All the others had covered their ears. They couldn't hear the conversation between Ye Feng and the liquid humanoid. Even if they heard it, they couldn't understand it.

Originally, they saw Ye Feng standing there, his mouth moving, as if he was communicating with each other, and the other side has no tendency of violence, it seems that everything is under Ye Feng's control.

Even Qiao Huiying can't help thinking, can Ye Feng really persuade these alien civilizations with one open mouth?

But at the time when all of us had some tendency, Ye Feng was suddenly attacked by the liquid human form.

From their point of view, Ye Feng seemed to be standing there, suddenly being eaten by the liquid humanoid, and those liquid humanoid still ate people and ran away without spitting bones.

When Joanna saw this, she couldn't help feeling a flash in front of her eyes and suddenly fainted.

A Nan also saw this scene. Although she was shocked, she didn't want to look like Joanna. She immediately stood up and looked into the distance. However, she saw that the black metal aircrafts fused together after they flew into the distance.

Before a-nan could see clearly, the integrated aircraft suddenly rose from the ground, soared into the sky, and disappeared from their eyes.

Others stood up one after another and talked one after another.

"He's dead? Or was it eaten by aliens? "

Hanks also looked puzzled. After pondering for a long time, he said, "anyway, he died for us too!"

Qiao Huiying pondered to see what happened to Joanna, and found that she just fainted. Then she felt relieved and looked up at the sky.

At this time, everyone is an action. They all look up to the sky, as if they can see Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng only felt that his surroundings were dark, but there seemed to be countless light spots on the dark, just like a meteor in front of his eyes.

Now Ye Feng feels that time seems to be completely out of his mind, and his body seems to be on top of the clouds. It's light and weightless.

After a while, Ye Feng saw a light in front of his eyes, and the black liquid wrapped around him suddenly disappeared.

And the thing in front of him is a huge cabin like space, full of precision instruments in operation, but he didn't see any of the liquid humanoid creatures he had seen before.

Ye Feng walked forward aimlessly here. There was a huge transparent glass like field of vision in front of him. He stood in front of him and looked out. He saw the vast starry sky.

Looking down, he saw a huge brown red planet standing in front of him. He knew that the planet should be eisf. After living on eisf for so long, he knew that the land of eisf was brown red, and the soil was dry.

Ye Feng knew that liquid humanoid had brought him to their civilized spaceship in space.

And at this time, a bed with instruments automatically glided to Ye Feng's side, and then a voice rang out in his ear, "lie on it!"

Ye Feng listened to the voice, which was the voice of the liquid human who went to eisf to talk with him. He couldn't help saying, "where are you? Why can't I see you? "

The liquid human voice said, "we meet you in order not to frighten you, and not to let you deliberately become a similar form to you to talk with you in order to only hear the sound but not see the shape!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "so what's your ontological form? You can show it to me. If you don't scare me, don't worry! "

Just after Ye Feng's voice fell, countless round black water droplets appeared in the space. They were everywhere. If people with phobia were to see them, they would feel numb and their scalp would be scratched.

The liquid humanoid voice said, "this is our form. Every round shape you see is us, but it's not just us! It's hard to explain to you too clearly for a moment. You can understand that we are individuals, but we are also the whole! "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkling, is indeed some don't understand the meaning of liquid human form.

But at this time, the voice of the liquid humanoid sounded again, "you lie down first!"

Ye Feng didn't resist. According to his meaning, he immediately lay on the bed. He thought that the bed should be made of metal material, but when he lay on it, he knew that the warm bed was a bit like sleeping on a water bed.

And Ye Feng just lay down, the bed stretched out countless black tube like things, began to wind Ye Feng fixed on the bed, although Ye Feng is still very free, but Ye Feng also knows that if you want to run, it is estimated that you can't run away.

Those black water pipe like things wriggle on Ye Feng's body, just like the tentacles of octopus. Moreover, it feels cold, comfortable and uncomfortable.

Even Ye Feng also felt a little numb feeling in his whole body, he could not help asking, "what are you doing?"Ye Feng's voice just fell, immediately two water pipes wrapped Ye Feng's head, and gradually began to deform on his head, becoming something like a helmet.

The liquid humanoid voice said, "we're doing a full test of your body, especially your brain!"

Ye Feng did not speak, liquid humanoid immediately said, "you can rest assured that this test will not have any impact on your body, not to mention, this body is also dispensable to you."

Ye Feng doesn't quite understand each other's meaning, but he still lies there to accept each other's inspection. To tell the truth, although the other party launched a beam attack on the scene and destroyed longarsene castle, Ye Feng didn't have a sense of crisis when he was with them, instead, he was very peaceful.

I don't know how long later, Ye Feng seemed to fall asleep. After a moment, the cold feeling on his body completely disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in a dark place, surrounded by darkness, but he could feel his existence completely.

even as like as two peas did not know why he could see what his whole body looked like. At this time, he had a body similar to himself, as if another self appeared.

And that oneself at this time Dynasty leaf maple way, "have feel what not appropriate?"

Ye Feng frowned, "who are you?" But after asking, I regretted, because the other person's voice was the liquid human, who else could he be.

The liquid humanoid voice immediately said, "we are now in your consciousness neurons. I'm just your fantasy! What's wrong with you telling me now? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "there's nothing wrong with it. Not only that, it seems that he feels a little comfortable."

The liquid humanoid immediately said, "that's good. It'll be over soon. You have to bear with it!"

Ye Fenggang wanted to ask the other party what to endure. Immediately, he felt that his whole body was shocked, and immediately he lost consciousness.

When Ye Feng woke up again, he found that he was standing in the window of the spaceship, in front of the brown red planet.

Ye Feng immediately looked around a circle, just lying on his own that special "water bed" at this time also don't know the trace.

At this time, the voice of liquid human came again and said, "your neurons are really special. We even see in your consciousness that you are not only from the original planet to eisf, but also have been to a more wonderful world. It's unthinkable that a person's neurons can have so many incredible things! What the hell are you? "

Ye Feng can't help but say to them, "I don't even know what you are. How can I know what I am?"

The voice of liquid humanoid said, "the total universe, I mean that all life bodies in the universe will have their own neurons and consciousness bodies. Our civilization has been separated from the body since its development. It exists as pure ideology, so you can't see us, but we just found out from your neurons and consciousness bodies that you used to be in this form If we calculate according to the concept of time, it was hundreds of millions of years ago! It's a little weird! "

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "hundreds of millions of years ago? Is the universe there? "

The liquid humanoid said, "without your permission, we have made clear all the potential obstacles that can bind your instinct in your neurons and consciousness. Originally, you would be the same as us, but never thought that you are more meaningful than our existence. In our civilized gods, you may exist in this form, right? Do you have an impression of what happened hundreds of millions of years ago? You're not the earliest God of our civilization, are you

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