The others, hearing what Joanna said, avoided their eyes and stopped laughing.

Joanna at this time quite wry, just walked to Ye Feng in front of, haven't had time to say a word, suddenly the whole building began to shake up.

I don't know who called an earthquake. Everyone started to run outside. After a while, they all ran to the open space outside.

Those people in the warehouse also fled one after another. After a while, the whole open space was full of people.

Qiao Huiying didn't know before. Now when he saw the people in the open space, he knew that Ye Feng had already gathered so many people.

But now the ground is shaking badly, and it's not the time Qiao huiyingduo went to observe these people. They all squatted on the ground for fear that they would not stand steadily.

Ye Feng squats on the ground, protecting Joanna and a Nan for fear that they will be injured. After shaking for a few minutes, Ye Feng stands up and looks at the surrounding humanity. "Are you all right? Check if anyone is injured!"

They all got up one after another and checked each other to see if anyone was hurt. After checking, they found that no one was hurt. They were all relieved.

At this time, blicos said, "we've never heard of an earthquake in the Lomas fort area. It's really strange!"

Qiao Huiying also nodded and said, "that's right. Longarsenbao area belongs to the plain area. There are few earthquakes and there are no records in history. What's the matter?"

Just then, she said, "look over there!"

Hearing this, everyone could not help looking in the direction of a Nan's eyes. However, not far away from the sky, a beam of light hit the ground directly. From a distance, it looked like a pillar of light.

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at it more, but he saw that the light column was directly shot down from the black shadow outside the sky, and the ash soil on the ground was tens of meters high.

Ye Feng immediately understood, immediately toward Qiao Huiying they said, "may not be the earthquake, is that light column caused!"

Everyone saw the light column and was shocked. They didn't know what the result would be after being shot by the light column.

However, seeing the appearance of the light column, it is so far away and looks so thick. If it is close, I don't know how shocked it is.

Even if you can't see it, you can imagine that a pillar of light can shake the earth and shake the mountains. You can see how powerful it is.

Ye Feng said at this time, "it seems that those things in the sky can't be restrained, ready to act!"

Qiao Huiying immediately said, "what can we do? We are not ready, and our weapons and equipment are not good. If they come down to attack at this time, we have no chance of winning!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while. He didn't know how the research progress of the weapon over there was, but he thought that no matter how fast it was, it couldn't be developed immediately.

Ye Feng noticed that the direction of the light column should be in the urban area of longarsenbao. He turned his head and looked in other directions. He could see that there was a similar light beam under every dark shadow.

But from a distance, those beams look smaller and lighter.

Ye Feng immediately said to Qiao Huiying, "I know. The target of these visitors must be all the buildings on the ground. They should know that the buildings represent the gathering place of human beings. They must have launched an attack on the major cities!"

Qiao Huiying's face moved and said, "so long arsenic castle has been attacked?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "very likely!" Then he immediately denied, "it's not possible, it's certain. Look at the location of the light beam, is it the city of lonarsenic castle?"

At this time, the dust was billowing in the sky, and we couldn't see exactly where it was, but the direction was the direction of longarsenic fort.

Qiao Huiying can't help but take a deep breath, "then we are really lucky. If this will still be in longarsenbao, I'm afraid we are dead!"

Hanks could not help but sigh at this time, "yes, it shows that we are wise to leave there!"

But brecos asked, "I don't know whether they are alive or dead!"

Ye Feng is also thinking about this problem. If the big beam is an offensive weapon, it can cause such an earthquake. The power can be seen. Under such an attack, I'm afraid the whole city of longarsenbao will be more or less dangerous.

Thinking of Ye Feng asking Qiao Huiying to contact Hu diong by satellite phone, although the two sides are at odds, or even split their faces, it's OK for foreign enemies to exchange information even if they can't cooperate?

Qiao Huiying took the satellite phone and dialed a number, but when she put it in her ear, she heard nothing in her ear.

At this time, Joanna pointed to the sky and said, "look, meteor shower!"

Everyone can't help looking at the sky, but just as Joanna said, meteors are falling from the sky.

Moreover, the meteors are so terrible that they almost cover the whole sky and keep falling down.Qiao Huiying said to Ye Feng at this time, "there is no signal from satellite phone!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. Then he looked up at the sky and said, "it's not a meteor shower, but those guys in the sky who are destroying our satellite system!"

People listen to Ye Feng say so, the heart can't help a Lin, Qiao Huiying is more thrilled way, "if so, it's over, our whole eisf will be paralyzed!"

Ye Feng certainly understands this truth. The more high-tech civilization is, the more dependent it is on satellite systems. Without the tail line, the missiles are just as blind as they are. There is no navigation system at all.

Of course, it also includes the communication system. It seems that those extraterrestrial visitors are really ready to invade eisf.

After pondering for a while, ye Fengxin asked Wu Feng an, "is there any radio equipment here?"

After thinking for a moment, Wu feng'an immediately said, "there should be an original radio, but I don't know if it's useful!"

Ye Feng immediately toward five feng an way, "go to find him!"

Seeing Wu feng'an looking for the radio, he immediately asked Qiao Huiying, "besides the telephone, there should be such original communication equipment in the Han Ding palace, right?"

Qiao Huiying immediately nodded and said, "yes, it was the day to prevent the satellite system from being paralyzed, so it was not destroyed! I just don't know if hudion knows about this thing! "

Ye Feng said, "that also can't manage, will try to contact to see, if you can contact the best, can't contact, we do it ourselves!"

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