The spaceship has been drifting in the vast universe, and it is constantly suffering from all kinds of dangers, including meteor shower, solar radiation, and even black hole attraction.

In the end, the spaceship escaped to the sky, and finally found a habitable planet after it arrived at a place where it didn't know how far away from the original planet.

But when the spaceship landed, only a few hundred of the thousands of people who had escaped were left, and most of them died in the wandering space.

And the most important thing is that Ye Feng found that these people are obviously different from the people on that planet before. Their skin began to turn black and blue.

And I don't know if the gravity of this planet is smaller than that of the original planet. These people can walk like flying on the new planet.

After hundreds of people settled down, they started building houses, hunting local animals, and planting the seeds they had brought from the original planet.

As time goes by, these hundreds of people gradually take root on the new planet, reproduce and use the technology they brought from the original planet to form a tribe.

As tribes gradually formed a state, human's bad habits began to emerge, conflicts began to unfold, several forces formed, and then wars and migrations began to take place.

Finally, it began to eliminate people and form new people. The new planet gradually developed new technologies and weapons that could destroy the planet, and the planet was once again doomed to the fate of the previous planet.

Another group of people escaped before the death of the planet and continued to take human beings into the era of interstellar vagrancy.

Later, he found a new planet and continued to take root and multiply. However, the human race seems to have evolved again. After several reincarnations, he has completely lost the appearance of human beings, and has become the appearance that Ye Feng does not know at all.

After watching the reincarnation for more than ten times, Ye Feng finally found a brand new planet. However, the natural environment here is the worst of all the planets that he has seen human migration.

After they have taken root, propagated and evolved, human beings have completely changed from the original appearance into ugly demons, and from demonic form to non entity form.

In the end, the planet is still doomed to enter the era of interstellar aviation, and after the dangers in the universe, the pace of human evolution is still not stopped, and gradually formed the form of liquid human civilization.

Ye Feng saw here and found that these liquid humanoid spaceships had been plundering in the starry sky, but no longer rooted in any planets.

After the screen suddenly disappeared, the voice of liquid human body sounded in Ye Feng's ear, "now you know?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng nodded and said, "the reason why you find new planets no longer takes root, but destroys them is because you know that the bad nature of human beings will eventually develop into what you look like?"

However, the liquid human voice said, "it's not necessarily true that our destiny is still good. Some of us, like the one you just drove away, have a strong civilization, and the ontological planet has not been destroyed, but they still can't escape the doom that the ontological planet's resources are exhausted. So they have to expand their territory, and they can only expand beyond the starry sky, but eventually they will still come to us Let's go on our way! Maybe our existence itself is a mistake! So in our genes, it's eliminating and making up for this mistake! "

Ye Feng pondered for a while. If people on earth knew that their ultimate destiny was the same as liquid civilization, would they continue to develop desperately?

Ye Feng thought for a long time, and he had an answer in his heart, that is, it will continue to develop, because contemporary people will not think so far-reaching things, after all, this kind of doom will not happen in their generation at present.

Then Ye Feng said, "but don't you want to show me the things of your ancient gods? Why did you show me your origin? "

The voice of liquid human said, "just now, you can see that our ancestors have evolved in several interstellar voyages, and once had the same ability as you. Our ancient god is not a God, but a generation, or a race of a certain period!"

After listening to the speech, Ye Feng pondered again. After thinking for a long time, he said, "maybe your elimination is correct. There should be no life in the universe. The existence of life must have the existence of bad root!"

The liquid humanoid voice said, "so you can understand what we're doing to Esther?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "understand, because if you don't eliminate them, they will become you in the future!"

The liquid humanoid voice said, "well, you won't stop our next clearing, will you?"

Ye Feng pondered again for a long time.

The liquid humanoid voice asked again, "so what are we going to do next, will you stop us?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "is there not a life chain in the whole universe, not towards you?"

The voice of liquid humanoid said, "we have practiced and retreated countless civilizations, without exception. There are all kinds of strange things in the process, but the final outcome is us!"Ye Feng pondered again, "so your existence is the ultimate mirror of all life?"

The liquid humanoid voice said, "that's right! I just want to know if you will stop our next clearance! "

But Ye Feng said to the liquid figure, "why do you always worry that I will stop you? With your ability, do you still need to worry about me to stop you? "

But the liquid human voice said, "because your ability has been released, we are not your opponents at all, or are you going to clear us?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said, "I don't want to clear anyone..." Speaking of Emei and other liquid human figures, he immediately said, "but I don't want to be cleared by anyone. I think the people on eisf are the same, and they don't want to be cleared by you!"

The liquid humanoid voice said, "so, are you trying to stop us?"

But Ye Feng asked, "what if I stop it? What if you don't stop it? "

The liquid humanoid voice immediately said, "if you want to stop it, you have to clear us! Or we'll have to get rid of Esther! "

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the liquid figure saying so. After thinking for a long time, he said, "how can I listen to your tone? You want me to stop you, and it's better to clear you!"

But the liquid human voice said, "if you come to this step and become us, you will also think that if you are cleared one day, maybe it's such a thing!"

Ye Feng frowned, "is death in your eyes?"

The liquid human voice said, "the most valuable thing in life is to live, but if you live all the time, it will be a burden, a sin!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "since you live enough, with your ability, suicide on the line!"

The liquid human voice continued, "we don't have suicide in our genes!"

After pondering for a long time, Ye Feng said, "so, you want me to help you!"

The voice of liquid human didn't ring this time, and I don't know if it was refusing to answer Ye Feng's question.

After a long time, the voice of liquid humanoid sounded again, "so, will you stop it?"

Ye Feng seems to understand that liquid humanoid he will not lie, he clearly wants to help them, but their genes do not allow them to say so, so he has been urging himself to stop them.

Even Ye Feng suspected that the reason why the liquid humanoid solved all the restrictions in his body was to let himself stop them.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath. He didn't speak for a long time. Finally, he sighed, "I will stop you!"

Among the liquid human voice, Ye Feng felt the tone for the first time, "well, you organize us now!"

This tone is full of the feeling of liberation. Maybe they are in the vast universe, while they have been carrying out the task of clearing, they are also looking for the race that can clear them, and now they have finally found themselves.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, "how can I stop you?"

The liquid humanoid voice said, "use all your methods and abilities! We will attack eisf again in ten minutes. If you want to stop us, there will only be ten minutes! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move way, "ten minutes?"? Now that I've stopped you, what's the matter with Elsie

The liquid humanoid voice said, "that's between you and them. It has nothing to do with me!"

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