But gulina didn't have the same view as Joanna. She just shrugged at Joanna, and then stretched out her hand. "Hello, long time no see!"

Joanna didn't show any weakness. She immediately extended her hand to gulina and said, "yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why don't you stay in Huck Bay and come to longarsene castle?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to see a shape, immediately toward a Nan way, "don't you go to persuade?"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "it has nothing to do with me!" On the contrary, he went to help others start to move the stones on the ground.

The moon shadow has no sleeve to see the appearance after one eye, also slightly a sigh, also followed a nan to help in the past.

Gulina let go of Joanna's hand and said, "now what's Huck Bay, lonas castle? There is no longas Fort now. "

Just as Joanna was about to speak, Ye Feng immediately turned away from the topic and said, "what are you digging here?"

Joanna recovered and immediately said, "Oh, my father said that there is an underground passage below which is blocked by the collapsed building. Now we need to clean up and find the entrance!"

Ye Feng just nodded, Qiao Huiying also came over at this time, asked Ye Feng, "why did those things in the sky explode?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "how could he explode himself? I killed them all!"

Qiao Huiying's face can't help but move when he hears the words. He looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way. After a while, he says, "eliminated?"

Joanna smell speech then immediately toward leaf Feng say, "that so say of words, we don't need to enter underground passage!"

Qiao Huiying immediately nodded and said, "yes, you can tell them to stop!"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "can't stop, continue to move!"

Qiao Huiying and Joanna asked Ye Feng, "why? Don't you say that you have wiped out all the alien spaceships? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, "what I destroyed was just the scavenger of the universe, not the civilization that attacked eisf last time!"

Qiao Huiying can't help but wonder, "scavenger?"

Ye Feng nodded, and then simply said what happened just now. Then he continued to say, "I attacked the civilization of eisf before, and was blocked by the scavenger for the time being, but now the scavenger is gone, they will be more unscrupulous!"

Joanna can't help but wonder, "since the scavenger can keep those aliens out, why do you want to destroy them? You should keep them to help us stop them!"

But Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "when you are a scavenger, you help you block the attack of those alien civilizations. Is he with us? They just want to eliminate all civilizations. There is no difference between eliminating us and the civilization that attacked us. Moreover, the civilization has been blocked by them. What do you think they will do next? "

Joanna smell speech heart next one Lin, vomited tongue way, "continue to clear us?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, the reason why they helped us block it once was because those civilizations just appeared in their vision. Their task of eliminating the civilization of eisf has not been completed. Of course, the next task is to continue to eliminate the civilization of eisf."

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Joanna did not speak again, Qiao Huiying said, "you just said they are scavengers, why do they want to become scavengers? We don't have a new feud with them, do we? "

Ye Feng can't help sighing, "I can't say it clearly for a moment and a half. I can only tell you that they are actually us!"

Qiao Huiying hears speech to look at Ye Feng in consternation way, "they are us? I've seen what they look like. When they were swallowing, they saw everything. How could we be them? "

Joanna also immediately said, "yes, I saw those monsters devouring you. I was stunned at that time!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "what I said is not complete. To be complete, we are their past, and they may be our future?"

Qiao Huiying is still puzzled. Originally, Ye Feng didn't plan to explain anything to Qiao Huiying, but now everyone is moving things, and the third civilization spaceship hasn't arrived yet.

Ye Feng thought that it would be better to tell Qiao Huiying these things. After all, he is the president of eisf. Maybe after telling him these things, the civilization trend of eisf will be different.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to Qiao Huiying, "their civilization started from a single cell, just like ours. After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, they formed the appearance of human beings. Finally, because of their own bad habits, they evolved and slaughtered for hundreds of millions of years, killing each other and pushing each other out. After the development of high technology, they still did so, and the final result was the same It's the destruction of the planet, the start of interstellar wandering! "

Joanna can't help but wonder, "do you mean we'll do the same in the future?"

Ye Feng didn't answer, but continued, "after wandering, we will meet a new planet suitable for survival, but people who settle down don't remember why they go from one planet to another, and they are relatively stable and United at the beginning. But once they are thoroughly rooted, the war of resource plunder on the planet will continue to be staged, repeated and endless Human beings who have never remembered the lessons learned from the past will continue to destroy the planet on which they live and start a new interstellar wanderingQiao Huiying and Joanna are shocked by this. At this time, ah Nan, Yueying Wuxiu and gulina are all around Ye Feng, listening to him continue to talk.

And Joanna immediately asked, "why did they become like that? It's totally different from us, isn't it? I don't even see any human characteristics in them. "

Ye Feng continued, "in the process of interstellar wandering, they have to go through countless dangers, such as meteor shower, solar radiation, black hole attraction, and countless unexpected dangers. If human beings want to survive, they can only self evolve, evolve generation after generation, colonize new planets again and again, destroy them, and enter the era of interstellar wandering again In the process of countless historical repeats, human life forms become more and more diversified, and the length of life has also broken through the limit, but human thinking has also changed completely. When human beings will die, they pursue immortality, but when they can really do it, they pursue liberation from the boring life. They believe that all civilizations are born They are all wrong. They are wrong from the source, so they have become scavengers, and the rising civilization of eisf is the object they want to eliminate! "

All people listen to Ye Feng said here, the heart can not help but is a burst of shock, Zheng Zheng looking at Ye Feng.

At this time, the shadow of the Moon said, "they have evolved countless times. Can you destroy them?"

Ye Feng sighed, "if they don't want to be destroyed by me, even if they are hundreds of millions of me, they may not be able to do it, but they are tired of the days of scavengers. They are doing mechanical repetitive work all the time, but their life is still endless. If they are destroyed, there will be a next goal, and they will go on endlessly, though maybe It may be immortality, but what is the meaning of living? They have been doing the work of cleaning up. In fact, what they are looking forward to is that when they are cleaning up civilization, they will meet a civilization that is more advanced than them. Maybe they will integrate into it, maybe they want the other party to clean them up as well! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, everyone fell into a moment of silence, and everyone didn't speak.

And Ye Feng looked at Qiao Huiying and said with profound meaning, "isn't it the old way that the current ace is walking? We have a bright future. How should we go in the future

Qiao Huiying looks at Ye Feng for a long time, and then nods. He understands what Ye Feng means. Liquid civilization is an example of their survival. If the eisf civilization does not develop well, then liquid civilization is their future.

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