Ye Feng is a while pondering, for a long time did not speak, he is not casual talk, after all, now the situation is a bit sudden.

Moreover, the shadow of this kind of situation in the sky has almost determined that it can't be a natural condition of natural vision. Now there is a 70% or 80% chance that it will be a spaceship of alien civilization.

This kind of situation can be said to come suddenly, without any indication or warning. Therefore, even if hudion had been prepared before, he must have taken some measures to prevent it.

So Ye Feng doesn't believe that Hu Dion is ready to leave, or he doesn't believe that Hu Dion is ready to leave.

And the most important point is that in the dialogue between Hu dingweng and Qiao Huiying just now, it has been made clear that they have no chance to leave.

If only by virtue of Hu Dion's words, Ye Feng may not believe all of them. After all, he has been very crafty since he got along with Hu Dion for such a long time.

but with his own analysis, Ye Feng thinks that Hu dingweng's chance of lying is not very great, but at the same time, it's just as he and Qiao Huiying said.

Houdion has always been the main escapee faction, but if the escape route is completely cut off, it is uncertain whether houdion will turn into the main escapee faction.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to Qiao Huiying, "don't worry about them for the time being. We need to continue to establish communication channels with alien civilizations."

Qiao Huiying's face moved when she heard this. After pondering for a long time, she pounded her thigh with regret and said, "we've been cheated!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "cheated? Who did you fall for? What have you been fooled by? "

Qiao Huiying immediately said, "we escaped from the Han Ding palace. Now that Hu dingweng is in longarsenic castle, he may have controlled the Han Ding palace. Now that he is in charge of the Han Ding palace, I am in exile. Am I not the president in exile?"

After listening to what Qiao Huiying said, Ye Feng's heart immediately moved. What Qiao Huiying said is not without reason. No matter whether Hu diweng planned to do it or not, now that things have come to this stage, it has indeed formed this fact.

But Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "it's no use regretting now. If you stay in the Han Ding palace, you'll either be killed or under house arrest. Your life is gone. It's meaningless for you to stay in the Han Ding palace."

Although what Ye Feng said is reasonable, Qiao Huiying is still regretful. In fact, in his heart, it is not only because he left the Han Ding palace, but also because he has come back to deduce that he has come to the present step by step. Looking back, every step is wrong.

Qiao Huiying at this time, have to sincerely praise a way, "ginger or old spicy, I really is not hudion's opponent!"

Ye Feng patted Qiao Huiying on the shoulder and said, "don't belittle yourself. There's a saying that it's a blessing in disguise! Now it may be bad for us, but who will benefit and who will be bad for knowing the future development

Qiao Huiying had never heard of this, and could not help but wonder, "a blessing in disguise?"

Ye Feng didn't explain too much to him, so he asked a group of people to go back to the building to have a rest. Now it's no use just worrying about it.

After a group of people went to the building to have a rest, Ye Feng went to find gasevara, but he saw that gasevara didn't know where he had got a set of instruments and was studying the europium and sodium that he seemed to bring.

Seeing Ye Feng coming, gasevara immediately put down the things in his hand and came out to say to Ye Feng, "how? This research will take a while. If we want to popularize it to machine guns, we have to go through several procedures... "

Ye Feng did not wait for him to finish, immediately said, "now the thorny is not the gang of puppet regime in longarsenbao City, but those things in the sky!"

Gasevara looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean, no more research?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "research, of course, continue to study, but this is not the main thing. Don't you say that the power of europium and rare earth sodium is enough to destroy half of ESV?"

As soon as gasevara heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "don't you want to burn jade and stone with those grandchildren?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I'm not so stupid. My life is much more precious than theirs. I mean, if this power is so powerful, is it possible to deal with those things in the sky?"

On hearing this, gasevara looked at Ye Feng again. After a long time, he clapped his hands and said, "why didn't I think that you are a genius!"

With that, gasevara almost jumped up in the same place excitedly. He held Ye Feng's hand excitedly and said, "yes, it's a bit overqualified to use it in machine gun transformation. It should be used in air combat. Go ahead and study it. I'll give you an accurate answer tonight at the latest!"

Ye Feng nods to gasevara and asks him to refuel. Then he leaves here and goes back to Qiao Huiying's place. Qiao Huiying's morale seems to be low at this time. Obviously, he is still unhappy about becoming an exile regime.

Ye Feng didn't say much to Qiao Huiying. Anyway, what he should say to him has already been said to him, and now it's really such a situation. I don't know how to persuade him again.Ye Feng then called Wu feng'an and snooker over and asked them, "where are the people you are going to prepare?"

Snooker immediately said, "they're here. I told them to stay in their respective warehouses so that they won't be the targets of attack in longas."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, immediately way, "take me to have a look!"

Three people immediately out of the door, went to the outside warehouse, just opened a warehouse door, Ye Feng saw inside black all are people.

Originally, those people were sitting. Seeing that the door was opened, they all stood up and nodded to wufengan and snooker.

Some people anxiously asked snooker, "when will we send our weapons and let us attack Fort lonarsene?"

Snooker didn't say a word, but looked at Ye Feng and said, "how about it?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word. If it comes to the quality of being a soldier, the excellent rate of one thousandth here is estimated to be less than.

But it's good to have such a group of people under special circumstances and special times.

After looking at several warehouses in a row, Ye Feng nodded, and Chao snooker and Wu feng'an said that they were right.

But snooker can't believe Ye Feng's words, "don't you always feel embarrassed by such people before? It's so easy to talk this time? I still think these people will be eliminated by you at least more than half

Ye Feng still didn't speak much. He said to snooker on the way back, "if these people were in the past, I would not leave any of them. But now, in special times and special circumstances, of course, we have to treat them specially."

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