Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "the earliest God?" However, he soon understood that he did exist in the form of consciousness, which was in the virtual world at that time.

But there should be no concept of time at all, but in the civilized world of liquid humanoid, how can they form a time difference with the virtual world?

At this time, the liquid humanoid continued, "anyway, your ability now is completely above us. You have the ability to create and connect the universe. If you want to go back to your own universe, it's easy!"

Although Ye Feng didn't do it, he still knows the strength in his body. Now his body is obviously different from before.

However, he said strangely, "if so, since you know our ability and deliberately remove all my potential obstacles, are you not afraid that I will destroy you?"

The liquid humanoid said, "it doesn't matter. Didn't you ask me about the significance of our civilization before? I asked our doctor when you were examined, and he gave me an answer!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "did he give an answer? Where is he? What did he say? "

The liquid humanoid said, "the meaning of our existence is meaningless!"

Ye Feng frowned more tightly, can't help but wonder, "no meaning?"

Liquid humanoid way, "not only us, but any form of civilization and life in the universe, have no meaning!"

Ye Feng still didn't understand, but the liquid humanoid continued, "if civilization is life, what is the carrier of civilization? Is it just the life of civilization? So, did we create civilization, or did civilization create us? Or is our existence as a form of life just a carrier of inheriting civilization? So the doctor said, there is no meaning, the rise and fall of any civilization, there is no meaning, just like the birth and death of a bedbug, there is birth there is death, although we can easily crush the bedbug, but we may also be higher civilization, higher life as bedbug! All these are the laws of the universe

Ye Feng didn't speak after listening. He had heard too much and thought too much about this dialectical form of words. Now even if he heard the conclusion again, he would not have any more waves in his heart.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng just asked, "do you want to continue to attack eisf?"

The liquid humanoid said, "yes, this is our mission. The purpose of our coming here is to eliminate aesf, which is branded in our genes. There is no way to change it. Either we eliminate some lower planets, or we are eliminated by higher civilizations."

Ye Feng sighed, "why don't you try to change?"

The liquid humanoid says, "it can't change, just as you can't control a lot of things!"

Ye Feng asked again, "then why don't you attack continuously? With your ability, it's just a matter of a moment to clear aeschf?"

The liquid humanoid says, "energy needs to be stored up! And it takes a long time to build up power! "

Ye Feng didn't speak any more. He knew that liquid humanoid would not lie. At this time, he was wondering whether to destroy these spaceships directly.

He stood at the window and looked out. Suddenly, a picture flashed in front of him, that is, when he was on the earth, he occasionally saw the scenes of animals hunting.

When you see these videos on the Internet, there will always be people scolding the photographer. Since you are at the scene, why do you watch those vulnerable animals being brutally killed.

At the beginning, Ye Feng had such an idea, but now, until this moment, Ye Feng suddenly understood a truth, survival of the fittest, the weak may be the law of nature itself, no one can change anything.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng gave up the idea of destroying the liquid humanoid civilization. If, as the liquid humanoid said, his ability can completely create and connect the universe, then he can take the people he wants to take back to the earth at any time.

At this time, I heard a continuous "tick" sound coming from my ear, and it was much louder than that of the radio before, or even the liquid human standing opposite me on the planet of essf.

However, these sounds had no effect on Ye Feng, but he was still curious why he suddenly made such a sound. He immediately asked, "what's the matter?"

The liquid humanoid said, "we have found the third civilization!"

Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, surprised, "the third civilization?"

The liquid humanoid said, "didn't you say that your eisf civilization had fought with alien civilization before? If it's right, it should be them! "

Speaking, Ye Feng in front of the glass window, suddenly appeared a huge virtual picture, and in this picture, but see the starry sky is full of spaceships, are flying towards this side.

Ye Feng frowned and said, "according to their flying speed, how long will they get here?"

The liquid humanoid said, "very fast, 30 minutes at most!"Ye Feng is surprised a way, "they are to you, still AI Si Fu?"

The liquid humanoid said, "I don't know. You may have to ask them that!"

Ye Feng immediately moved his heart and immediately said to the liquid figure, "have you ever met such a situation before? When you were cleaning up a planet, you just met the third civilization? "

Liquid humanoid way, "met too much!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "well, how did you deal with it before?"

Liquid humanoid just said faintly, "clear together!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "OK, then they'll give it to you. I'll go back first!"

Before the liquid humanoid spoke, Ye Feng had disappeared from their eyes.

At this time, on the ground, Joanna was just awakened by Qiao Huiying, thinking that Ye Feng was eaten by aliens, tears immediately came down.

Brix immediately said angrily, "it's a pity that we don't have cannons designed to face the sky, otherwise I'll have to blow him down!"

Hanks immediately said, "but I think the situation of the other side seems to be very harmonious. With their ability, it should be easy to destroy us. Why haven't they launched an attack yet?"

Qiao Huiying also hesitated. At this time, Wu Fengan's voice came from the other side of the house. She stood at the door and cried out, "Mr. President, I've got in touch with longarsenic castle!"

Qiao Huiying's face suddenly moved when she heard this, and immediately ran to the other side and quickly entered the room.

At this time, someone outside suddenly pointed to the sky and said, "look, what's that?"

Everyone looked to the sky, but a bright light in the sky came towards them as if it were left behind.

People on the ground are a little flustered, and they don't know if this is the weapon of alien civilization attacking them. Some of them even start to flee.

However, it was not very big that the light was about to reach the ground. In an instant, it fell on the crowd. Suddenly, the dust was flying all around, and the people couldn't see the situation clearly.

After the dust had been cleared away, a Nan was the first to see a man standing there. She stepped forward to have a look and was surprised and said, "Satan?"

All of them can't help looking over there when they hear ah Nan's cry, but they see that there is a person standing in the middle, not Ye Feng. Who is it?

As soon as Joanna saw that it was Ye Feng, she rushed to Ye Feng excitedly. Before she came to Ye Feng, her whole body jumped up and rushed to Ye Feng directly.

Ye Feng hugs Joanna and lets her kiss her. Then she looks around. She doesn't see Qiao Huiying. She asks, "where's the president?"

At this time, a Nan came over and said, "just now Wu feng'an called him and said that he was in touch with long arsenic castle!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, eyebrow can't help but move, long arsenic fort is not destroyed by the liquid civilization attack, how can contact? Are there any survivors over there?

Thinking of Ye Feng patting, Joanna motioned her to come down, and immediately disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone can't help but wonder, you look at me, I look at you, and even some doubt, just now is what illusion, in fact, Ye Feng never came.

But think about it carefully and think it's impossible. If Joanna has hallucinations because she misses Ye Feng too much, it's fair to say that everyone can't hallucinate, right?

A Nan looked around at this time. Just now, Ye Feng fell to the ground, and a small pit was smashed out on the ground. It's still there. It's not an illusion. Ye Feng must have appeared, but where is he now?

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