Snooker looked at Ye Feng puzzledly and said, "if it's really inappropriate, don't force it. After all, it's a real shot..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for snooker to finish, can't help but look at him, sneer a way, "before I said no, you think I aimed at you, how? Now I know how to cherish the lives of these people? "

Snooker looked at Ye Feng awkwardly for a while, and then said, "it's not really, but after all, there's no bottom in anyone's heart about this thing in the sky. Who knows if it's a person or a ghost?"

Ye Feng smell speech is also a burst of ponder, looked up at the sky way, "no matter what things, people or ghosts, do you think we have a choice?"

Snooker didn't say a word, but Wu Feng an, who didn't say a word on one side, said, "Ye Feng is right. It's all like this now. The people we're looking for, even if they don't work for us, they won't come to a better end!"

Ye Feng corrects Wu Feng an and says, "what you said is wrong. They are not working for us. At a small level, they are fighting for opportunities for their own survival. At a large level, they are working for the civilization of love!"

Wu Feng an can't help nodding and said, "yes, that's what I mean!"

Ye Feng didn't talk much. When she returned to the hall, Joanna was comforting Qiao Huiying.

Ye Feng saw Qiao Huiying's dejected appearance and could bear it at first. After all, he escaped from the Han Ding palace.

But now have settled down, actually still like this, Ye Feng a little can't bear.

Yefeng immediately past, pull open Joanna, a will Qiao Huiying pull up, directly to the door.

Seeing this, Joanna said, "what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng is cold hum a way, "I give him a little gas!" Then he dragged Qiao Huiying out and pushed him to the ground.

Qiao Huiying stands unsteadily and immediately falls to the ground. She looks at Ye Feng and doesn't speak.

Ye Feng walked over, grabbed his collar, twisted his head and looked up at the sky. "You see for yourself, what time is it now? Are you still the president of the Han Ding palace?"

Qiao Huiying still didn't speak, looking at the sky with some dull eyes.

Ye Feng continued, "now that the alien civilization is coming, how can there be a complete egg under the covering nest? If eisf is attacked by the alien civilization, are you the president, or is hudion the president, do you think it still makes sense? "

Qiao Huiying still didn't say a word. At this time, he saw a drop of rain coming down from the sky, just dripping on his face, with a trace of warmth.

Soon it was raining cats and dogs. It was like a sky leak. Ye Feng and Qiao Huiying were drowned in a flash.

But Ye Feng still carried Qiao Huiying's collar and said, "now Hu Dion, whether he is the main surrender faction or the main escape faction, betrays the people of eisf. If you still want to be your president, take out what a president should be, and lead your people, your Hundred Surnames and these bastards in the sky to the end. I'm afraid to die. I believe that the people of eisf will be the same You will always remember that they once had a president who was not afraid of sacrifice, who was wholeheartedly for them and wanted to take them to fight against foreign rulers. You will remember that you have made great contributions to the history of the whole eisf civilization

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Qiao Huiying's face suddenly moved. At this time, he reached out and wiped the rain on his face. Looking at Ye Feng, he said, "you're right!"

Ye Feng released his hand and watched Qiao Huiying kneel on the ground. After a while, he stood up and said, "I know what to do next!"

Then Qiao Huiying walked up to Ye Feng, patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "thank you, Ye Feng. If it wasn't for you, I might be depressed! Now I know that my mission has not been completed, and my obligations and responsibilities as president have not been fulfilled. I can't just fall down like this. I want to fight with my people! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding to Qiao Huiying. At this time, Joanna also rushed out of the door and hugged Qiao Huiying. "Dad, I believe you will lead us to defeat those villains in the sky and everything!"

Qiao Huiying gently patted Joanna on the back. Just now Joanna comforted herself a lot. She has such a daughter and a son-in-law like Ye Feng. What else can she ask for?

Even if I can't compare with houdion, even if everything doesn't work out as I expected, I will have a good son-in-law and a good daughter.

Thinking of this, Qiao Huiying reaches out her hand to Ye Feng again and embraces him as if he were a family of three. Qiao Huiying laughs first, and Joanna and Ye Feng laugh together.

Those people in the house were watching the bustle at the door and window. They didn't know what was funny about the three members of the family in the rain, but they laughed unconsciously.

Originally, their laughter was not as loud as the rain, but occasionally they could hear some, but at this time, the rain was falling more and more, completely covering up all the sounds of the world.

Later, Ye Feng, Joanna and Qiao Huiying all went back to the house. Someone sent them dry clothes, which were worn-out workers' clothes.Ye Feng took a suit and went to change it. He was afraid that Qiao Huiying and Joanna would not change. But when he came out, he saw that Qiao Huiying had already changed. Joanna was guarding a door for her and changing clothes inside.

Ye Feng then walked over to Qiao Huiying and said with a smile, "now it seems that our president has really come close to the masses."

blicos could not help looking at Qiao Huiying and said, "it's the first time I've seen the president wearing such clothes!"

Qiao Huiying dusted her body a little and said, "it's not bad to dress like this. She used to live in the Han Ding palace all day, and she's getting farther and farther away from the people! Now I feel that my feet are stepping on the ground. It's steady

When people heard what Qiao Huiying said, they couldn't help laughing. Some people applauded Qiao Huiying. Qiao Huiying was full of confidence again.

At this time, Joanna came out of the room on one side. Although she was dressed in worker's work clothes and looked a little dirty, she still could not hide her natural beauty. People around her were so crazy that they could not help admiring Ye Feng's good fortune and marrying Joanna.

Joanna looked at Ye Feng and said, "isn't it ugly?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "if you look at the eyes of these bad old men, you will know whether you are beautiful or ugly!"

When Joanna saw that all the people around her were staring at her, her face turned more red, and then she said, "what are you looking at?"

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