Ye Feng understands the meaning of liquid humanoid. Now he says that he will attack eisf in ten minutes. That is to say, he is forcing himself to make a move within ten minutes. If he doesn't make a move within ten minutes, they will make a move.

In fact, there is another worry in his heart. As long as they don't do anything to eisf, there will be no way for the third civilization to take him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng could not help but sigh, "why bother? Do you want to die when you force me to do so? "

In the end, no matter out of selfishness, or out of any other emotional factors, Ye Feng does not want to move so quickly.

Selfishness, on the one hand, is because ye Feng wants to use them to deal with the third civilization, and on the other hand, he has a little emotion with this liquid human form.

After all, although the goods almost had an inhuman and devastating impact on eisf, he almost hurt himself, and even helped himself to get through the "Ren Du two channels" and awaken all the abilities in his body.

But Ye Feng also saw that the liquid civilization has almost become a muscle after hundreds of millions of years of evolution. It is the simplest and most direct problem to think about. In their words, it has been branded in their genes and can't be changed.

The voice of liquid humanoid sounded again, but he did not answer Ye Feng's question. Instead, he reminded Ye Feng, "there are still seven minutes left!"

At this time, Ye Feng took a look around. The liquid spaceships that had been integrated had begun to separate. Obviously, he wanted to continue to disperse outside the atmosphere of the planet as before, and then hit the planet with light beams.

Seeing this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "how can I clean you up?"

The liquid humanoid voice said, "you must have your way! I always believe that! "

Ye Feng can't help but scold a rude word, these goods are liquid form, want to kill completely, there is no way.

However, Ye Feng knew that since he said so, he must know that he had such ability. After thinking hard, he closed his eyes.

After Ye Feng closed his eyes, he couldn't even feel that he was breathing. In fact, he didn't need to breathe in the vacuum of outer space.

But at this time, he suddenly felt that outside his skin, it seemed that countless pores were opening, as if his senses were in the invisible promotion.

At this time, he suddenly felt that one of these split liquid spaceships is the main body of these liquid civilizations. As long as that spaceship is destroyed, the remaining spaceships can be completely destroyed.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly thought of those spaceships of the third civilization. When they came, it seemed that liquid civilization had no way for them.

Ye Feng immediately opened his eyes and immediately went to the ground. He found the cockpit of a spaceship and sat in it. He took a close look at the structure in the cockpit. In his mind, there were countless figures and various text annotations.

Just for a moment, Ye Feng felt that he had cracked the airship's posture technology. He tried to start the engine, but he didn't want to start the airship.

Ye Feng immediately flew the spaceship toward the sky, and soon broke through the atmosphere and rushed out of outer space. Although the "glass" of these spaceships was broken by himself, it did not affect Ye Feng's driving.

At this time, Qiao Hui, who was marching towards longarsene castle, could not help looking back when he saw a spaceship flying towards the sky behind them.

Qiao Huiying can't help but wonder, "what's that? Is it Ye Feng? "

Brecos said, "I've seen a dozen of those things flying down from the sky before!"

Hanks asked, "why didn't you say that before?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not afraid that if I say it, it will cause you unnecessary worry?"

Hanks immediately added, "you're not afraid of our worries now?"

Joanna immediately said to them, "stop quarreling, Ye Feng must be trying to save us! I know he'll find a way

Ah Nan didn't say a word all the time. She nodded and said, "yes, he will save us!"

At this time, Wu feng'an said to the people, "look, what's over there?"

All people smell speech is a, with five feng an walked in the past, toward the direction he pointed to see, but see there are a group of people are rushing towards this side, heart can't help a Lin!

Seeing this, Qiao Huiying immediately called out to all the people, "everyone is ready for war!"

All of them immediately picked up their weapons, squatted down and aimed at the other side. Although their weapons were still old traditional machine guns, they could not take care of them at this time.

After staring there for a long time, she immediately waved to the crowd and said, "don't shoot, don't shoot!"

Qiao Huiying can't help but look at a Nan and say, "why? What if they were houdion's? "But a Nan said, "Hu dingweng, they should be in longarsene castle, but they came from another direction, and I know the leader, who is the shadow of the moon without sleeves!"

Wu feng'an was stunned and immediately stared at the other side for a while. Then she nodded, "it seems that it's really her! Where did she come from and bring so many people? "

Joanna stares at the other side for a while, nods and says, "it's the moon shadow without sleeves. I know her, too!"

When Qiao Huiying heard them say this, she motioned the people to lay down their arms and said to her daughter, "go and ask her what's the matter, how there are so many people, and where she brought so many people. Isn't the planet of love already under attack?"

A Nan smell speech immediately find a car, immediately get on the car to drive toward that side, Wu Feng an see also jumped on the car with the way, "I also go to see!"

Qiao Huiying stares at the far away car, and then looks up at the sky, only to see that the spaceship has disappeared.

At this time, Ye Feng docked the spaceship at the side of the liquid spaceship, staring at the liquid spaceship that was gradually dispersing in front of him, and began to feel which one was the main brain spaceship.

After a long time of induction, he finally sensed that one of them was a little special. He immediately drove the spaceship close to it, but saw that the other spaceships were moving towards the periphery. Only this one was still in place.

If the liquid spaceship is a whole, controlled by a central system, it should be this one. It is controlling other spaceships to separate their bodies and go to the designated place, but it does not move.

Although Ye Feng is not 100% sure that it is this one, the sixth sense tells him that it is this one.

Ye Feng immediately yelled to the other side, "I'm going to start attacking!"

Don't want to Ye Feng's voice just fall, his ear rang out liquid human voice way, "you see to do, still have three minutes!"

Ye Feng listened to the voice of the liquid figure as if he were talking in his ear, but he felt that his voice was in the whole sky.

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move. If the ultimate end of mankind is what they look like, it's really powerful, but they are also really lonely.

If they don't destroy them themselves, the planet will probably disappear in three minutes, and they will still look for the next target, which may be the earth.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and immediately looked at the operating platform of his spaceship. He soon found the screen of attack operation.

Ye Feng quickly operated on the screen, and at this time his ear immediately thought of the liquid human voice, "there is still a minute!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart next move, immediately loud way, "don't urge, I'm doing!"

Then he immediately operated again, and immediately countless missiles in front of the spaceship were flying towards the liquid spaceship in front of him.

And the liquid spaceship is still motionless. It's obvious that it's trying to kill itself.

The missiles began to explode just before they hit the liquid spaceship, and countless lasers burst from the missiles.

Ye Feng began to wonder, this is the spaceship of space technology, how can there be such a traditional missile? I didn't expect that there were "dead light" weapons hidden in the missile.

The explosion of a missile has covered the sky. After the explosion of countless other missiles, the whole starry sky seems to be shaking for it.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly is also a Lin, if this missile is fired at eisf, does eisf still exist?

And at this time, Ye Feng's ear thought of the voice of liquid human form again, "thank you, free!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Feng saw that the liquid spacecraft in front of him had been blown up, while the other liquid aircraft were like water bubbles, one by one, bursting apart in space.

People on the ground can also hear the tearing sound of explosion in space at this time. Everyone looks up at the sky, but the sky is as bright as fireworks.

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