Even ah Nan and Wu feng'an, who were driving to meet the shadow of the moon, stopped and began to look at the sky. At this time, the whole sky was like fireworks.

A Nan couldn't help exclaiming, "if the world is like this firework, how beautiful should it be?"

Wu Feng an can't help but say, "fireworks are beautiful, but they are short. Sooner or later, they will be annihilated!"

A Nan immediately started the car and said, "maybe human civilization is like this?" Then he continued to drive forward.

Soon the car stopped on a high slope, and the moon shadow on the other side was moving towards this side with tens of thousands of troops.

In fact, they have long been aware of the abnormality of the sky. Originally, they passed by a city adjacent to longarsenic castle and planned to have a rest nearby.

Don't want them just close, the black thing in the sky will send out a huge beam, directly destroy the city in front of them.

At this time, the black objects in the sky exploded one by one, which made them stop to see.

At this time, Wu feng'an stood up in the car, waved to the direction of the moon shadow, and said in a loud voice, "the moon shadow has no sleeves..."

Moon shadow no sleeve heard wufeng'an calling herself, and immediately followed the sound. She saw wufeng'an standing in a car not far away, waving to her side. She also waved immediately, and then everyone continued to follow.

A Nan immediately started the car again and drove it all the way to the front of them.

The shadow of the moon came quickly to the car and said with a smile, "how are you? What about Ye Feng? "

A Nan and Wu feng'an don't know how to explain where Ye Feng is now, but a Nan soon sees an acquaintance who is standing not far away. It's gulina.

Gulina saw that a-nan looked to her side and immediately nodded to her, but she didn't say anything.

Then she asked Yueying, "did you bring them to Huke Bay?"

Yueying shrugged her shoulders and said, "you could have come here by air craft, but the air craft was about to arrive at longarsene castle. Suddenly, all of them got out of control. Fortunately, they didn't fly very high and landed by force. However, more than a dozen of them crashed, with countless casualties!"

A Nan can't help but say, "maybe it has something to do with those things in the sky!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech to immediately again look up an eye empty after, this just say, "those are what thing?"? Just now I saw that they sent out a beam of light, and a city was destroyed! "

Before ah Nan spoke, Wu feng'an immediately said, "those are alien civilization spaceships. They are attacking eisf!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve facial expression to move a way, "alien civilization?" Then he asked, "why did it stop all of a sudden? Still setting off fireworks in the sky? "

Wu Feng an shrugs a way, "that I don't know, leaf Feng says he goes to solve, or is he already solved?"? Who knows, "

a Nan immediately said," don't talk here. Go and meet the president. Ye Feng asked us to go to longarsene castle first and talk slowly when we get there! "

A crowd immediately began to move forward, and soon joined Qiao Huiying's men and horsemen.

After a brief introduction, all the people walked in the direction of the ruins of longarsenic fort.

At this time, a Nan walked on gulina's side and asked, "Why are you here? Ye Feng didn't let you stay at Huke Bay? "

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "Huck Bay doesn't exist any more. What are you staying behind?"

Hearing this, she frowned and said, "what? Isn't Huck bay here? "

Yueying wusleeve said, "not long after we left, Huke Bay was attacked. Like all cities, it was directly dissipated by the light of that day. It's also good that gulina came out with us, otherwise she would not escape!"

A Nan can't help nodding when she hears the speech. Then she thinks it's not right. It's gulina who left first, and then Huke Bay was attacked. It shows that gulina was going to come.

However, she didn't ask much. A Nan knows the relationship between gulina and Ye Feng. As a woman, she can fully understand gulina's idea.

Soon Qiao Huiying took people to a building that had completely collapsed and began to say in a loud voice, "let's move these things. There is an entrance to the underground passage below!"

People immediately began to be busy, one by one began to move the bricks and debris on the ground.

The moon shadow has no sleeve but asks a Nan in surprise, "why do you want to enter the underground passage?"

Ah Nan said immediately, "because we may It's not possible. It's because we are definitely not rivals of alien civilization. You've seen it, haven't you? We must protect ourselves before the next attack

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech, this just suddenly nodded, then looked around again, stood in situ to look at the sky way, "when will Ye Feng come back?"

A Nan Wen Yan also looked up at the sky, where the fireworks are still in full bloom, but the grand occasion is getting smaller and smaller, she said faintly, "maybe it's the end of the fireworks!"At this time, Ye Feng is still in the cockpit of the spaceship, watching these black liquid spaceships disappear from his eyes one by one.

Moreover, he could no longer hear the sound of liquid human form in his ears, and he could not help sighing. According to the common sense, a civilization with great power like liquid civilization has come to this stage, and I don't know how many low-level civilizations are envious of it.

But how did those low-level civilizations ever think that when they reached the stage of liquid civilization, the only thing they thought about was death.

This may be the same as a normal person who tends to envy those immortal lives, but once he really realizes immortality, he thinks about how to die.

Ye Feng didn't look at anything more. He closed his eyes slightly and said goodbye to the liquid man in his heart. Maybe the development of human beings is inevitable.

But as long as you don't get to that point, Ye Feng knows that there is still hope, but people's greed, desire and bloodlust can't be changed, which is the same as liquid people say, which has been branded in the gene.

Maybe all civilizations are repeating the old way of liquid civilization, but this is not just a repetition, but an experiment again and again. All civilizations have the right to yearn for beauty, instead of thinking of destruction after everything they get.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng immediately flew the spaceship toward the ground, quickly entered the atmosphere, and quickly flew over longarsenic fort.

People on the ground are carrying bricks and stones on the ground. Suddenly, they hear a stream of air coming down from the sky. All of a sudden, sand and rocks are flying around. Many people can't open their eyes.

Some people even stood on the ruins and almost fell. Fortunately, a companion grabbed his hand.

All of them could not help but stop what they were doing and looked up to see a huge spaceship stopping over them.

Some people even knelt on the ground to pray, which may be sent by alien civilization to civilize them. In the face of such a huge thing, they have no strength to resist.

However, the spaceship only stayed over their heads for less than half a minute, then it flew to the suburbs and landed.

Everyone can't help but wonder, Qiao Huiying is also a frown, in the heart quite some don't understand, what is the other party's intention.

But soon in front of him appeared a person, do not know where he came from, but it is so suddenly appeared in front of him, and this person is Ye Feng.

A look is Ye Feng, Qiao Huiying immediately understand, "just now the spaceship is you in the posture?"

Ye Feng nodded with a smile. At this time, someone on one side called his name. When he looked at it, he saw that gulina was running towards him.

To the leaf maple in front of, directly jumped to the leaf maple body, tightly hugged the leaf maple.

Qiao Huiying looks at her daughter Joanna, but she can't help sighing. How many women are there, Ye Feng?

He also wanted to comfort Joanna, but he didn't want Joanna to take the initiative to stand on the side of Ye Feng and gulina.

After waiting for Ye Feng to put gulina down, he just asked gulina, "how did you come?"

Before gulina could answer, she saw Joanna standing on one side. She knew her, and immediately nodded, "Princess! Are you here, too? "

Ye Feng looks at Joanna and shrugs, but he hasn't spoken yet. Joanna immediately kisses Ye Feng, which makes Ye Feng and gulina embarrassed.

Joanna acted like a little girl announcing to others that the toy was her own.

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