After all, it's a good thing for them to get in touch with each other, but it can also be a bad thing.

As long as we get in touch with each other, it means that both sides have acquired each other's frequency. Even the technology of eisf civilization can definitely lock the specific position of each other according to each other's frequency.

But for one thing, there is no need to lock the other's specific location, because these guys are all in the sky, even outside the atmosphere, which can be seen by the naked eye.

Second, Qiao Huiying doesn't have the tool to lock the other party's specific location, so it's almost the same as the other party's specific frequency.

But since Eve has such technology, it's not easy for the alien civilization that has blocked the outer space of the eve civilization to lock in a specific location of the frequency?

So once the other party has locked their specific location, and Ye Feng also tells the other party that the president of the eisf civilization is here, the possibility of the other party locking in here to attack will be greatly increased.

But after a while of pondering, Ye Feng said, "although it's very possible, my intuition tells me that it shouldn't be!"

Brix then said to Ye Feng, "you have told the other party that the president is on our side. If I were the other party, what would be more demoralizing than directly killing the top leadership of the other party's civilization?"

Ye Feng didn't speak, Qiao Huiying's face also showed a trace of worry, but at this time he didn't say anything, if not Ye Feng, he might have been blown to slag in the Han Ding palace now, where there is such a thing now?

In addition, after experiencing just now, Qiao Huiying also figured out a lot of things. At this time, blaming Ye Feng can't change the reality. Instead of blaming, it's better to trust Ye Feng.

Under the current situation, even if you escape this disaster, you don't know where to wait for yourself in the next disaster. Therefore, the more afraid you are of death, the more likely you are to die.

Thinking of Qiao Huiying, he immediately said, "don't say that. Now we should unite the front. If I really die here, the next president Elsie will be inherited by Ye Feng!"

Everyone can't help looking at Ye Feng when they hear this. Joanna goes to hold Qiao Huiying's hand and says, "Dad, you'll be fine!"

Qiao Huiying said with a calm smile, "everyone has a death, not to say a few auspicious words, fear of death will not die, I have seen it, you should see it!"

Then Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng, reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "I believe your intuition, the other party may not do this, so what we have to worry about now is not whether the other party will attack us, but to consider, if the other party contacts us again, what we should say to the other party!"

There was something else bricos wanted to say, but Hanks held him back, shook his head at him, and whispered, "don't say such untimely things!"

When Hanks said that, Brix shrugged, "I just want to remind you to say all the possibilities. You don't like to hear me. I won't talk any more."

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "what do you want to say to each other?"

Qiao Huiying immediately said, "I want to ask what their purpose is and why they want to attack us, Esther!"

But Ye Feng sighed, "the beginning of the war, always fully prepared for the reasons, it's meaningless to ask these questions!"

Qiao Huiying can't help but feel a move when he hears the speech, and then nods his head and says, "you said the same thing! I haven't thought of talking to them yet

Then Qiao Huiying immediately asked Ye Feng, "how about you? What do you want to say to each other? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "ask each other what they want! What can we do for them! "

When they heard this, their faces changed. After all, Brix couldn't help saying, "do you mean we surrender?"

Qiao Huiying also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "yes? Are you going to surrender? "

But Ye Feng said, "the enemy is strong and we are weak. At this time, we have to show our weakness even more. First, we have to make clear each other's purpose, then we have to know their needs, and finally we have to see each other's attitude before deciding the next step!"

Brekos immediately toward Ye Feng way, "if the other party is to destroy us?"

Ye Feng looked at blicos and asked, "what do you say to do? What do you want to ask? "

Brix couldn't help hesitating for a while, but he couldn't figure out what to ask in the end.

Ye Feng said at this time, "now that the other side is in the sky, we have no way to fight them head-on. The most important thing for us now is to get them to the ground first. If we can negotiate, it's best. War is the art of compromise. We must compromise unless you have a way to kill them!"

All the people were silent when they heard that. Although they always felt that Ye Feng's words seemed a little out of his mind, which was no different from surrender, they really couldn't think of a way to destroy each other for a while.

Brix snorted coldly at this time. "But we have to fight. The big deal is to die together!"Ye Feng to also sneer a way, "together die?"? You think too much about your ability, don't you? Maybe if you die, you will die in vain. You can't hurt the other half at all! "

Blakess stares at Ye Feng way, "so according to what you say, there is a way?"? How do I feel? There is no difference between you and houdion? Isn't that surrender? Find more reasons, surrender or surrender! "

But Ye Feng said, "who said to surrender? Don't you understand me? I mean let them down, and then talk with each other first, try to meet their requirements, we show cooperation, the other party may not kill, then our time is up

Brix frowned. "When?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "without contact with the other party, how can I know when? Of course, we have to wait until we get in touch with each other. Act according to the situation! "

Then Ye Feng immediately looked at Brix and said, "war is not fierce, brave, meaningless brave. It's just adding a few more names to the death book. What can change? The real war is machinations

Brix just wanted to speak, Hanks immediately said to Ye Feng, "I believe you, you has the final say, I listen to you!"

Qiao Huiying also said to Ye Feng, "I believe you, too. We can only believe you now, but now the other party hasn't written back. We are all guessing. Who knows what's going on?"

Ye Feng just want to talk, five feng an immediately toward Ye Feng way, "over there to information!"

Ye Feng said nothing more, and immediately went to pick up the headset.

All the other people are also nervous looking at Ye Feng, in the heart are muttering, aliens in the end will give what answer.

Ye Feng took the headset and immediately asked, "is there any result?"

The other side said, "we have locked your coordinates..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately heart next a Lin, the facial expression is also a change, really was brecos to guess right, the other party know Qiao Huiying in here, so want to attack here?

But when I think about it, I think it's wrong. If I want to attack, there's no need for the other party to contact me. Just attack directly.

Sure enough, he said, "we will send messengers down to contact you and talk to you face to face."

Ye Feng listen to the other side said, immediately also said, "that's the best, the collision of two civilizations, all things can be discussed!"

But the other side did not say anything, directly cut off the frequency, the signal disappeared again.

Brix saw Ye Feng take away the headset, and immediately asked him, "what did the other party say to you?"

Ye Feng turned to Qiao Huiying and said, "the other side said that they would send messengers down to talk with us face to face!"

Qiao Huiying was relieved when he heard this, and then patted Ye Feng on the shoulder. He said before that he was not nervous. It was deceptive. He must have exposed his goal to the alien civilization.

But at this time is completely relaxed down, toward Ye Feng Road, "it seems that you guess right!"

But blicos immediately asked, "when are they coming?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. The other party hung up without saying it!"

Hanks frowned and said, "one thing I don't understand is that the other party's civilization is much more advanced than ours. Why send messengers to talk about it if we want to destroy it every minute?"

Everyone can't help nodding. Hanks is right. Just rely on the previous beam attack and a few more waves, it's estimated that the whole eisf is gone. Why is the other party willing to negotiate?

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