now!"

Qiao Huiying picked up the satellite phone, dialed a number, and soon someone answered.

Qiao Huiying immediately said to the phone, "I'm Qiao Huiying. I want to talk to Hu Dion!"

The phone on the other side hung up without saying anything.

Qiao Huiying can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "actually hang up?"

Just then, the mobile phone in Qiao Huiying's hand suddenly rang again. He immediately connected, and Hu Dion's voice came from the opposite side and said, "what else to say!"

Qiao Huiying heard Hu Dion's voice and immediately said, "you should have seen everything in the sky. At this time, we should put down our prejudices and share a common hatred. Only in this way can we have a chance to win!"

But he said with a smile, "win? Are you still awake? Do you know how many shadows have appeared in the sky all over the world? Let me tell you, we just counted out that there are at least more than 100000. What do you use to win? "

Qiao Huiying's face suddenly moved and said, "what? A hundred thousand? "

Houdion immediately said, "yes, if these 100000 spaceships are alien spaceships, they can destroy the whole planet of eisf without landing at all. Are they still in common? Do you want to attack them before they attack? "

Qiao Huiying immediately said, "so, are you ready to leave?"

Hu Di Weng sneered and said, "evacuate? Is it too late to leave now? Forget it, I have nothing to tell you! I have my way! All right "

with that, Hu Dion immediately hung up the phone, and Qiao Huiying looked at the phone in surprise.

Ye Feng sees this, can't help but toward Qiao Huiying way, "how? Is he ready to leave? "

Qiao Huiying shook her head and said, "no, it's probably too late, but he said he had a way!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at Qiao Huiying and said, "since it's inseparable, he doesn't want to fight. What can he do?"

Just then, Ye Feng's face suddenly looked at Qiao Huiying and said, "does he want to surrender with eisf civilization?"

When Qiao Huiying heard this, she also said, "surrender? Can't you? "

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