Ye Feng then looked at the liquid humanity, "this is your first time to this planet?"

The liquid figure didn't understand, "why do you ask that?"

Ye Feng said, "because before, our planet had a history of dealing with aliens like you!"

The liquid humanoid exclaimed, "have other civilizations visited your planet before? It's impossible to achieve the interstellar voyage. For a civilization, it's a qualitative leap. I mean, once the civilization can come to your planet, it doesn't destroy you? Do you want to wait for our civilization? It's kind of incredible

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you're right. They want to destroy us, but I'm really sorry. They were beaten away by our ancestors!"

The liquid humanoid was even more surprised and said, "you beat him away? It's unthinkable. You must be lying

Ye Feng continued to shrug, "your civilization is so advanced, there must be your way to detect that I'm not lying!"

The liquid human form was silent for a long time, and then stretched out a hand, which immediately extended to Ye Feng's face, stretched out a finger, and put it on Ye Feng's forehead.

Ye Feng stood still, and everyone around him was about to get sick. After all, in the face of this alien creature with no resemblance to his own race, he suddenly extended his hand to himself. Normal people were afraid that even if they could not run away, they would instinctively avoid it.

Although they all cover their ears, they can't hear what they are saying, and even if they don't cover their ears, they can't understand at all.

But they can't help admiring Ye Feng's courage when they see Ye Feng standing there motionless.

The liquid figure's "fingers" seemed a little cool. After a little bit on Ye Feng's forehead, he immediately drew back.

Then the liquid humanoid stood there motionless. A moment later, it said, "we were strange before. When we communicated with you, we tried many kinds of civilized languages, but the language you communicate with us now is not the mother and daughter of this planet, but the language of another planet. Now we know that you are not a person of this planet at all, you are How did you get here? "

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "from the micro universe!"

The liquid man frowned and said, "microcosm? Do you mean that the technology of your planet has developed the micro universe? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "is this unexpected? Is this technology difficult? "

At this time, the liquid humanoid immediately stretched out his hand. Suddenly, a slight blue halo appeared in his palm and asked Ye Feng, "is it such a micro universe?"

Ye Feng can't help but face a move, this liquid human shape actually turned over to create a microcosm?

He looked at the blue halo of the liquid human palm, as if there were countless tiny bright spots. When he looked carefully, it really looked like the stars in the universe.

However, Ye Feng knows that if the universe is really only as big as the blue halo in the palm of a liquid human, the tiny bright spots he sees are definitely not stars. They may be galaxies, or even larger concepts than galaxies.

After a close look, Ye Feng can't help but ring. After he came to eisf, he saw that there were many such blue halos in Jock Emma's laboratory.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he nodded to the liquid figure and said, "it should be almost the same!"

The liquid figure no longer spoke, and the blue halo in his hand disappeared instantly, and he immediately walked towards his companion without even turning. At least Ye Feng didn't see him turning in his vision.

After the liquid figure came to his companion, several people just stood, and no one spoke, but Jingge seemed to see the liquid shaking on them.

I don't know how long it took to see that the shaking frequency became smaller and disappeared. The liquid figure returned to Ye Feng and said, "we just discussed it!"

Ye Feng can't help but eyebrow move, can't you say that their whole body is shaking just now, is in communication?

The liquid humanoid immediately continued, "please come with us!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "with you? What if I don't? "

The liquid humanoid says, "you have no choice! If you don't come with us, we will take you too. The reason why I ask for your consent is that we regard it as the only sign of civilization on this planet! "

Ye Feng's face could not help but move when he heard this. What does this guy mean? He said that they treat themselves as human beings, but they still regard other people on eisf as bedbugs?

Ye Feng in the heart a wry smile, also don't know whether oneself should be happy, mouth but say, "walk with you can, but you want to tell me, you want to take me to where, after what?"

The liquid humanoid said, "we are only interested in you. We want to take you to our star aircraft carrier for a comprehensive inspection, but you can rest assured that we will not treat you like a bug! And when I sensed your nervous system just now, I detected that you want to go back to your home star, but you can't find the entrance to the micro universe. If you sincerely follow us and accept our detection and investigation, I think we can connect the micro universe of your planet for you! "Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion can't help but move a way, "what meaning?"? Aren't microcosms all independent? Even if you create a universe, or even copy a microcosm, it's not the one I'm in... "

Before Ye Feng finished, the liquid humanoid immediately said, "you have too many questions. My patience will be worn out by you!"

Ye Feng said to each other, "I know you have a strong interest in me, but I won't go with you until I know your questions clearly. Although you say you can not pass my permission, I think you also know that I may not be able to refuse you, but you may not be able to stop a person who wants to die?"

But the liquid humanoid said, "I just detected through your neurons that you are a species with extremely strong vitality. You can't die..."

Ye Feng sneered and said, "before that, you haven't said you want to take me away. Of course, I don't want to die. But if you want to take me away without my consent, I want to die! And I have to die. I won't be your little white mouse

After pondering for a while, the liquid humanoid said, "as long as the micro universe is successfully created, it has been connected with other universes. Every universe has a channel to connect with other universes. Note that I mean all universes. It's just like you can come to this planet in this universe from the micro universe, so we can find the way to connect you The so-called channel of the micro universe, of course, can send you back to your original universe! Are you satisfied with this explanation? "

Ye Feng can't help pondering. If the liquid figure is telling the truth, that is to say, he doesn't have to go to Jock Emma and ask him to help him send him back? So did Dixie go to Dante Emma for nothing?

The liquid humanoid immediately said, "I have answered your question. Can you come with us now?"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "yes, but I'll ask another question!"

The liquid humanoid immediately said, "you really have a lot of problems. As I said just now, my patience will be polished by you!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "what is the significance of your civilization?"

The liquid figure didn't speak for a long time, just like he was asked by Ye Feng. Then he didn't say anything, and went back to discuss with his companions. After all, their liquid began to shake again.

After shaking for a long time, the liquid figure came back to Ye Feng, "we can't answer you this question. If you want to know, come with us. Our doctor can answer you this question, maybe!"

Ye Feng will ponder for a while. He has already felt that these liquid human figures don't seem to lie. Even if they are questioning and angry, their tone is as plain as water, as if they don't use any emotion fluctuation.

But after all, Ye Feng is worried about going with these creatures, but Ye Feng also knows that it's useless to worry.

After all, the technology of the other side is ahead of that of eisf. I don't know how many years, and the resistance becomes meaningless in front of them.

Since the other Party promised that he would not hurt himself, and he actually had no choice, Ye Feng finally nodded to the other party, "OK!"

As soon as the voice fell, the liquid figure in front of Ye Feng immediately wrapped him up, turned into an aircraft, and drove away in an instant.

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