At this time, Ye Feng had already arrived in the previous spaceship. As soon as he appeared, the voice of the previous liquid humanoid immediately rang out, "how did you come back?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I see your ship moving below. Come and see what you are going to do?"

The liquid humanoid voice said, "we're ready to fight!"

Ye Feng is puzzled way, "the other side is obviously aimed at the planet of love, you are just passers-by, this originally has nothing to do with you, you can avoid the war!"

The liquid human voice said, "avoiding war is not our style. Our genes are engraved with the word war. In your opinion, it is war. In our opinion, it is the mission of our civilization to eliminate all civilizations in the universe."

Ye Feng didn't say anything more, but stood in the window and looked at the starry sky. At this time, there was no need for virtual video to see that there were bright spots coming in the distance.

And Ye Feng also noticed that there were many black spaceships around, moving towards this side, or Ye Feng himself didn't feel it. In fact, his spaceship was also moving towards other spaceships.

Soon all the spaceships in the space merged to form a huge disk, blocking the gap between aesf and other third civilizations.

At this time, Qiao Huiying is taking people to longarsene castle on the planet of essf. Suddenly, the whole sky suddenly becomes dark, and instantly turns from day to night.

All the people can't help but be awed, and blicos is still saying, "did the eclipse happen? I haven't seen a solar eclipse for a long time

Hanks immediately said, "it's not an eclipse. It's the alien civilization's spaceship that blocked the sun!"

Someone took out the artificial torch equipment, according to the road ahead to continue to move forward, Qiao Hui Ying toward the public humanity, "we don't care about anything, continue to move forward!"

At this time, Ye Feng saw this scene and couldn't help saying, "you are actually a subject, aren't you? Each of you is actually a part of this subject? Including your life and your ship

The liquid humanoid voice said, "yes, we are all small individuals separated from an individual. Our life reproduction depends on division, so even if we are broken, we just continue to split into new individuals!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and then said, "there should be elements of your reproduction on the planet of essf, right?"

The liquid human voice said, "we have also studied this problem. Maybe endless killing is the nutrient for our civilization to multiply endlessly. That's why we can eliminate civilization all over the universe!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it makes sense to say so. So when you deal with the current civilization, it's not to help the eisf civilization, but your genes!"

The voice of the liquid humanoid was still as flat as a channel. "Of course, we're not helping Esther!"

Just saying that, those bright spots in front of us have become the biggest, one by one like missiles coming rapidly.

But at this time, those "Missiles" in front of him suddenly stopped. Ye Feng saw clearly that those so-called "Missiles" were spaceships one by one.

Moreover, the appearance of those spaceships is totally different from that of liquid civilization. They are more like those alien spaceships seen in the American blockbusters of the earth. They have a strong sense of science and technology.

Obviously, the other side suddenly stopped, and they also found the existence of liquid civilization.

The voice of liquid human form at this time toward leaf maple way, "we want to launch an attack!"

But Ye Feng said to the liquid figure, "you're busy. You don't have to report to me! I'm just a spectator! "

As soon as his voice fell, he saw that the huge black spaceship began to rush towards those spaceships.

The reason why we use "pounce" this time is that in the process of action, it is like a liquid shaking, and when we "pounce" in the past, it is the same as when the liquid humanoid pounced on itself before.

They are going to devour these spaceships directly, and their action is swift and violent, Ye Feng's brain is still thinking about it, but see in front of those spaceships have been devoured.

Ye Feng's face was black again, as if the black liquid spaceship had completely engulfed those spaceships.

After a long time, a little light appeared in front of Ye Feng's eyes, and the black liquid nearby was gradually opening a hole, just like a person opened his mouth.

Gradually in front of the stars revealed a complete face, and before docking in the other side of the spacecraft, has been a can not see.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's heart can't help but be shocked. Is liquid civilization the ultimate civilization of the universe? Just in less than a minute, it completely annihilated each other?

But just as Ye Feng exclaimed, he suddenly heard an explosion. Ye Feng followed the sound and saw that a black liquid not far from one side had been blown out of a hole. The previously disappeared spaceship immediately flew out of that hole.Without waiting for Ye Feng to relax, there was a loud noise from the other black liquid everywhere. The black liquid spaceship exploded countless holes in an instant, and a spaceship flew out of each hole.

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "what's the matter? Aren't you their rivals? "

The liquid humanoid voice immediately said, "these are decoys. We've been cheated!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "bait?"

The liquid humanoid voice said, "yes, these are decoys. Their spaceship has absolutely lethal weapons to us. They are deliberately attracting us to devour them!"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression to move a way, "intentionally? So they know you very well and they are your old enemies! "

The sound of liquid human form did not appear again for a long time, and I don't know whether it was dead or not.

Ye Feng said in his heart that if so, the liquid civilization might not be as good as the other party. I don't know if it's a good thing for the eisf civilization.

At this time, the voice of liquid human came again, "this civilization is a civilization we attacked before, they should have been chasing us for revenge!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what civilization are you attacking?"

Liquid human voice said, "before we met a civilization, they are the most advanced civilization we have met so far. Although they were defeated in that attack, we only won by a narrow margin, and it's also the only time we have escaped from the battle so far."

Ye Feng smell speech surprised way, "you will also be ready to flee?"? I thought that any opponent you met would be the same. Either he died or you died! "

The liquid human voice said, "we are not fools. We are warlike to survive, so survival is the ultimate meaning. We don't just know how to act recklessly!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "I see. It seems that I misunderstood you!"

The liquid humanoid voice immediately said, "are you going to watch it all the time?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "how? Want me to help? "

The liquid humanoid voice immediately said, "all the obstacles in your body that hinder your ability are through us. I'm sure you won't stand by?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I told you before that I'm here to watch the war. I really didn't plan to do it. For me, you and they are both foreign enemies of eisf. It's a good thing for eisf civilization. Why should I do it?"

The liquid humanoid immediately said, "don't you want to know your ultimate meaning? If you have a good memory, you should remember that I once told you that you are the same as our ancient gods. Don't you want to know what our ancient gods look like and what is the connection with you? "

When Ye Feng heard that, his mind suddenly moved. He really said that his ideological characteristics were very similar to the gods of their ancient civilization.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said, "so you want me to help you? In exchange, will you tell me what your ancient gods are? "

The liquid human groan immediately said, "yes, you can understand that!"

Ye Feng pondered for a long time. He didn't speak for a long time. He watched the third civilization spaceships flying out one by one, and some spaceships had begun to fight back against the liquid civilization spaceships.

Ye Feng said immediately, "deal!"

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