At this time, someone yelled at one side to find the entrance. Qiao Huiying immediately walked over and had a look. She saw that there was a passage under the ruins, but it was still pressed by the stone. She immediately asked people to move the stone away.

Soon the stone was removed, and the entrance of the passage below was completely exposed. Immediately someone found a pair of pliers and broke the lock on the iron railing of the entrance. After lifting the iron railing, someone took the lead to explore the way.

After a while, the man came back to report, "the channel below is unobstructed, the setting is perfect, no problem!"

When they heard this, they all couldn't help smiling. They didn't know that the alien civilization would come again. They just felt that there was almost no intact building on the ground now. Although there was a basement behind it, it was also a place to settle down for the time being.

Under the guidance of Qiao Huiying, a group of people get out of the tunnel one after another and begin to enter the underground facilities. After Ye Feng goes in, he sees that it is bigger than the one he saw before, and there are countless single rooms in the lobby.

Although the space of these single rooms is not big, almost a single bed, it is much stronger than the basement Ye Feng saw before. At least everyone doesn't have to make a floor here.

In addition to the rest area, there is also a leisure area. There is a huge swimming pool with wine cellars and other entertainment facilities. It's just that the swimming pool is dry. Some people try to release water and find that they can't release a drop of water at all. It must be an attack on land that has damaged the water pipes.

After Ye Feng made a circle, Qiao Huiying took him to continue to walk through the tunnel. After passing several other basements, in the last basement, he obviously felt that it was different from before. There were 30 single rooms up and down here, which were much more spacious than those outside which could only put a single bed.

Qiao Huiying said to Ye Feng, "let's live here."

Ye Feng didn't say a word, but he thought, it seems that the predecessors of eisf are ready to live here for several years? Everything you can think of?

At this time, gasevara came to ask Ye Feng and Qiao Huiying, "is there a special research site here? I need a separate site!"

Qiao Huiying immediately said yes, and then he took gasevara to another basement. All the research equipment in that basement was complete, as if it had been prepared for people like gasevara.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of something, and immediately called gasevara and said, "there are several alien spaceships in the suburbs outside. Would you like to study with me?"

As soon as gasevara heard this, he was very excited. He immediately put down everything in his hand and wanted to go with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng and gasevara go out. On the way, they meet Joanna and a-nan. When they see Ye Feng going out, they all quarrel with each other.

Ye Feng had no choice but to agree, but he also said, "when I get there, I'll listen to me. I'll go immediately, and I'm not allowed to act alone, let alone run around!"

A few women originally also want to follow to see lively, what is Ye Feng to say naturally, they all agree to come down.

A group of people out of the underpass, to the ground, looking for two cars, this is toward the outskirts of long arsenic fort.

Before the car left longarsene castle, people saw a huge metal object on the ground in the distance. It looked like a technological ring, shining in the sun.

Ah Nan and Ye Feng came from the alien civilization together. She knew nothing more about this. As soon as she saw it, she said to Ye Feng, "spaceship?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, while others are excited. Although the civilization of eisf is more developed than that of the earth, they haven't seen the spaceship of alien civilization.

Now there is a huge spaceship in front of them. How can they not be excited and curious?

But the most exciting is gasevara, who is engaged in scientific research. For him, the huge spaceship in front of him is a treasure of price, and is staring at him to develop it slowly.

The car soon stopped on one side of the spaceship. When I looked at it from a distance, I could feel that it was a big Mac. When I drove to one side, I found that the Big Mac was not enough to describe.

The car they came to is next to the spaceship, which is the difference between ants and elephants.

Gasevara can't wait to jump out of the car, go to touch the outer wall of the spaceship, like a thick metal wall.

After several other women came down, they were all staring at the spaceship, but they didn't get close.

Ye Feng went to the side of gasevara and said, "what's the point outside? Go in and have a look? "

Gasevara's tears were coming down. "Can you go in? Of course that would be the best

Ye Feng immediately grabbed him. Before gasevara could react, Joanna, they saw that Ye Feng and gasevara had disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Ye Feng and gasevara have already arrived in the cockpit of the spaceship. Gasevara is shocked beyond comparison. First, Ye Feng can take him to move in an instant. Second, this advanced inner cabin of the spaceship.Ye Feng saw that gasevara couldn't put it down. After lighting a cigarette, he said, "take your time, there are still more than a dozen such spaceships!"

As Ye Feng said, there are more than ten such ships in the distance.

Seeing this, gasevara asked Ye Feng excitedly, "are these spaceships ours?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right. Since it stops here, it's ours!"

Gasevara was surprised and said, "so, you used this ship to destroy the scavenger before?"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said, "there is a problem that you need to solve, that is, the windshields of these spaceships are broken. If you want them to drive into space, it will take you to repair them well! Otherwise, this thing can only be played on the planet of love! "

Gasevara immediately went to the front and looked at the "glass" materials crushed by Ye Feng. He said, "these are not glass. They should be a special material. They can even resist the impact of meteors!"

Ye Feng can't help but be shocked when he hears that these "glass" can resist the impact of meteors, but can be broken by his own feet. Is his foot so strong now?

But Ye Feng didn't tell gasevara that it was broken by himself. On the one hand, he had to explain for a long time. On the other hand, maybe this guy could blame himself for destroying his treasure.

That's right. Now gasevara's eyes on this spaceship are like seeing her own baby. She likes it and can't put it down.

At this time, Ye Feng couldn't help asking gasevara, "can you make this material?"

Gasevara immediately shook his head and said, "this kind of sophisticated thing, we don't have such technology in the eisf civilization!"

Leaf maple heart immediately a sigh, early know at that time oneself at the foot of mercy.

However, gasevara picked up a piece of broken "glass" on the ground and looked at it for a long time. Then he said to Yefeng, "it's impossible to make it, but we eisf have the element copying technology. As long as we can find the source material, we can copy it infinitely!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly looked at gasevara and said, "can this' glass' be copied?"

Gasevara immediately nodded and said, "there is no problem with the principle, but I can't guarantee 100%. I have to take it back to study it. Another problem is that the federal Academy of Sciences no longer exists, so the equipment is also a problem. I don't know if the president has prepared it. Anyway, I just went to the experimental site and just had a rough look, I don't care if there is any! "

Although Ye Feng knew the result in his heart, he asked tentatively, "what if there is no such machine?"

Gasevara shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't help you!"

At this point, gasevara immediately added, "but you don't have to worry. I think since the president and they have prepared so many things in the basement, even the research laboratory has thought of it, then such an important copying machine should also be prepared. After all, this kind of copying technology can copy all elements!"

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