Brix said at once, "is that true? They must want to come down and see what we're up to? "

Hanks can't help sneering, "a light beam can extinguish the attack ability of a city, come down to explore your reality? What's in your head? "

Brix can't help but be stunned. What Hanks said is right. People's civilization and technology weapons are so powerful that they can destroy a city with one button. What else do you need to explore?

However, although Brix thought so in his heart and agreed with Hanks' statement, he still said, "if you are strong, don't explore the truth?"

Qiao Huiying immediately said to them, "don't say it. Anyway, the other party is coming down. Let's be prepared. Let's not do anything here."

Hanks and brix didn't say a word. Just at this moment, people from outside ran in and said, "go out and have a look. What's that in the sky?"

When everyone heard this, they all ran out of the house. As soon as they got out of the house, they looked at the sky, but they saw a bright spot in the sky. Under the dark shadow of the sky, Fang Zheng quickly flew here.

The faster the bright spot flies, the closer it flies. After a while, you can roughly see the shape. It's an oval aircraft.

Judging from that altitude, the oval aircraft is not small. It's not surprising that when the oval aircraft flies over, it will be bigger than the whole site.

Soon the oval flying machine flew over their heads and stopped on the side of the abandoned factory. Suddenly, a cloud of dust came up on the ground, and everyone could not open their eyes.

It took about ten minutes for the wind and waves to blow past. Everyone looked in the direction of the oval aircraft just now, but they saw that there were several unknown black and shining tools coming here.

Ye Feng looked carefully, but saw that it was actually a low altitude aircraft, completely without wheels, but it was able to move quickly towards this side on the ground.

After a while, they flew directly in front of the crowd. Several aircraft stopped in a row, and then they landed on the ground.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the aircrafts at the moment, but after the aircrafts fell, they didn't move at all.

After a long time, there was no further movement. Everyone was a little surprised. The tense atmosphere gradually disappeared and became curious. One by one, you look at me, I look at you, and I'm at a loss.

After Qiao Huiying took a look, Chao Jingge said, "do you want to contact them again by radio?"

Ye Feng is also hesitating. After listening to Qiao Huiying's words, he hasn't spoken yet. At this time, he sees that the aircrafts start to move.

However, everyone was startled and instinctively stepped back, only to find that the aircraft had changed in place. The appearance of the aircraft seemed to have been decomposed and turned into pools of metal black water on the ground.

Before people could react, they saw black round water drops coming out of the black liquid. One by one, they began to float from the ground into the air.

Those drops of liquid in mid air gradually began to condense together, soon formed a ball, instant Kung Fu had a change, actually turned into a human shape.

All the people on the scene were stunned. They didn't expect that the appearance of alien civilization was like this. Before they came, everyone had a brain patch, thinking that the other party would appear in various ways, but no one thought that it would be like this.

After the formation of the human form, it still seems to be a mass of liquid. When the one in the middle takes a step forward, the body is like a shaking jelly. It seems that the body can fall apart with any pressure.

After a few steps towards the front, the figure stopped again. At this time, a strange sound came out, just like the ticking sound Ye Feng had just heard in his headset.

If you want to say the same thing, there are some differences in listening. The sound you hear on your headset is a little small. When you hear it face to face, you feel that the sound is a little harsh, even like a low-frequency vibration.

The eardrum of many people present felt uncomfortable and immediately covered their ears with indignation.

Qiao Huiying and all of them were the same. In a minute, all of them except Ye Feng couldn't stand that kind of voice.

Ye Feng saw that all the people were covering their ears. He was still curious. Looking at the appearance of those people, he knew that they couldn't stand such a voice. But why did he listen to it? Although he didn't feel good, he didn't get to the point where he couldn't stand it.

The liquid figure standing in front of the crowd seemed to wriggle his neck and look at Ye Feng. Then he walked towards Ye Feng and stopped in front of him.

When the liquid figure came to Ye Feng, it still kept making that kind of sound, but after a while, the sound began to change and became all kinds of strange sounds.

But the voice finally changed into the earth English, which was able to communicate with Ye Feng smoothly before, and said, "are you the one who contacted us?"Ye Feng looked at the opposite liquid humanoid, his heart is also surprised, he knows that these liquid humanoid is just from the aircraft changes.

In other words, the form of this strange intelligent creature in civilization is different from that of human beings. He suspects that the reason why the other person appears in human form is to accommodate them.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he nodded to the other side and said, "yes, it's me!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he turned his head and glanced at all the people on the field. Then he said, "what do you want to say to us?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng immediately said to each other, "why do you want to attack our planet? What is your purpose? Take our planet? "

The liquid figure didn't answer immediately, but after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, it said, "no purpose!"

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the liquid figure in surprise and said, "no purpose? what do you mean? You start a war and tell us in the end that you have no purpose? "

After pondering for a long time, the liquid humanoid said, "what do you think we should have in mind? You call our actions war? "

Ye Feng looked at the liquid figure and said, "your civilization is attacking our civilization, our planet. Isn't this war?"

The liquid humanoid immediately shook his head and said, "in our civilization, we don't call this kind of behavior war. We understand that war in the sense of war is that the two civilizations attack each other with the same strength. It's only war when the last one falls down. Your planet, in our understanding, even civilization is not called war. We call it Well, what kind of words can you use to describe it so that you can understand it more appropriately? Well general cleaning! Yes, no, it's just cleaning up! "

Ye Feng looked at the liquid figure in surprise and said, "clean up? Do you call this attack on the other side of the planet a clean-up

After pondering for a moment, the liquid humanoid said, "we have no intention to capture your planet. Your planet, in our civilization's view, has no value at all! Well, yes, it has no value at all

Ye Feng was even more puzzled, and immediately asked the liquid humanoid, "there is no value of capture, so why do you want to launch this general cleaning? In our eyes, if you don't declare war, it's war! "

Liquid humanoid tone flatly said, "your planet, is just a dump of our civilization, we just clean up the dump! Undeclared war? I think there's something wrong with your understanding. Do you need to discuss with the bedbugs in the dump when you clean up your dump? Do you need to inform them that you are going to clean up? "

Ye Feng heard that the other side described the civilization of eisf as a garbage dump and compared the people on eisf to bedbugs in the garbage dump. He frowned and said, "since you treat us as bedbugs, why do you want to communicate with us?"

After hesitating for a moment, the liquid humanoid said, "if bedbugs can get in touch with you, you will be very curious to know about these bedbugs, right?"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion can't help but move a way, "so the purpose that you come down this time, is to understand us?"

The liquid figure said faintly, "it has this purpose, but not all of it! We need to take some of you back and study how you low-level creatures developed into this! "

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when he heard that he had heard the legend of UFO when he was on earth. He said that aliens often captured human beings for research, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing in eisf today.

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