As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell, the human had disappeared, and in an instant he went from the liquid spaceship to the vacuum outside.

In fact, Ye Feng has long wanted to try his ability now. Since he came to eisf, his ability has always been there for a while.

Just now, Ye Feng thought that he should have no scruple to try out how much ability he still has, so that the liquid human form could feel that he was close to the ancient god of their civilization.

As soon as Ye Feng came out, he felt that the pressure inside and outside his body was different. If he was just an ordinary person, he was afraid that he would have completely exploded in situ.

But now Ye Feng saw that he had nothing to do. He tried to breathe. Although his breathing was smooth, there was no air for him to breathe in vacuum.

After testing his health, he immediately went to the bow of a metal spaceship and pushed his foot against the window of the spaceship.

With one foot down, it just cracked the transparent, glass like material of the window, but it didn't break.

Ye Feng immediately jumped up again, immediately dived down and stepped on his foot. Suddenly, the "glass" completely cracked. As soon as it opened, the air inside began to sweep out like a strong wind.

Ye Feng was standing near the window. He was almost blown away by the sudden strong wind. Fortunately, after he got out of the way, he jumped to the window on one side of the spaceship.

Ye Feng stood by the window, watching all kinds of things keep flying out of the spaceship. Until the air flow in the spaceship completely disappeared, Ye Feng did not stay, and immediately jumped up again.

He jumped directly to another spaceship and cracked the windows of their spaceship in the same way. With the same method, Ye Feng destroyed more than ten spaceships in a row in just ten minutes.

However, Ye Feng is curious that in these spaceships, except for all kinds of objects scattered from the spaceship, there is no living body.

Other spaceships seem to have found Ye Feng, and they all start shooting at Ye Feng one by one. Some missiles even fly towards Ye Feng. Ye Feng just jumps to avoid, as if these attacks have no effect on him.

Those spaceships seemed to see Ye Feng's skill, and immediately began to fly back, but disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

Ye Feng floating in the vacuum, looking at those embarrassed escape of the spacecraft, can't help but frown, so little ability, dare to cross the interstellar run so far to invade eisf?

However, when Ye Feng saw the damaged spaceships that were still in the vacuum, he couldn't help but jump into a spaceship and use all his strength to push its hull to the atmosphere of the planet.

Soon the spaceship was pushed into the atmosphere by Ye Feng, but after the spaceship entered the atmosphere, it began to have the gravitational effect of the planet. If the operation is not good, such a large spaceship will crash directly on the planet.

So Ye Feng originally pushed, but now he immediately carried the spaceship and turned around in the air, instead of carrying the spaceship, reducing its own gravity and gravity.

After arriving at the ground, Ye Feng put the hull of the spaceship flat on the ground, and at the same time flew into space. He loaded more than a dozen other spaceships one by one according to the operation he had just done.

In a short time, there were more than ten spaceships on the ground in the suburb of lonas castle.

And Ye Feng a flash, immediately returned to the liquid civilization spaceship, just stand good said, "has helped you solve! I've done what I promised you. Now it's time to do what you promised me! "

As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell, he heard a liquid humanoid voice in his ear and said, "let you know now. You'll be in it for a while. Don't make a fuss!"

As soon as the liquid human voice finished, Ye Feng suddenly felt that there was a dark spot in front of him. Then there was a bright spot in the dark, and the bright spot seemed to explode, getting brighter and brighter, until Ye Feng couldn't open his eyes.

Ye Feng first reached out to cover his eyes, and then slowly let go of his hand after feeling that the two weeks around gradually began to dissipate. At this time, he saw countless lights in the endless black. To be exact, those lights were more like sparks.

Ye Feng wants to reach out to touch, but now those are just virtual imaging, there is no, his hand can only pass through, in the heart thought that this should be the liquid humanoid want to see for themselves.

After a while, Ye Feng saw that the fiery red of the Martians in front of him gradually began to disperse, and the Martians gradually began to dim down, but occasionally there were still a few Martians who were still obstinately shining.

At first, Ye Feng didn't quite understand what the liquid humanoid wanted to show himself. Didn't he want to show himself their ancient gods? What do these things have to do with their ancient gods?

But the next second, Ye Feng realized that the stars in the sky were gradually approaching the bright Martians, forming clouds.Ye Feng knows that the light of the explosion just now should be the origin of the universe. Now these Martians are stars, while those that have been extinguished are planets.

When Ye Feng was wondering what the liquid humanoid was doing to show himself about the origin of the universe, the picture in front of him suddenly began to enlarge again, and those dusty stars were gradually enlarged.

Finally locked in a moment on the planet, the planet is bare, nothing, but with the change of time, the planet began to be surrounded by a layer of white fog, should be in the formation of the atmosphere.

The picture begins to advance again, bypassing the atmosphere and reaching the ground directly. The clouds and clouds begin to change, the sky begins to rain, the ground begins to accumulate rainwater, forming rivers and lakes, and finally countless rivers become the ocean.

The picture zooms in again and goes deep into the ocean, where it's dark and there's still nothing. But I don't know when a cell-shaped creature appears. It looks as if it's still transparent. I can see that there's nothing inside their bodies.

Gradually, the cell life began to evolve, and the body began to split, and then these countless cell bodies gradually began to evolve into single cell life, but these lives still have no internal organs.

Ye Feng could not help but say to liquid life, "I know all about the birth of the universe and the birth of life. I don't know how many times I've seen them. What's the meaning of these origins? Don't you want me to see your God? "

The liquid humanoid voice immediately said, "soon!"

The picture in front of Ye Feng is still in progress. When he spoke just now, he had missed several steps. Now there is a sea saving life on the picture.

Further down, just like those popular science videos Ye Feng saw on earth, life saving eventually evolved into marine life.

Marine life began to move toward the land again, and eventually evolved into terrestrial life. Finally, a team of ape men was refined. Ape men began to differentiate and gradually formed several groups.

One of them began to migrate, and then learned to hunt, learn to make fire, learn to speak English, and in the process of evolution, hair began to fall off, and gradually formed human beings.

Ye Feng said, "your planet is the same as ours? Have humans evolved? Your ancestors were also human beings? "

The liquid figure reminds Ye Feng, "keep looking down!"

Ye Feng had to patiently continue to look down, and soon in front of the picture, human beings began to continue to evolve and migrate, spread all over the world, gradually began to form tribes, and finally established a country.

After that, wars began to take place among human beings, weapons were sublimated one after another in the war, and life skills were gradually improved, such as building houses, farming, and raising animals in captivity.

Gradually began the farming society, and then toward the industrial society, and finally became a science and technology society, just like the earth now.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng could not help frowning, "earth? What's in this picture is the earth? What you show me is the evolution of civilization on earth? "

The liquid figure continued to remind Ye Feng, "it's not over yet. Keep looking down!"

Ye Feng had to continue to look down. With the development of science and technology, human civilization is becoming more and more prosperous, but the resources of the planet are becoming more and more exhausted. Human beings begin to think about expanding beyond the planet.

Since then, human resources have been seriously depleted, not enough to support so many people. Wars between countries have become more and more frequent, and wars between races have begun to take place.

In the end, the power of science and technology is enough to destroy the planet. Just before the destruction of the planet, a spaceship was born, carrying the only remaining human beings on the planet, and began to move into the universe.

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