At this time, Ye Feng has arrived in the house, Qiao Huiying is talking with a headset, "what's the situation over there in longarsenic castle now!"

Wufengan and Qiao Huiying didn't notice how Ye Feng appeared. Qiao Huiying's face moved when she saw it, and she was obviously surprised that Ye Feng came back from the dead.

However, Qiao Huiying was still talking with the headset. After a few words, he handed the headset to Wu Fengan and said to Ye Feng, "you Not dead? "

Ye Feng nodded to Qiao Huiying with a smile, and then asked, "is there any contact with long arsenic castle?"

Qiao Huiying immediately nodded and said, "well, although there has been an attack and most of the buildings have been destroyed, many people have escaped from the disaster by hiding in the underpass!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown when he hears the words? Is there an underpass in longarsenic castle? "

Qiao Huiying nodded and said, "after fighting against alien civilization in those years, the Federation has been very concerned about this matter, worried that it will happen in the future, so underground facilities have been built under the major cities, but they are not open in peacetime, only in wartime. I think there must be someone over there who knows about it, so I took a lot of people to hide in!"

Ye Feng suddenly hesitated to tell Qiao Huiying about the emergence of a third civilization in space.

At this time, Qiao Huiying said, "it was a cabinet official who contacted us just now. They just found the radio facilities, so they just found ours in the search channel, so they contacted us!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what is the specific situation of that long arsenic Fort now?"

Qiao Huiying shook her head and said, "I don't know yet. Although many people have been hiding in the underground, some underground facilities are too old, and some places have collapsed directly, so we can't count them for the time being, and we can't find them!"

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng immediately said to Qiao Huiying, "I'll go and have a look!"

With that, Ye Feng did not wait for Qiao Huiying to reply, and immediately disappeared from Qiao Huiying's eyes.

Qiao Huiying can't help but a Leng, quickly pulled five Phoenix an way, "just now is Ye Feng talking with me?"

Wu Feng an also saw Ye Feng disappear suddenly, can't help nodding, "right?"

At this time, Ye Feng has arrived in front of longarsenbao city. In front of him, longarsenbao is in ruins, with ruins everywhere, and hardly a living creature can be seen.

After entering the city quickly, Ye Feng took a look around, but he still couldn't find the entrance of the underground passage. He immediately stood on a ruins and yelled, "is there a living one?"

after shouting for several times, he saw someone behind the ruins waving to this side, "this side..."

As soon as Ye Feng saw the hand, he had already arrived there. He just saw an underground entrance behind the ruins. The man was standing at the entrance and waving.

He obviously didn't expect that Ye Feng would appear in front of him so soon. He suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "can you survive? Or did you come out of another underpass? "

Ye Feng didn't say anything to him, so he immediately got into the underground cave. The entrance of the underground cave is very narrow, which can only accommodate one person. Moreover, it is reinforced and cemented all around. Although there are many cracks, it is still very solid.

Moreover, the entrance is nearly vertical, leading to more than 20 meters underground. Then a huge space appears. The space is surrounded by reinforced concrete, and a dim light is hanging from the top of the center.

On the ground, people were sitting closely. They didn't see Ye Feng coming down. Their faces were expressionless. They were numb to everything.

Ye Feng stood near the entrance and saw that there was a cave in the corner in front of him. He immediately went there and drilled there. The passage was more than 20 meters, so he had to squat to pass.

After passing, there is another huge space, which is similar to that before. People are sitting everywhere, which is the feeling of compassion and helplessness of the survivors.

In this space, there are still passages leading to other places. After looking at almost all the spaces, Ye Feng finally entered the space with few people. Besides the entrance, there is no entrance to other spaces.

The people here are different from those in other spaces. They all sit around. There is a radio in the middle. When they see Ye Feng coming, they can't help looking at him.

There is a person with glasses, see Ye Feng, eyebrows can not help a wrinkle way, "Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng felt that he was also familiar. After thinking about it for a moment, he remembered that he was a colleague working in the cabinet department.

The man immediately stood up and walked over to Ye Feng and said, "you're alive, that's great!"

Ye Feng asked, "did you just contact the president?"

The man immediately nodded and said, "I contacted you! What's the matter? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "nothing! What about the others? Is that all? "

The man immediately sighed, "I hope there are other underground shelters like this!"

Ye Feng didn't speak any more and immediately turned around and left.The man immediately said, "what's the situation on the ground now? Have all the things in the sky gone? When can we go out? "

After Ye Feng looked back at the man, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't go out for the time being, protect the people here!"

That person listens to Ye Feng to say so, immediately understood, affirmation is the spaceship of those extraterrestrial civilization in the sky is still there, can't help tears all want to come down.

Ye Feng did not care about them, immediately out of the tunnel, and back to the ground, after a turn, no new discovery, and looked up to the sky.

At this time but see sky of those shadows seem to be moving, leaf maple heart next move.

Those shadows were fixed in the sky before, but now they are moving. Is it related to the arrival of the third civilization? Are you actively preparing for war?

Ye Feng didn't think much, and immediately returned to the abandoned factory on the outskirts of longarsenbao. At this time, people over there were wondering why Ye Feng suddenly disappeared, and they saw that Ye Feng suddenly appeared again.

Seeing this, Joanna said to Ye Feng in surprise, "what's the matter with you?"

Ye Feng shrugged to Joanna and said, "I don't have time to explain too much to you at the moment!" Then he went to find Qiao Huiying.

Just entering the room, Qiao Huiying saw him and immediately said, "what happened to you just now?"

Ye Feng did not answer, then immediately toward him said, "you now immediately take people here into the city, to hide in the underground road!"

Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng and said, "will they attack?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said, "the one who attacked us is not the same as the one we met in the past

Qiao Huiying can't help but move when he hears the words, "isn't it the same one? So now we are facing a new alien civilization? "

But Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "sorry, it's not one, it's two!"

Qiao Huiying smell speech complexion is to move again, surprised a way, "two?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "now there is another civilization, which will arrive in about ten or twenty minutes, so you go to hide quickly!"

Qiao Huiying was stunned on the spot and didn't know what to say.

Ye Feng then immediately reminded Qiao Huiying, "now two alien civilizations meet in outer space, and no one knows what will happen, so you go to hide first! Don't delay for a moment

Qiao Huiying immediately nodded, and then asked Ye Feng, "what about you?"

Ye Feng then toward Qiao Huiying way, "I go to watch the war!"

Qiao Huiying was stunned and said, "watch the war?"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Feng had disappeared again. Qiao Huiying looked at him in a daze. After a long time, he came back to himself. Then he rushed out immediately and said to all the people, "get ready. Follow me and go to the underground road of longarsenic castle in three minutes!"

When they heard what Qiao Huiying said, they were all stunned. Blicos was the first one to come and said, "go to the underground passage of longarsenic castle?"

Joanna can't help asking, "Dad, what happened?"

Qiao Huiying took a look at the crowd and immediately said, "don't ask anything. Get ready immediately. Gather in three minutes!"

Joanna immediately looked around again, and then asked, "where's Ye Feng?"

Qiao Huiying still said, "don't ask anything. He has something to do. He will go and talk to us later."

Three minutes later, everyone was ready. Immediately, under Qiao Huiying's leadership, they began to set out in the direction of lonarsene fort, while snooker's men also took the machine guns in the warehouse.

Gasevara also began to get the research equipment ready. After loading it into the car, it began to transport it to lungshenburg.

Along the way, the people went to longarsene castle in a mighty way. From time to time, they looked up to the sky and saw that the shadows were moving rapidly.

Some people feel that these extraterrestrial guys are ready to retreat. No one knows. Next, a star war between two extraterrestrial civilizations has reached a state of imminent outbreak outside the atmosphere of their planet aesf.

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