Qiao Huiying and others immediately went back to their room. After Wu Fengan found the radio, they immediately began to try to capture the frequency in the direction of long arsenic fort. But after searching for a long time, they didn't have the slightest frequency in long arsenic fort.

Wufeng'an sighed to the court, "is it true that longarsene castle has been completely destroyed? Now there is no signal at all!"

Qiao Huiying asked Wu Fengan not to give up and continue to try to get in touch. After all, there was a problem there. Maybe now people are still in a panic. Maybe even Hu Dion didn't expect to use the radio.

Ye Feng stood at the back window and looked at the direction of long arsenic castle in the distance. At this time, he saw a burst of crazy sand coming towards this side. He immediately turned around and said to all the people, "get down..."

Said Ye Feng also ran to the door, toward the outside of those people yelled again, immediately rushed to Joanna and a Nan's side, did not wait for them to react, immediately put them on the ground, oneself block them.

And at this time, people have felt a gust of wind, see Ye Feng has been lying on the ground, have also learned the appearance of Ye Feng, lying on the ground motionless.

At the same time, a burst of crazy sand roared, and suddenly the whole world was dark. Some people couldn't carry it, and even nearly flew up by the strong wind. Fortunately, a companion pulled him on one side.

This kind of crazy sand lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and then gradually felt small, until completely recovered, and all the people lying on the ground seemed to be buried in the sand.

Although the crazy sand has passed, everyone is still lying on the ground like a frightened bird.

At this time, Ye Feng raised his head, and the sand on his hair fell down, just on the face of Joanna and a-nan.

Joanna and a-nan can't help patting their face, sitting up and spitting the sand in their mouth.

Ye Feng stood up at the moment and looked at the distance. The crazy sand was still flying away. However, Ye Feng thought that the crazy sand must be the shock wave formed after the thing in the sky attacked the city with a light beam just now.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he took a look at the buildings on one side, and saw that the roofs of some warehouses had been scraped away, but fortunately the walls were still standing.

On the other side of the building, all the windows were blown away. When he came into the house, he saw that all the people were still lying on the ground, and the house had been blown by the wind just now, which was similar to the scene of robbery.

At this time, Wu feng'an was lying on the ground holding the radio. After shaking the dust on his head, he immediately checked the radio he was protecting and continued to try to contact longarsene castle. Although there was still no frequency of longarsene castle, at least the radio was not broken.

The others got up one after another, yelling and scolding, and brix couldn't help saying, "what the hell?"

Qiao Huiying then got up and took a look at the situation around her. She couldn't help saying, "the stomach of the shock wave is really big!"

Then he looked at Joanna who came in and immediately asked her, "Anna, are you ok?"

Joanna shook her head and asked Qiao Huiying, "Dad, are you ok?"

Qiao Huiying also shook his head. As soon as he was about to say something, he heard Wu Fengan shouting, "there's a frequency!"

As soon as they heard what Wu feng'an said, they couldn't help walking towards Wu feng'an, surrounded by Wu feng'an.

Brix immediately asked, "did you find the frequency? Is that Fort lonas? "

Qiao Huiying also immediately toward five feng an way, "immediately and there contact, see long arsenic Fort concrete what circumstance!"

Wufeng kept trying to capture this frequency. After a long time, she said, "it should not be the frequency on the other side of longarsenic castle. The fluctuation of this frequency is very strange. It seems that it is not our frequency!"

Qiao Hui immediately frowned and said, "what do you mean? What's not our frequency? I'm asking you to get in touch with longas castle! "

Wufengan immediately explained, "Mr President, you don't understand what I mean. I mean, this frequency band doesn't seem to be the band that we're supposed to have in the eisf civilization!"

When they heard this, their faces could not help but move. Blicos was surprised and said, "isn't it the wave band frequency of our eisf civilization? What's that? "

Ye Feng has understood that wufeng'an has captured a frequency band, but it's not on the other side of longarsenic castle, or even the whole eisf civilization.

Since it's not the frequency band of the eisf civilization, there may be only one left. The frequency of this band comes from those things in the sky.

Thinking of him, he immediately said to Wu Feng an, "you try to contact this frequency band and see what they say!"

Wu feng'an didn't say anything more. She continued to try to capture the frequency. People around her gradually understood what was going on and began to talk in a low voice.

Qiao Huiying immediately told everyone to shut up and not make any noise, so as not to let Wu Fengan miss the key point.

Wu Feng an is now concentrating on the operation of the radio, his ears have been listening to the sound of the headphones.After a while, he shook his head and said, "I can only be sure that I have found it, but I can't get in touch with it. Moreover, there seems to be some ticking rules in the rustling sound. It's very possible that there is also trying to get in touch with us, but I can't understand it at all..."

Ye Feng walks over, picks up Wu Feng an's earphone and listens to it. It's really like what Wu Feng an said. Most of the time, it's rustling, occasionally it's ticking, and the interlude is regular.

But Ye Feng, like Wu feng'an, couldn't understand what Dida didi meant. He tried to crack it with all kinds of passwords in his head, but he didn't find any password that could be used in the sound of Dida Didi.

In the end, Ye Feng could only give up. The sound in his ears was like a letter from heaven. It seemed that even the connection with the alien civilization was completely impossible to communicate.

Wu Feng an then looked back at Ye Feng and said, "what should I do now? Do you want to search longarsenic castle? Or stay on this frequency and continue to listen? "

Ye Feng knows that the radio can only stop at one frequency. If he wants to contact longarsenic castle, he has to keep trying to find the frequency, so he can't continue to listen to the frequency of alien civilization.

Just hesitating, Wu feng'an's face suddenly moved again and said, "it seems to have changed But I still can't understand... "

Ye Feng immediately took the earphone and listened to it in his ear. Now the sound in the earphone is no longer ticking, but he can't understand it at all.

But soon there was another language in the earphone. When Ye Feng heard that it was English similar to that on earth, he seemed to be saying, "you surrender quickly, surrender immediately..."

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately said in English to his headset, "I want to see your top leadership!"

The other side began to rustle again. For a long time, there was no sound. Ye Feng thought that the frequency had been cut off. He immediately asked Wu feng'an to continue to have a look.

Other people listen to Ye Feng speak English on earth, they also can't understand, can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise.

In particular, Ye Feng uses a headset to talk to people who can't understand. They think Ye Feng knows alien languages. Besides surprise, they worship him.

And after a long time, the voice came back from the headset and said, "can you represent this planet?"

Ye Feng didn't want to think about it, and immediately said, "of course, eisf is a global federal government. Although I'm not the president of the federal government, I'm the son-in-law of the president of the federal government. The president is beside me now The president represents the highest authority of us, the highest authority of us, and now we need to talk to your highest level! "

The other side was the same as before. After a long time of rustling, a voice said, "we need to study. You wait for the news..."

After that, there was no more contact. Ye Feng put down his earphone and gave it to Wu Feng an, saying, "don't look for the frequency of long arsenic Castle any more. Just listen to this frequency. They will contact us later!"

Five feng an Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, bu lie Coase immediately asks Ye Feng way, "you and they contacted?"? What are you talking about? "

Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "this is the frequency of alien civilization. I just told them that the president of the federal government of eisf is here, and they need to have a direct dialogue with their highest level. They said they would study it and let us wait for the news!"

Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng in amazement, still some can't believe the tunnel up to now, "do you really get in touch with them?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I've already contacted you. Can you still have a fake?"

Brix's face moved. "We've got in touch with them here, and they know that the president is here. Will they take any action on our side?"

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